

Work was rough, to start off my manager, Ed, wouldn't stop bugging me, and random guy kept hitting on me, then some annoying preppy bitches came in and started laughing so loud I could have ripped their throats out right there and then. Wow, sometimes I can get so aggressive.

"So you need a ride home?", asked one of my work friends, Kris. "No I'm fine thanks, how are you getting home?", "I'm getting a taxi, should be here in about 15 minutes", "well, I'll wait with you, its the least I could do since you've given me rides home when my car breaks down". "Oh! Thanks doll." She said smiling. She always called her friends 'Doll' it was one of her many quirks. We sat in my car to keep warm, I turned on the radio and a traffic report cracked through the old speakers. It said the road I usually took was blocked off by a truck overturning. "Damn!", exclaimed Kris, "doesn't this add on like 20 minutes onto your journey?", "yeah but I'll be okay", After 10 minutes Kris' taxi showed up and we said our goodbyes, I headed off down the old road, this road was rarely used so there was no danger of strange hitchhikers or insane people.

I hated that road, it was so lonely, but rarely used so I was safe. I was just dreading my next meeting with Gerard. I pulled slowly into the drive and turned off the engine. I sat resting my arms on the steering wheel looking up at his bedroom window. Mikey was in there. He looked out and saw me, he waved smiling widely, I smiled and waved back. Obviously he didn't know about mine and Gerard's argument. I decided it would be best not to go round just yet.

The next morning I remembered I had promised mum that I would have a look at her car engine (since I was good at stuff like that). I stood looking at myself in my bedroom mirror, my long black hair was lifeless and boring and my eyes seemed tired and dull. To be honest I looked dead. I pulled on a white wife beater and some baggy jeans and headed out to the car. As I walked past I saw my lucky baseball hat and put it on my head, tucking my fringe and bangs under the visor. After half and hour I was busy looking at the many parts of the engine, to me the problem was obvious and was easy to fix but I took my time and fixed it the hard way just for fun.

I felt a gentle tugging at the back of my jeans and turned to see Mikey smiling innocently. "Hi", he said happily, his light brown hair covering the top of his eyes. I crouched down to his level and wiped my hands on a dirty rag I had pushed through one of my belt loops earlier. "Hey, Mikey", I said returning his smile. "I'm starting school today!", "Oh, yeah that's right. You excited?", he nodded smiling more, I laughed and turned toward his house to see Gerard locking their front door and walking up my driveway toward us. My smile faded and my heart began beating way too fast for my liking. "Violet.", said Mikey, sounding a bit uneasy and breaking my stare. "Yeah?", I asked looking back down at him. "My stomach hurts. I don't wanna go anymore", "don't worry, thats just nerves. I tell you what.", he looked up, interested now. "If you go to school I'll let you have my lucky hat", I said pulling the tattered green hat from my head, letting my hair fall down over my shoulders and placing the hat on his head. "Forever?", he asked in amazement. I laughed and nodded, "forever", he hugged me around my waist and ran toward Gerard. "Bye, Violet", he shouted. "Bye, Mikey", I said waving back.
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Right, I'm sorry if this sucks. It's half 3 in the morning and I have terrible insomnia right now.

I promise something good will happen in the next chapter. Just so there isn't any confusion Mikey is supposed to be like 10 in the story :D

Comments are appreciated =]