Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me


‘Frank you are not coming home. That’s the only reason I’ve put off telling you this because I knew you’d want to come straight home. You are staying and finishing your tour!’ I stated, in no mood for one of his arguments that he probably could win.

‘But…’ He started.

‘No buts, Frank. You are not coming home. Yes I want you here, but I want you to finish your tour more, when you get back, you have all the time in the world with me…until you have to go off again of course, but still, just stay.’ I told him, seeing his face half crumble about not being able to come home to be with me killed me a little, but I didn’t want him to let his fans down. I would feel to selfish.

‘Ok.’ He mumbled looking down away from the camera. ‘But update me on everything, show me scans and if anything goes wrong I’m coming straight home!’ He said, talking at a rather fast pace.

‘I promise Frank. You’ll be the first to hear everything.’ He grinned again. ‘Well…third really, since me and Julie will be at the scanning’s and what not.’ I rambled.

They all chuckled slightly. ‘Soooo, anything you guys want to tell me? Any surprises?’ I asked them, expecting to hear nothing good.

They all had a guilty and accusing look, darting their eyes at one another. ‘No, nothing.’ Frank spoke up for the rest of them.

‘Don’t lie to me, I know when you lie, and you suck right now.’ I told him.

‘Seriously, there isn’t anything we want to tell you, nothing good has happened…apart from Mikey falling off the stage last night.’ Frank then said, everyone apart from Mikey holding in a laugh.

‘No! I did not fall, Frank got over excited and pushed me to hard…then I fell off stage.’ Mikey corrected for me.

‘Frank!’ I shouted sternly. ‘Did you apologise?’ I asked.

He shook his head laughing still. ‘But, I’m sorry Mikey.’ He grinned at him, wrapping one are around Mikey’s shoulder and pulling him in.

‘I forgive you.’ Mikey sighed, not looking to in the mood.

‘What’s wrong with Mikey?’ Julie whispered so they wouldn’t hear.

I shrugged and looked back at Mikey to see him get up and walk away.

‘Well, you guys probably need to get ready and what not for tonight, so I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’ I said, to concerned about Mikey to stay to talk to them.

‘Ok, talk to you tomorrow, and I expect updates.’ Frank beamed at me.

‘Congratulations!’ Ray, Bob and Gerard said together.

‘Thanks guys, and don’t worry, every time it kicks I’ll tell you.’ I smiled then disconnected from the internet and webcam.
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update 2...i just really want this all out