Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

I Need Frank, Now!

Adam drove me and Julie to the hospital, I took up the whole back seat, screaming in pain. Julie had turned round in her seat and held my hand trying to calm me down.

‘Please drive faster Adam. Please!’ I begged as I squeezed Julie’s hand harder.

He drove a little faster and got me to the entrance of the hospital. He jumped out and got a nurse and a few doctors to help me out of the car.

They put me in a wheelchair and rolled me to the emergency rooms, my screams filling the corridors. They gave me a scan and a doctor came into the room, a worried look on his face.

‘We’re going to have to deliver this baby soon. She’s starting to turn and the umbilical cord could get wrapped around her neck.’ He told me.

This only made me worry more and scream in more pain.

‘Where’s Julie?’ I asked him. ‘Please get her in here.’ I said trying to keep calm.

The doctor left the room and Julie entered. ‘What’s happening?’ She asked frantic. I explained what the doctor had just said and she gripped my hand.

‘Please Julie, just get Frank to come home.’ I begged her. She nodded and ran out of the room.

Franks POV
I sat on the tour bus, stressed at the way the conversation had just ended between me and Marta. I had tried calling her back but she wouldn’t answer her phone. I dropped my head in my hands then my phone started to ring. I shot up and answered it.

‘Marta?’ I asked hopeful.

‘Frank you need to get home now.’ The voice said. I recognised it as Julie’s.

‘What’s happened?’ I asked worried.

‘The baby needs to be delivered. There’s something wrong and its going to put them both at risk if it doesn’t get delivered. Marta wants you here.’ She told me.

My stomach dropped at her news and my heart raced.

‘I’m in New York just now, but I swear I’ll be on the next flight!’ I said then put the phone down.

‘Gerard, I have to go home, something’s wrong with Marta and the baby, I think what I told her has done this!’ I said frantic and all the guys gathered around asking me what was wrong.

‘I don’t know what’s happening, that’s all Julie said. They have to deliver the baby, I need to get home!’ I yelled annoyed.

‘We’re all coming.’ Gerard sated and we rushed about for our bags. We phoned for a taxi, explaining to our tour manager that we couldn’t carry on because of what was happening and he told us he’d sort everything out.

‘Aw, Marta ill?’ Tina said smugly as she stood outside with us as we waited for a taxi.

‘Don’t fucking start with me!’ I shouted at her.

‘Oh, angry are we?’ She said again inching closer. ‘I heard what’s happening, the baby probably isn’t yours anyway.’ She smiled. It took all I had not to hit her.

‘Don’t even dare say that! She’s not like that, so shut the fuck up and get the hell away from me!’ I yelled at Tina who seemed to back down and walk indoors.