Vampires Don't Cry

The Beginning

Chapter One ;

Maybe I shouldn't have done it. Maybe I shouldn't have gone against father’s wishes, then maybe, I wouldn't have gotten myself into this mess.

He tightened his grip around my neck and I felt myself begin to choke for air. He had caught me off guard and grabbed me by the neck, pinning me to a nearby tree. My feet hung high above the ground. He grinned as he watched me choke. The sick bastard grinned.

I clawed at his cold hand trying to loosen his grip as much as I could, but failed poorly as his fingers stiffened around my thin neck, and I began to gasp for air.

"You mortals think you can do whatever you like, just because you think you're better than us?!" He growled, "You go around, killing our kind! Why? Because you don't like our blood!" He spat, dragging the word 'blood' and making it long and drawn out.

My Lungs burned for air and my eyes we beginning to roll back into my head. My head, was pounding from the lack of oxygen. My fingers hurt from trying scrape at him and my legs were beginning to tire from kicking.

"Stop it Klaus!" A voice came from behind me. The voice was deep and rich, definitely belonging to a male. "It's not her fault. And what good is she if not alive?"

"We don't need a single thing from this.. this.. piece of human scum," Klaus spat, "It's all her fault. She belongs to the royal family and Natasha is dead because of them! She's dead, Marcus."

"Let her go," Marcus said calmly, "She's not worth it, none of them are. You can have your revenge later." I prayed to God that Klaus would listen.

Let me go. Please, I thought, willing him to do so.

Klaus stood, glaring at me, his nostrils flared and his icy, blue eyes so wide it should have hurt. It looked as if he wasn't breathing.

It felt like hours before the iron grip around my throat loosened, and air came flooding back into my lungs. I choked as I took in gulped in the beautiful oxygen a lung-full at a time. I fell to the ground, nearly crushing my own legs as I did so. My head hurt so badly I couldn't think and my vision was blurred. Everything was spinning and I could hardly stand up. I looked up to find Klaus standing over me smirking as darkness welcomed me.

Oh God. My eyes snapped open and I found myself in a large room lit by nothing but candles. It was so stuffy I couldn't help but feel the claustrophobia begin to overwhelm me. Thick, dusty, maroon curtains covered the windows. Whether it was day or night, I didn't know. The curtains did a good job of keeping out all forms of light.

My hands unconsciously moved to my neck. I still felt Klaus' hard, cold grip on me. The feeling of his nails embedded in my skin. I felt suffocated. I coughed, trying to get rid of the feeling, but it didn't work.

It couldn't have been real. No. This would be all a dream. I would wake in a few minutes and be back snuggled up in my own bed; at home. But then, what would explain the overwhelming terror I felt? What would explain where I was now? What would explain the aching in my bones and the feeling of complete uselessness.

Because I knew they were watching me.

I made a move to get of out of the soft, pillow laiden bed I had been sleeping in but, was pulled back as an excruciating jolt of pain that shot through my left arm. I cried out in pain as tears filled my eyes and I rolled around in the bed, gripping my wrist till it was numb. My arm had been latched to the bedpost with shackles so thick, they could have held a monster.

"Fuck," I muttered.

Where the hell was I?!

Suddenly, the doors to the room bust open with a large bang, slamming hard against the cold, stone walls. I winced at the sound. In the doorway, stood Klaus. His mesmerizing blue eyes gleamed with lust and anger.

"What do you want, vermin?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh! That's very bold of you. Well, just to keep you updated, I want your soul my dear princess," He whispered, pausing to inhale deeply, a somewhat rueful smile playing along his handsome features. "I want to taste your blood. The delicious royal blood that runs through your untouched veins. I also want my Natasha back and to see you suffer like she did." He scowled, folding his arms tightly across his chest and leaning against the doorjamb; As if meaning to put himself into a straitjacket of his own, trying very hard not to hurt me in anyway. "But then, no one gets everything they want, do they?" He paused, his eyes roaming my face. An expression of frustration and disgust set into his own face. "Except for you. I'm sure you get everything you want and more. Being waited on hand and foot by your slaves and maidservants. The immortals who were so unlucky to have been born into the lower class."

I scoffed. He obviously didn't know what being me was like, did he? I mean, you think being stuck in that castle having to study and be bossed around and told what to do every day was everything I want? He must have been watching too much fictional movies. But I chose not to say anything.

Klaus raised an eyebrow and smirked as if satisfied with himself for thinking he was correct on his assumption.

"Tristan wants to meet you." He said suddenly, releasing himself from his own strait jacket and pushing away from the doorpost.

"Who?" I frowned,

"Just get dressed," He said impatiently, frowning at me. "Your clothes are in the dresser by that door." Klaus pointing in the direction of a door I hadn't noticed before.

Who the fuck did he think he was?! Ordering me around like that. I mean, I was the God damned Princess of fucking Feruche –The largest continent west of the Obidian Ocean –and this bloody son of a bastard was ordering me about. "Why should I?" I snapped loudly, "It's not like you can do anything to me. I mean, you're condemned to hell, and killing me would only make it worse. Father would send his entire army after you, worthless, weak piece of sh-."

Klaus' lips curled back into a snarl that sent dozens of tiny shivers up my spine. Suddenly, in a split second, Klaus was gone in one swift blur.

And then, as I felt his stone cold fingers curl around my delicate neck once more cutting off my air supply, his nails, digging deep into my soft flesh. He hissed; baring his inch long fangs. And then and there, I knew what he was. Klaus, was a goddamned vampire.

"Not so worthless and weak now, are we?" He growled.