Status: Active

Ex's Can't Be Oh's


Silence consumed the busy New York apartment. The phone had been ringing for a little less than twenty seconds when a partygoer picked it up and slurred into the mouthpiece. An incoherent jumble of words fell from the young girl’s mouth before another; slightly less intoxicated female grabbed the receiver out of her hands.

A surprised greeting preceded a friendly conversation lasting approximately four minutes. The tall blonde giggled and blushed before bidding the person on the other end of the line goodbye and hanging up.

Stumbling towards the only truly sober person in the whole joint the girl plastered her best smile onto her face before pulling at her friend’s long line cardigan. The party was back in full swing, the small disturbance long forgotten amidst a sea of sweaty bodies and intoxicated heads.

“Cassie, what the hell have you been drinking? Your tongue is a rather putrid shade of green.”

Cassie let out a hysterical laugh before grinning slyly at her best friend, “Your ex was just on the phone.”



“Cassie, wake up.”

A small grunt emitted from the duvet caused the petite brunette to roll her eyes. It was the same way every morning; she would attempt to wake up her best friend and the same said friend would do whatever she could to ensure that she didn’t have to get up.

“Cassie I mean it, you have work in forty minutes and I am not covering for you again when they call to ask where you are,” she reasoned attempting the pry the bright pink quilt from the iron like grip of the blonde head.

Disgruntled Cassie’s friend passed through the door into the adjoining bathroom and filled a cup with cold water. Slamming shut their medicine cabinet she grinned before walking back into her friend’s room and standing upright next to the bed.

“Cassandra Louise Davies, if you are not out of bed when I reach three I will proceed to pour this large cup of water all over your head,” a shuffle from under the mound of covers prompted the counting. “One, two, thre-“

“I’m up, I’m up.”

Cassie squinted in the bright light as she stood up from her bed and grabbed the cup from her friend’s loose grasp. Taking a large gulp she massaged her head with her free hand and groaned. “Mads, my head is killing.” Cassie waited for the sympathy to come but it never did, her friend had already left the room and was now making as much noise as she possibly could in the kitchen. Storming off in that direction Cassie pouted and began to whine, “Maddy didn’t you hear me, my head hurts.”

Madeline rolled her eyes before passing her friend a sheet of aspirin, “I’m hardly surprised Cass, you polished off a litre of Vodka pretty much by yourself, and then there was that stuff that turned your tongue green.”

A small amused chuckle escaped Cassie’s dry lips as she attempted to recollect the night before. It sure had been a hell of a night, most of it though her brain had failed to remember.

There was something though that niggled at the back of her mind; something she knew was important.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Zack doesn't get much love and i figured why not?
I took a little inspiration from The Bigger Lights, whom the title credit goes to.
Goldmine Valentine is currently on of my favourite songs.
So feedback would be uber lovely =D.