

Bob left school early, not out of the ordinary, but lately... I wasn't sure. My mind was elsewhere as I sat in class, waiting for the day to end so I could walk through the warm May rainstorm. I stared at the clock, watching the little black lines turn slowly, ever so slowly, around the center. It ticked past 5,6,7,6... The time dragged.


"Huh?" I replied.

"Someone's spacing out." Rebecca said.

"Whatever, what's up?" I said, turning to face her.

"Class is almost over... Want to see a movie tonight? I've nothing better to do."

"Right, sure. Yeah, a movie sounds good. Which one? I think Transformers came out..." I said.

"Um... I was thinking more along the lines of like The Ugly Truth or something." Rebecca said, shifting her feet.

"Um, okay... Want me to pick you up or..?" I left the question hanging.

"Yeah, that sounds good." She replied quickly.

"Kay. I'm, uh, gonna pack my stuff." I said, turning back to my desk. I shoved my books, notes and pens into my bag, putting each into their places. I threw my canvas jacket over my shoulder, and stared at the clock again. 10 seconds to go... The bell rang, and I left the class swiftly, tossing my bag over my shoulder with my jacket.

As I walked to my lockers, I glared at the walls of the school, wondering what 80s genius picked the color scheme. Orange, puce and teal. Lovely combination, truly. Add the random streaks of pen, burnt paint on the lockers, and the random graffiti tags sprayed in the halls (Whichever genius came up with tags is an idiot, really, you're telling everyone who you are.) and you've got my school. It's real pleasant.

I opened my locker quickly, pulling my textbooks out of my bag, and stuffing my notebooks into it. I should really take home my PE strip... nah. Full, I put my bag over my shoulder, and shut my locker door, with only a little difficulty, "Stupid shoes..." I grumbled, squishing them inside the door. I clicked the lock shut and spun the dial to zero.

"Yo Max!" someone yelled.

I turned to face the sound "Hey man," I said.

"Sup?" Jesse asked as he reached me, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Not much, headed home," I said.

"Cool," he looked around, biting the side of his lip as he did so. "So, listen man. Rebecca... You know what she's up to tonight? I'm kind of considering asking her to come over to my place, my 'rents are gone for the night," he said with a sly grin.

I hesitated before answering.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure she's busy tonight. Morgan said she wanted to do something," I lied.

"Shit, man, that sucks. You sure you couldn't convince her to do otherwise? We'd have a real good time," he said.

"No, I'm pretty sure she's busy," I said, flatly.

"Whatever man," he said, "I'll go see what Ali's up to tonight then."

I watched him leave, and rolled my eyes. "Goddamnit, man, you are such a prick," I muttered. Shaking my head, I turned and left the school.

It was still raining outside, and it only rained more the longer I walked. I was almost home, my legs feeling numb inside my rain-soaked jeans, when I changed my mind, and decided to head to Morgan's place.

I walked the half block to her house, wondering if she would come along tonight, make things a little less awkward. Why Rebecca had to choose now to ask me on a date, I didn't know. Her door was unlocked when I reached it; I knocked and went inside, calling out.

"Morgan, You there?" No one replied from in the house.

I went upstairs, to where I knew her room was, peeking in the empty kitchen and den on the way. "Bob..." I called, drawing out her name, I didn't understand why she wasn't replying, there was no way she couldn't hear me.

The door to her room was half closed, and I knocked on the door frame before I swung it open. There was no reply from inside, and with only the slightest hesitation, I opened the door.

My legs went numb beneath me and I slid to the floor.

"Bob..." my voice was a moan.

She was lying on the floor, her already pale face gray, and her hands bleached of color. There was a half-empty two-six of vodka lying sideways on the floor next to her and the prescription bottle that had been filled with who knows what.

Stifling the horror that threatened to send me screaming from the room, I crawled to her side, not trusting my legs. I touched her throat, gently, and knew she was gone.
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I would really love feedback on this chapter...

hint, hint... :tehe: