So What If I Never Hold You?

Chapter 12- Peer Pressure


I sat with the guys and Valary in the stands watching the game, and cheering at the appropriate moments, etc. But now, it was halftime so we were all getting up and moving around. I walked to the food stand, in dire need of some nachos as it was 8 p.m. and I didn't eat the cafeteria lunch of possibly moldy hotdogs(true story).

I walked around, keeping the hoodie I wore close to my body. It was a little chilly, but I could manage. It was my turn in line, so I told the guy, "Cheese nachos with a Dr. Pepper, Please."

"Coming right up," He said then started to prepare my snack. Soon I exchanged money for food and walked around keeping the soda in my pocket of my hoodie. Then, I looked up to see an old friend. He had moved years ago, so I walked to him. "Henry Jameson, is that you?" I asked him.
He turned around to me, and a smiled appeared on his face, "Bella!! Oh my God! I haven't seen you in years!" He said as he hugged me, spinning me around.

"How have you been? I can't believe it's been this long,"

"I'm pretty great, what about you,"

"Oh I'm great myself, so you moved to the rival school, nice Henry!"

"Yeah, I was always a quote unquote traitor!" He smiled the way that he used to smile as we were kids. "So, Brian is on the football team I see,"

"Yeah, you know, you should so hang out with us, there's an after party tonight! We can all catch up! Matt, Jimmy, and Zack will be there, too," I suggested.

"Sure, that sounds great. You know, I know a great way to get energized before we go,"

"Ok cool,"

"Yeah, just follow me," He smiled then took my arm. He lead me through one of the kitchens for the food stand and we went into the back room. "Here, snort some of this," He said handing me a small bag usually used for buttons, but it had a white powder in it.

"Henry, this is coke," I said, perplexed. Truthfully, I wasn't. I was just caught in sudden fear and pressure.

"Yeah so, just snort it. You won't get addicted if you only snort it once," he said.

"I could loose my place in choir with this shit in my system,"

"Snort only a little bit, then, it's not going to hurt," he said as he then snorted the line he made on the table while I stalled.

Then the feelings of why not went over my body. I spilt some of the coke and made two lines with it using the edge of the bag. I closed my right nostril and snorted one line through my left nostril then, I switched. As the white powder entered my nose, it burned a little. Soon that subsided. Then, I spent the longest 15 minutes of my life, talking to Henry. At first I just felt a buzz, but then I started to feel loopy. I remember bits of the night but not the whole thing


"Hey, where's Bella?" I asked the guys, the game was almost over and I had no clue where she was, which wasn't a good thing. Who knew what trouble she could've gotten into.

"I'm not sure, why don't you look for her," Zacky said, then I got up and left the guys to find her. After about five minutes, I found her hanging all over some guy, and her clothes/hair were messed up. Something just wasn't right. I walked towards them in the sea of teenagers and pre-teens and noticed who it was with her. I had remembered the days that kid and I had spent high, and it hit me.

"What the Hell did you do to Bella, Henry?" I demanded as I got within 7 feet of the two. Bella piped a very happy hello, and Henry smiled.

"Damn, I always wanted to see what she was like, and I got it in the backroom of a kitchen," He answered. My eyes must've been the size of footballs.

"You jackass! Don't you dare touch her," I said, as I then grabbed her arm.

"NO, Jimmy! That hurts!!!" She said.

"I'm sorry, Bell!" I apologized. Just as I did, Zacky, Johnny, Matt and Valary made their way to us.

"What happened to her," Valary asked me.

"Take her to the car, I'll be there in a bit," I told mainly Johnny and Valary. Johnny was to young to get shit on his record. The two of them took Bella, as we then grabbed Henry by the collar of his shirt. Matt, Zacky, and I were going to have a "chat" with the bastard.