

Later on that day I was just sat in my front yard listening to my iPod when I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turned my music off and stood in front of Gerard's looming figure. "Yeah?", I asked in an uninterested tone. "I was just wondering if your done being mad at me?", "Well I just need some space okay?", "Space? I've given you enough space, I love you, Violet and I need you to know that!". "I do know that Gerard but I just really need some time to think okay? God, just stop being so selfish!", "Whatever.", he said, ending the conversation at an argument before heading back into his house. I needed to get out, go for a drive. I pulled my car keys from my back pocket and climbed into the drivers seat and pulling away. I didn't care where I was going.

I ended up driving our town a few times, stopping at certain places that reminded me of better times, and some I'd rather forget. I looked down at my watch to see I'd been out nearly 3 hours and Mum was probably worried sick. I pulled my hood over my head and turned slowly to my car, climbed quietly into the front seat and decided to the long way home, since I wanted to avoid him, but I think deep down all i wanted was for him to hold me and say he loved me again.

I drove around the corner, a bit faster than the speed limit. Hey! The road was empty, why not? I sped down the slippery road only to be stunned by the bright headlights of a crappy sports car, I knew it was coming as i could hear the drunken driver and his passengers howling along to some incoherent chant of a song, but what I didn't know was that he was driving on the wrong side of the road, the side i was driving on.I choked on the breath I was breathing as the piercing headlights shone in my eyes, the impact sent the back of my seat into the side of my head as I moved to block the blow, my vision blurred and my hearing sent everything to a distant hum. Everything went in slow motion, I screamed as the force of the opposing car grinding along the passenger side of my now wrecked truck, I felt something scrape along my side, cutting along my waist and ribcage, the shock numbed the pain and I felt a breeze pass along my whole body, I must have gone through the windshield because I saw what looked like the wreckage.

I flipped thought the air a few times before scraping along the hard concrete floor, I could feel the skin peeling from my bones. I hit my head hard on the ground. I eventually came to a stop lay on my back. I suddenly felt a relief come over me, all the pain was gone, the fear, the screeching that hurt my ears. Gone. All in one moment, everything was gone, the trees seemed to swirl above me as everything began to turn black, I smiled slightly, although thats what I thought I was doing. My last thought ran through my head. His face. His smile. His name on my lips. "Gerard".
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If it's boring please tell me, I really need to know so I can improve it :]

Comments are appreciated :D
