Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

New Life

I was rushed into the delivery room and I had an emergency caesarean to make sure my baby wouldn’t get harmed if I had to deliver her naturally.

She didn’t cry when she came out which made me worry and the doctor quickly whisked her away before I even got a chance to see her.

‘Where are they taking our baby?’ Frank demanded as he stood, clutching my hand.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll get to see her soon. She just needs a check up to make sure she can breath well on her own.’ The nurse informed us.

Frank took a seat beside me, smiling at me. ‘She’ll be fine. Its all going to be ok.’ His optimism made me feel slightly better.

‘I’m sorry…if anything happens to her, it’ll be my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten myself so worked up about everything, she wouldn’t have gotten so distressed and…’ Frank cut me off.

‘You didn’t do anything wrong, things like this just happen. If anything, it’ll be my sucky immune system she’ll get.’ He said, causing me to smile at him.

‘She’s perfect.’ The nurse said coming into the room. ‘She’s in an incubator but you’re more than welcome to go see her.’ She beamed.

Frank helped me up off the bed and walked slowly with me since my stomach was still very sore from the caesarean.

We reached the room where she was lying and I stood by the side of the incubator, a tear rolled down my cheek. ‘She is so tiny.’ I whispered.

‘Takes after me.’ Frank beamed.

‘Have you picked out a name?’ The nurse asked.

‘Lacy.’ I said, looking to Frank for his approval.

He grinned like a mad man. ‘Seriously?’ He asked.

I nodded. ‘I think you’re grandma would have approved.’ I smiled to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

‘Lacy Iero.’ Frank beamed from my side.

The nurse nodded, smiled, then walked off.

‘Marta.’ Frank said, looking at me.

‘Yes?’ I asked him.

He dropped to his knee, the rest of guys and Julie and Adam stood at the window of the room where we were, all wearing the same huge grin.

‘Would you become Mrs Iero?’ He asked me, unsure of my answer I would give him.

My grin matched everyone else’s and I nodded, not able to actually speak.

He stood up, taking a ring from his pocket then slid it on my finger. ‘I love you so much.’ He said into my ear, then everyone outside started to clap and cheer…then were told off by the staff for making so much noise.

‘It’s the start of new life for us, and I swear, I’ll make it perfect.’ He beamed, hugging me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm gonna try type up the last part now, possibly update later on, dunno yet though