Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

Stay Calm

I got to the studio the next morning at nine o’clock. Mikey had sat with me on the phone for about half an hour until every inch of pain had gone from my stomach. I knew I shouldn’t have got so worked up about the news, but I couldn’t help it, how could I have stayed calm?

‘Good morning!’ Julie chirped as I walked through the door.

‘Morning.’ I said, trying to sound just as happy as her.

‘You ok?’ Julie asked, concerned.

‘I would lie and say yes, but there’s no point lying to you.’ I stated as I took a seat in the studio where the apprentice photographers were currently setting up for a shoot.

‘Talk to me.’ Julie offered taking a seat next to me, she stroked some hair out of my face and stared at me intently.

‘Tina’s on tour with them.’ I told her, trying my best to keep my anger down and tears in. Mikey had already given me a lecture on that last night and how if I kept it up, it would possibly do some damage to my baby.

‘Oh my god! Why?’ Julie yelled for me.

‘Because she can be, simple as that.’ I stated. ‘The thing that’s making me more pissed about this, is that Frank didn’t even tell me last night. When you left, I called Mikey to see what was wrong and he told me.’ A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

‘Oh, Marta!’ Julie said hugging me. ‘I’m sure he didn’t tell you for a reason, like…not wanting you to stress because of your baby. It will all be fine, she wouldn’t even dare go near him.’ Julie threatened.

‘We don’t know that, we don’t know if she’ll make another move on him and he’ll happily let her, we don’t know how he reacted to her being there on tour with him!’ I yelled standing up, no longer being able to be calm about the situation.

‘Marta, sit down and talk normally. Don’t shout and fuss and worry yourself.’ Julie demanded in a motherly tone.

‘I cant! I cant help but worry that the father of my baby is god knows where on tour with a girl I hate!’ Just then, I doubled over in pain again. I let out a scream and fell to my knees.

‘Marta! What’s wrong?’ Julie asked, rushing to my side.

‘My baby!’ I cried, clutching my stomach. ‘It happened last night to.’ I told her, trying to breath and get rid of the pain.

‘Try to stand up, we’re going to the hospital.’ Julie said holding onto my arm.

‘We aren’t telling Frank.’ I stated.

We arrived at the hospital in the matter of minutes and Julie helped me inside, the pain still crippling me.

‘We need a doctor now!’ Julie yelled, grabbing attention off most staff and patients waiting.
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