Status: Slowly in progress, again.


Heartbreak, Baby, Is Half The Fun.

Cassadee and I sat in the back lounge of All Time Low’s bus, along with the rest of the band, Gabe and Vic, Danny and Vinny. I chose to ignore Vicky sitting on Jack’s lap, the looks Alex gave me, and the pinches in the side of my right thigh that Cassadee gave me every time I broke my concentration and would sneak glances at the unfaithful couple.

“So, feeling like I should have left a memorable impression on my cousin’s in laws, I took my pants off, right as him and the bride were leaving, and ran through their wedding shot,” Vinny laughed, finishing the story of why he wasn’t here yesterday. “His wife and in laws weren’t too happy about it, everyone else thought it was funny though,” Vinny sighed happily, before pushing the bottle of beer he had up to his lips.

I was happily on my third beer of the evening, at the beginning of the night I had every intention of drinking slowly, but it seemed with every whispered touch exchanged between Jack and Vicky the intention of drinking slowly quickly became drinking whatever came my way. At the sight of Vinny taking another prolonged sip of his beverage, I held my bottle to my lips, downing the rest of my beer. I sighed, wiping a bit of the beer that didn’t make it into my mouth of my chin, while pushing my bottle to the floor with the other two. I looked over at Danny who was standing next to the case of beers, nodding and thrusting my hand out, obviously asking for another one, to which he obliged.

It wasn’t long before I had completely drowned myself in self pity drinking, by in taking nearly in taking one whole case of the three that were brought in, I’m not exactly sure how many was in the cases, but my intake before I can’t see straight anymore is five, and I had way over five. I sat in a complete daze, Cassadee’s pinching no longer affected me, but I knew I was going to have a purple bruise in that spot by morning. Alex had moved next to me when Cassadee left to go back to her van, for her band missed her and they weren’t at a big enough status to have a bus. The image of Vicky and Jack leaving the back lounge was burned into my mind, as Alex’s hand curled over my knee, squeezing, as it had been for the last half hour. Vinny and Danny were competing to see who could successfully out drink the other and walk over the couch opposite Alex and I, Gabe crouched over in the corner, filming them to show them just how stupid they looked tomorrow.

I felt Alex’s weight shift comfortably closer to me, his head rested on my shoulder lightly, his mouth next to my ear. “You’re welcome to sleep with me, drunk buggy,” he chuckled into my ear.

“I think I may have to,” I stumbled over my words, placing my hand over the hand that was on my knee, threading my fingers through his. “Can we go to bed now, I’m tired,” I pitifully whined.

“Of course, sweet tart, of course,” Alex stood, dragging me up to stand next to him, before leading me into the bunk area, located between the back lounge and the front area of the bus. We stood in front of mine and Alex’s bunk. “We’ll sleep in yours, cause I do not feel like helping you climb into mine.”

I nodded, climbing in so I was facing the wall, I felt Alex climb in behind me, his breath cascaded over my neck, causing a shiver to rise up and travel back down my spine. “Alex, I’m gonna take my pants off, okay? I’m really uncomfortable.”

I heard him swallow hard, before hearing a whispered ‘okay’, I slipped my jeans off and handed them to Alex. “Can you put them on the floor?”


“You’re awesome,” I turned over, and snuggled deeply into his chest. “You’re, like…really awesome,” I heard him laugh softly, running his fingers through my hair, coaxing me into an enjoyable slumber.

· · ·

I woke up with my face snuggled into someone’s chest, by the smell of the person, I could tell it was Alex. I looked up at his face, giggling, at what I saw. His five o’clock shadow, had doubled, at least, for the lack of ability to properly shave his face, his mouth was drooped open, slightly, and breathy sighs were escaping his mouth in slight snores. I shoved him softly, trying to wake up him.

“Alex, get the fuck up!” I growled, glad I spent all those days in high school as a partier, otherwise this would be a bitch. Deciding it would be a good idea to look at the time, I turned over, grabbing my phone and unlocking to discover it was way passed breakfast, only minutes away from reaching the halfway mark through the day. “Alex, you’ve got sound check in an hour, and you need to clean yourself up a bit!” I spoke loudly at him, pushing him a bit more.

“You are so fucking persistent, it’s ridiculous, and for your information, dear, I’ve been awake since you first shoved me,” Alex answered, cracking an eye open, shoving me back.

“Well, then get up! I’ve got to set up your merch table and look presentable so all your teenage lovers got a reason to hate me when Jack makes a fool of himself and me,” I smiled up at him. “Ugh, gosh, I’ve got to brush my teeth, move!”

Alex got out of the bed, myself joining him seconds later, where I moved to the bathroom on the bus. I threw my hair up into a ponytail, brushed my teeth, and took off my old make up, applying a thin line of eyeliner. I walked back into the bunk area, pushing my pants into my bunk and put on some sweats, leaving on the camisole I had on the day before. I found one of Jack’s hoodies and my flip flops, put both of them on my body, and walked off the bus and into the venue to start setting up their merch table.

I saw that Cassadee and Vinny were already there, chatting about something that was obviously funny, as they were both laughing. I walked at turtle speed over to them, not really wanting to work today. When Cassadee saw me, she waved with a huge smile on her face, and her smile being contagious and all, brought a grin to my face.

Cassadee caught sight of me, lifted her hand, and started curling her finger towards her. “Come hither, young one,” she called.

I rolled my eyes. “Loser, I’m older than you!”

“By a year,” Cassadee whined. “Or like, a year in a half,” I laughed walking closer to both Vinny and Cassadee.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m still older,” I paused, standing next to Cassadee across from Vinny. “How much is left to do?”

“Gotta fold the JAGK shirts, and that’s it, I think,” Vinny answered, grabbing the box that was labeled JAGK, and throwing it next to us. We began to fold, listening to the bands sound check, humming along with the songs playing, Cassadee eventually left Vinny and I to fend for ourselves, seeing as her band had to sound check as well.

“When’s the show start?” I asked, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

“Doors at 6, why?” Vinny answered.

“I wanna chat to my girlfriends, and introduce Cassadee to them via cell phone call,” I shrugged, picking at my nails, deciding a new layer of pink polish would do them good.

“Oh, I see,” Vinny nodded. “Looks like Cassadee just hoped of stage, go catch her and talk to your girlfriends, I’m gonna kick it with the boys.”

I laughed. “Have fun with that, Vegas,” I smiled, walking away from him, beginning to run to catch up with Cassadee. “Cassadee!” I called, drawing out the ‘e’ in her name. “Wait for me, darling!”

“What’s up, buttercup?” she asked as I finally caught up to her, both of us exciting the venue into the sunlight of the afternoon.

“Not much, well, two things,” I said, lifting up two fingers. “One, I’m going to call my friends and I wanted to introduce you to them through phone call,” I put one finger down. “And, two, I wanted to say sorry for last night, I usually don’t get like that at gatherings with alcohol unless Jack is being like that.”

“One, I would love too be there!” Cassadee began her reply. “And, two, don’t worry about, it actually gave me an a idea for a song!” to which I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shoot From The Hip