Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me


It had been three month already, Frank had phoned everyday like he said and updated me with everything. He seemed to be getting happier on each phone call. Each show they did, the more fans turned up. I couldn’t have been happier for him…but I still kept tight lipped about the pregnancy.

‘Marta, you ready?’ I heard Julie call from the living room where she was sat waiting for me.

‘I suppose.’ I mumbled walking towards her, a tiny bump forming on my naturally flat stomach.

‘Be happy Marta! Most women would kill to become a mother.’ Julie said trying to make me happier about the whole situation. ‘Why aren’t you happy about it?’ She asked me as we walked towards her car.

‘I don’t know. I would be if Frank was here…I just have a bad feeling about this.’ I told her as I sat in the passengers seat.

‘You have nothing to be worried about Marta, I’m here. I’ll help you with everything. Nothing bad is going to happen. If you worry yourself you could distress the baby. You don’t want that to happen do you?’ She asked me.

‘Well, of course not.’ I replied.

‘Then there you go, stop worrying your head off.’ She smiled then pulled out of my drive and to the hospital for my first scan.

We arrived at the hospital and my phone started to buzz in my pocket.

‘Julie! Its Frank, what do I say? What do I do? Help!’ I panicked, jumping around a little, holding my phone at arms length.

‘Marta, calm down. Just say you cant talk right now because you’re doing a shoot. He’ll understand.’ She said, relaxing me about lying to Frank.

I answered my phone, stopping it mid buzz. ‘Hey, Frank.’ I chirped into the phone.

‘Heyy you.’ He sang merrily to me. ‘How are you my lovely?’

‘Way busy. In a shoot right now, you think you could call back in about an hour?’ I asked him, regretting having to say it to him since I really wanted to talk to him.

‘Of course. Don’t want to keep you from your work.’ He said. ‘Talk in a bit, love you.’ His voice kept its happy pitch.

‘Love you to.’ I told him then put the phone down. ‘Lets get this over with.’ I said to Julie and she took my arm and walked into the hospital with me.

I sat irritated in the waiting room, sliding my phone up and down every two seconds, cracking my fingers and annoying Julie whenever possible.

‘Marta Reid.’ The nurse called.

I stood up, Julie right behind me. ‘Finally.’ I muttered, making Julie chuckle.
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I suggest everyone go to and listen to their new album The Best In Town its absolutly amazing!
So! =D