
After all of these years, paranormal beings have revealed their existence to humanity in the hope that they could be accepted into the world, and not have to shy away and hide anymore. Immediately assuming that the paranormals were a threat to the human race, the leading powers of the world began a mass project of paranormal annihilation, sending out hunting parties and governmental forces to take down anything with paranormal in the name.

Paranormals died by the hundreds, but many fought back. Riots broke out, some successfully managed to take over entire cities. On the brink of war, the world separated into two rival races, each convinced that the other must die for survival.

Prospect is the first city to be entirely 'cleansed' of paranormal activity, surrounded by enormous walls and steel gates, with heavily armed security guards at every exit and entrance. In complete lock-down, every human must carry ID and be prepared for retinal scans at the entrances to most buildings. Children in school are taught Paranormal Education, in which they are taught how paranormals have vowed to take down humanity, and how every existing paranormal was malicious and intent on murder. They are also taught how to recognise certain species and, most importantly, how to kill them.

Lanie and Scarlett are sibling residents in Prospect and, like every other inhabitant, are filled with a burning hatred for anything paranormal. However, when the defences of Prospect are broken by paranormals eager to prove their innocence, Lanie is bitten by a werewolf and slowly becomes the very thing she has learned to hate. Scarlett must take her out of the safety of the city and into the outside world, where paranormals riot and humans wage chaos. They embark on a journey which will teach them the hard lesson of the destructiveness of prejudice.
  1. Prologue
    The arrogant forces of Prospect, the Organisation, turn out to be their own worst enemy.
  2. When Graves Churn
    Lanie witnesses the downfall of Prospect's defences, and the paranormals come pouring through the gates.
  3. Chaos in her Wake
    Lanie escapes the hell-ridden graveyard and Scarlett patches up her injuries.
  4. Bathing in Denial
    The girls are forced to confront their fears when Lanie's retinal scan results in the dreaded red light.
  5. Miracles Come in Unlikely Places
    The sisters flee the city when they realise they are safer outside its protective walls.
  6. Tapetum Lucidum
    They have left the city, but the girls discover that Lanie has begun to transform into something inhuman.
  7. Leaving You Breathless
    Scarlett is attacked by an alp, Lanie shows superhuman powers and Lucas appears, offering to help.
  8. Life Without Walls
    Lucas takes them to a village, in which the villagers are forced to fend for themselves against passing paranormals.
  9. Scars
    Lanie has a new healing power, and the villagers learn that an emere is haunting the village and determine to kill it.
  10. Best of Both Worlds
    Lanie faces the emere, but the experience is not what she expected. She is left to wonder who the real villain is.
  11. The Midnight Munchies
    Lanie has finally transformed, and the full force of her ferocity is shown when Lucas and Scarlett must fight her for their lives.
  12. Party Tricks
    A surprise visit from the sisters' dead mother is the icing on this chaotic cake.
  13. Tell Me No Lies
    Lanie is kidnapped and forced into a one-on-one chat with a paranormal who cannot lie.