Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

It’s A…

Two month passed and I was currently five month into my pregnancy. I had calmed down about Tina being there, she seemed to be behaving herself because Mikey had nothing to tell me about her when I asked and I knew he would tell me.

I had been on webcam to the guys every so often to show them my growing bump, giving them updates and so Frank could stroke the screen and pretend he was touching my bump and soothing it.
Gerard would sometimes sing the odd song to it, Frank joining in to.

Julie was driving me to my second scan, I had told her I was finding out the sex and she went crazy. Just like Gerard had said, she told me it would ruin the surprise, but I really wanted to find out.

We arrived at the hospital and the nurse led me into the same room I was in for my first scan. She lifted my shirt and squeezed some of the jelly onto my bump.

‘My, we’re getting big aren’t we?’ She stated, a grin on her face.

‘We are, and its getting harder to carry about.’ I smiled to her.

She rubbed the scanner over my bump and like last time, my baby appeared on the screen. It was a lot more clear and I could tell where the head and legs and arms were.

‘So…are we wanting to know what the sex is?’ She asked me.

I nodded frantically and Julie sat with her fingers in her ears so she couldn’t hear.

The nurse chuckled a little and rubbed the scanner back over. ‘You’re having a girl.’ She beamed.

I clapped in excitement and motioned for Julie to remove her fingers from her ears.

‘I cant believe you just found out.’ She huffed. ‘At least I’ll be surprised.’ She grinned.

I left the hospital and called Frank right away to tell him to be near a computer.

Franks POV
I rushed about like a fool to try and get a computer working so I could find out the sex of my baby and see the next scan. I was excited at the thought of becoming a dad, it was a whole new adventure and a lot more responsibility that I was ready for.

I got set up and connected with Marta, just to see her smile brightened my day.

‘So?!’ I asked, excited. The rest of the guys were gathered round me.

‘If you don’t want to know, block your ears now.’ She told them, the rest of the guys blocked their ears.

‘A girl.’ She beamed.

My heart stopped for a minute, the smile on her face didn’t falter and mine grew.

‘Wooooh!’ I called, then the guys unblocked their ears.

‘I cant believe you just found out.’ Gerard said shaking his head at me. I smiled at him anyway, to excited to care.
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I know I've skipped a bit, but I lost interest and ideas so i had to. Sorry if you dont like it, I dont either