Sequel: Our Next Move
Status: completed :D

We Were Both Young When I First Saw You

Everything I Do, I Do It For You

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Since I came back from North Carolina, a lot has happened with the wedding plans and with Matt's album. First, wedding plans. We have chosen a Groom’s Cake, which will be chocolate cake with chocolate covered strawberries!

We have also chosen our wedding cake; will have red velvet at the bottom tier, white cake with strawberries in the 2nd tier and chocolate cake as the last 2 tiers. We have also found a topper for the wedding cake; Matt thought it was just too funny to pass up. We have also decided on our first dance, but we don't want anyone to know what that is until the wedding.

Matt says he has a special surprise for me too at the reception, but there (of course) are no hints! Anyway, we have also thought about a house in Huntington Beach, we have looked at a few but none are interesting us yet, we have 2 more houses to look at when we get back from New York, maybe one will be "the one".

Now, Matt and "the boys" as I like to call them, have been working hard on this new album. I have heard some of the songs and I love it, even if I weren't going to marry the lead singer or if I hadn't become best friends with the entire band (fine, I admit it, I am still working on being best friends with Johnny but hey, we are working on it), I would still love it. I am so happy for them; their fans are going to love it.

They have a few titles for the album and my favourite one is "City of Evil". They hope to finish the album by February so we can relax in time for Valentine's Day. I know that seems like a long time but when you consider that Matt and I are getting married and there are all the little details to go over, that's actually pretty good. Today is a very special day.

Today, not only is Matt going to church with me (because he wanted to) but he is also going with my parents and I to New York City, where we will be staying with my Gigi and Poppy. Of course we will have to stay in separate bedrooms but that is not a problem.

Also, we will be seeing one Broadway show, although Gigi and Poppy gave me tickets to see three, with my schedule right now, it's not possible, maybe later. The thing I am most excited about during this trip is my bridal appointment with Kleinfeld's on Friday .Okay, I think you are all caught up on my life now, on to the present!

"Good Morning Starshine, the Earth says 'Hello,"

Mama said to me via the intercom system.

It is about 8:30 A.M. on a Sunday which can only mean one thing, church. I am very excited about going to church then again, when am I not? However, this time is different.

Matt is coming with us today and once we are done at church, we have to rush home, get dressed into comfortable clothes and then drive to LAX. We are going to New York City today but with all the connections and the time zone issue, we won't be arriving in NYC until around 10:00 A.M. tomorrow.

So, I get up out of bed, take my shower and get dressed. Thankfully, we all put our suitcases in the main hallway last night so that we wouldn't have to rush and bring them downstairs. We also already brought our change of clothes downstairs in a bathroom so as soon as we got home from church we could go to the bathroom and change clothes.

I finished getting ready and walked downstairs and saw everyone waiting on me. Matt was the only one who was dressed casually, but I figured he would, since we don't have time to go back to Huntington Beach. His suitcase was with Mama's, Daddy's and mine. Matt took one look at me and told me,

"You are so beautiful to me" awe, the song from "The Little Rascals"

We held hands, laced our fingers together and walked towards the garage with my parents right behind us. Sunday School was interesting, thankfully no one except Courtney, Heather and Alexa, but they are allowed to ask that asked about my wedding. I promised Court, Heather and Alex that I would send a picture on my phone of my wedding dress if I found "the one" and that when I came back I would show them the real camera picture.

Matt decided to join Daddy for Sunday school. thank you God, I think that would be really awkward becausesome almost all of the girls in my Sunday School class would be drooling over Matt and not paying attention to the lesson, which was about Jesus preparing the 12 Disciples for His death on the cross.

After Sunday School it was time for what I have always referred to as "big church" because when you are younger well, before you enter 1st grade you go to what is called "Wee Worship" and after that you "graduate" to "big church."

So, in "big church" we sang both Matt and I got complimented after singing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", one of my favourite hymns and then we heard the message, which today was, "18th Century: Faith & Freedom". After the sermon and the final hymn, benediction and final prayer we seemed to make a run for the car. I never knew how fast my tiny, short legs could power walk until today when my life depended on it.

We made it to the car in about 2 minutes, which, when you consider how huge Bel-Air Presbyterian is, is a miracle. We drove home, did not close the garage and then all but jumped out of the car, well, except for Matt; he took his dear sweet time. I quickly ran to "my" bathroom and changed clothes. When I walked out, I saw Matt had changed into a tank top and my parents were already in their clothes for the plane.

I saw that our bags were already gone, and I saw Patrick come out of the garage and said we were ready to go! We all said a quick prayer and then were on our way to LAX.

We got to LAX about 2 hours early but that is normal for us. We stopped to eat after going through security although I was scared about Mama's bag, she seems to over pack and when we go to New York, it gets worse because she will come back with even more stuff, even if the bag already weighs about 55 pounds, thankfully no one's bag was over 50 pounds.

We ate our lunch and then waited around till our flight left we played "pass the word", where you say a word then someone says a word that starts with the last letter of the word you just said, for example "jump" then someone says "pewter" and so on.. Our flight left LAX at exactly 4:00 P.M. PST and then we landed in Denver, CO at 7:18 P.M. Mountain Time.

From Denver we had to wait until 11:50 P.M. to go to Washington, so we ate our dinner and looked around the airport trying to waste time. Once we left Denver, we connected in Washington at 5:09 A.M. EST, thankfully we were in first class and got to sleep somewhat while on the plane.

When we landed in D.C. we called Gigi , she, unlike me, is a morning person and told her we would be in NYC around 9:40. Our flight out of Washington did not leave until 8:20, so we all quickly tried to find a Dunkin' Donuts or something with coffee so we could stay awake.

We left D.C. at 8:20 and arrived at JFK Airport at 9:45 and once we landed and were off the plane we saw both Gigi and Poppy and I quickly introduced Matt to them.

We got our luggage and were off to their Penthouse apartment. Once we got there, I grabbed Matt's hand and showed him around and the last thing I showed him was my room don't get any ideas, I just wanted him to see it.

Fast Forward to Friday, September 17, 2004, 1:30 P.M.

Well, today is the day! I am so happy; I think my smile might stick on my face forever. Today is the day I hope to find my wedding dress! Mama and Gigi both said to wear loose fitting clothes today so that I can slip in and out of it easily and to wear a strapless bra, just in-case. Daddy is coming too, but as tradition states, Matt cannot come, and he will just have to be surprised come December 18.

But, don't worry, Poppy will be with him, after all they need to continue to get to know each other since they will be family in about 3 months.

I got dressed and once I walked out I saw Mama, Daddy and Gigi all put away their black cards. see Author’s Note for more information

We got to Kleinfeld's right on time for my appointment. They asked me a few questions you know the usual questions you get when you are getting a dress, "When is the wedding?" "What's the groom's name?" "How long have you two known each other?" "What is your budget?" that sort of thing, and then they started to look for dresses. The first two dresses the brought out were pretty but just "weren't me", the next two dresses I did not like at all but the last one they brought out was absolutely beautiful in every way.

I tried it on and I swear I saw Mama and Gigi tear up and Daddy look at me the way he looks at me when he is proud of me. I looked in the mirror and screamed at the top of my lungs thank God Daddy made this a private appointment where it was just me in the store "This is the dress!" My bridal consultant said that they would tailor it right away and send it to my house in California ASAP.

We got back to the Penthouse and Iwalked ran up to Matt, jumped into his arms and he kissed me I still swear his kisses are like a drug because I feel my legs turn to jell-o whenever he kisses me and then said,

"so, successful day I imagine?"

"Yep, I found my dress."

"Any hints?"

"I will be pretty and you will love it."

"Baby, you would look beautiful in a trash bag, but your wedding dress will make you look even more beautiful." say it with me, awe!

Wow, it has really hit me, I am getting married in three months, three months and I will be Mrs. Matthew Charles Sanders! This is so amazing!
♠ ♠ ♠
AHH!! I cannot believe they are getting married in the next chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are just as excited as I am about the wedding. I also hope you enjoyed seeing what Ashlyn's parents look like.

(If you don't know what a black card is, it is a card that has absolutely no limit on it, the annual fee is $2500 and you have to spend a minimum of $250,000 in a 12 month period, but there are also wonderful perks, just look up Black Card on google or yahoo. I wish I had one but alas, I am a poor college student)

the wedding cake, Perfect Pedestal
Grooms Cake
a topper for the wedding cake,
my room in New York City
in relaxing clothing
going to Kleinfeld’s

Here is the wedding dress .