Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

Oh My God

‘Well, I need to get back to the studio, make sure they haven’t trashed the place with me gone.’ Julie said walking towards the door. ‘You coming in tomorrow?’ She asked me.

‘Of course, I may not be able to stand long, but I’m still useful.’ I smiled giving her a hug, then I watched her to her car and drive away.

I shut the door and dialled Mikey’s number into my phone. I was worried about him, I’d never seen him to distracted and uninterested before.

It rang a few times, then he answered. ‘Hey Marta.’ He said, trying to be enthusiastic, but I knew it was all acting on his part.

‘Mikey, what’s wrong?’ I asked him. I knew it would take some probing, but I would get it out of him.

‘Oh nothing, I’m fine.’ He lied. He couldn’t lie to me, none of them could.

‘Mikey, tell me. I saw you on that camera, you just didn’t look happy at all, and you don’t sound it now either.’ I said.

‘They lied.’ Was all he said to me.

‘What do you mean? Who lied?’ I asked him, growing worried.

‘The guys. When you asked if something had happened, any surprises. Well…there is one.’ He admitted.

‘What is it Mikey?’ I asked, needing him to answer me since I was about to die with curiosity.

‘Don’t get mad, Marta. It wont be healthy for the baby, or for you. And don’t tell them I told you either, because they didn’t want you to know, because you will worry.’ He explained, rambling on to me.

‘Mikey, please just tell me already?’ I asked him.

‘Its…Tina. She’s here, on tour with us.’ His voice was a small whisper on the other end of the phone, I almost had to strain my ears to hear him.

‘Oh my god. Why the hell is she there?!’ I screamed down the phone, not being able to hold in my anger.

‘Marta, calm down please, the baby, remember?’ Mikey said, panicked.

‘No, I cant calm down. Why is she there?’ I shouted, not directing it totally at Mikey.

‘We didn’t know she would be here, Sandra, the woman who arranges everything for us, hired her to make her job less stressful. She said you knew about her promotion or something, and she got moved to a higher position and can chose what she wants to do for her magazine.’ I was only just taking in Mikey’s words. I was fuming with anger, I wanted to be there, just to keep her away from my friends, and father of my baby.

Just then I doubled over in agony, a pain ripping through my stomach. ‘Mikey!’ I screamed, not knowing what to do.

‘Marta, what’s wrong?!’ He asked, frantic.

‘I don’t know, my stomach, it hurts. My baby!’ I screamed again, the pain growing worse.

‘Breath, Marta. Deep breaths, calm down. Its probably distress to your baby, you’re getting all worked up about this. God, its my fault!’ He said, apologetic.

‘Mikey, its not your fault. I should have calmed myself down.’ I told him, taking deep breaths like he instructed.

‘Is the pain going?’ He asked me.

‘A little.’ I told him, still feeling a sharp pain in my left side.

‘I’ll stay on the phone with you until it stops.’ He told me.

‘Don’t tell Frank about this.’ I asked, not wanting him to worry, or get Mikey into trouble about telling me about Tina.
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updateee....obviously =D
also decided, ima stretch my ears =]