Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

I’ll Miss You

‘Its gonna be a long tour Marta, I really am going to miss you.’ Frank said as we stood in front of our house swinging our hands that were linked together in front of us.

‘I’m going to miss you too, but its what you want to do, and I’m going to stand by you…even if it means being away from you for almost a year.’ I replied as I held my tears in. I didn’t want to say goodbye to him.
Frank and I had sorted our issues out, we put the past behind us, we didn’t speak of Michigan and what happened with Tina and we were back to how we were before I left.

Things couldn’t have been better…until the tour cropped up.

‘You aren’t about to cry are you?’ Frank asked. ‘Because if you cry, I’ll cry.’ His words got caught in his throat. ‘Please don’t cry Marta.’ He said and a tear fell from his eye.

‘Frank…’ I said and wrapped my arms around him. I let my tears also flow down my cheeks. Frank pulled me in closer to him and kissed my neck. ‘We’re acting like silly teenagers.’ I mumbled into his chest which made him chuckle slightly.

‘I don’t care, I’ll act like anything I want with you.’ He said smiling as he pulled away to look at me. ‘I promise I’ll call you everyday, keep you updated on everything.’ He told me wiping away my fallen tears and the wet line they had made on my face.

‘Good. No doubt I’m going to be bored out of my head while you’re gone. I’ll need something to keep me entertained.’ I replied, smiling slightly. I still didn’t want him to leave, but hearing his voice everyday would be good enough.

‘Frankie, we’ve got to go.’ I heard Bob call from the end of the road where their manager was currently stood next to their small van.

‘I don’t want to leave you!’ Frank whined at me, jumping up and down like a three year old.

‘You have to, Frank. And its fine. Have fun, play music and…jazz.’ I grinned at him trying to make him feel better about having to leave me.

‘Fine, but I’ll be back home soon, so any fancy fella you plan on having stay over, make sure he’s gone!’ Frank joked and kissed me.

‘Don’t worry, he will be.’ I smirked.

‘Sweetness, now don’t you worry about Frank, I’ll keep him out of trouble.’ Bob said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into the side of him.

‘Thank you.’ I replied.

‘It sucks you couldn’t come with us.’ Mikey then piped up as he sauntered out of mine and Frank’s house. ‘That would have been awesome.’ He pushed Bob away from me and hugged me. ‘But I’ll do what he says too, we’ll all keep little Frank here out of trouble.’ He said patting Frank on the head.

‘Me? I think you’ll find you get in more trouble than I do!’ Frank stated crossing his arms.

‘Alright kids, lets not fight.’ Ray piped up as he dragged his suitcase towards the bus.

Bob and Mikey followed and Frank walked inside to go get his bag and Gerard came out to see me.

‘Gonna miss you Marty.’ Gerard said as he wrapped his arms around me to give me a hug. ‘I did try and persuade our manager to let you come to but he was having none of it. Sorry.’ He apologised.

‘Its totally fine Gerard. You don’t need to be sorry. Although if I do go mad I’ll place blame on you.’ I joked and made him smile.

‘I’ll take full blame, although I’m hoping you don’t go mad.’ He chuckled. ‘Well, we have to go now, so…we’ll see you in a few month.’ Gerard said hugging me once more when Frank left the house.

Gerard walked to their van and Frank pulled me into him once more. ‘I love you Marta. I’m honestly gonna miss you so much.’ He said.

‘I’ll miss you to, but you have to go now. And I suggest you go before I kidnap you so you cant leave me.’ He beamed at my sentence then kissed me.

‘See you soon babe.’ He smiled then got onto the van. I watched it drive away then out of sight.

Just eight month alone.
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Well, I'm quite happy with where I am with this sequel, hope you like =]