Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

Say Something

Frank and I got connected and he put the webcam on also, he was sitting grinning like a fool, the way he does, with Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob sitting around him. They were all waving frantically at the screen.

‘Hey Marta!’ They all sang together. ‘And Julie.’ They said as she popped her head in the way of the screen. It was handy having a microphone attached into laptops, technology is an amazing thing.

It was so good to see their faces. Just seeing Frank smile like that started off my tear ducts. I tried to control them, but, being in my current state, emotions were running high.

‘Marta! Don’t cry.’ I heard Frank say as I covered my face so he couldn’t see my tears. Julie wrapped her am around me and tried to calm me down slightly.

‘Ok, I’m good.’ I said as I sat up and wiped my face.

He sighed, relieved and grinned again. ‘So, what did you want to show me?’ He asked, curious. The rest of the guys bunched in closer to the computer, squishing Frank in the middle.

‘Just, be prepared, ok?’ I asked him.

He nodded. ‘I’m prepared for anything.’ He said, smiling still.

I looked to my side and picked up the scan I had. I stared at it for a moment, flipped it open and held it up to the camera so they could all see it.

‘Oh my god, Julie! Congratulations!’ Frank beamed, completely oblivious to the fact it was my scan.

I lowered it from the screen to see his overjoyed face…and Gerard’s stunned one.

‘Frank…no.’ I said, which caused him to stop smiling and just look at me through the camera confused. ‘Help me up please Julie?’ I asked, and she stood up, then took my hands to get me onto my feet. I wasn’t huge yet, but the bump did restrict me from being able to stand up properly on my own.

They couldn’t see me on the camera, only my legs since its was sat angled towards the floor. I stood further back and asked Julie to tilt the camera slightly so you could see my growing stomach.

‘Its my scan. I’m pregnant.’ I told him quietly. I walked back closer to the computer, taking my seat once again on the floor next to Julie. I titled the camera back down.

Frank sat there in shock with the rest of them. Well…as far as I could tell Gerard was fake shocked since he already knew.

‘Please, say something.’ I said, not happy about the silence that he was currently consumed in.

‘Are you serious?’ He asked.

‘Well, as serious as a diet of tuna and ice lollies, morning sickness and pains in my legs and back.’ I told him.

‘I want to come home.’ Was his only reply.