Status: Finished

You Know I Need You, Just Like You Need Me

First Scan

We walked to the room and I lay on the bed where the woman directed me to. She lifted my shirt up so it was sitting at the top of my small bump and she smiled proudly.

‘So, proud parents?’ She asked as Julie sat next to me.

I looked at Julie, then Julie’s eyes widened. ‘Gosh, no.’ Julie said trying to hold in a slight laugh. ‘I’m her best friend.’ She told the woman.

‘Ah, I see.’ She replied, blushing slightly. ‘Because I have no problem at all with same sex couples, I’m all for it myself.’ She rambled as she squirted some of the clear jelly onto my stomach.

‘Its alright.’ Julie told her and her cheeks returned to their normal colour and less pink.

‘So, its Marta?’ She asked me.

‘Yup.’ I replied, tapping my foot on nothing as I lay there, nervous.

‘Right then, lets work some magic.’ She grinned. She moved the scanner over the jelly on my stomach, rubbing it backwards and forwards so I could see my child that was growing inside of me. I could faintly see a large white head, then she pointed out its fingers and legs.

Julie sat and smiled beside me, clutching my hand and squealing a little in excitement. ‘I’m a tad jealous right now.’ She said quietly as she sat in awe at the image on the screen.

I sighed but kept my eyes on the screen. I wanted this to be a happy moment, but I felt Frank needed to be with me, so it was more memorable.

‘Are you ok, Marta?’ The woman asked as she stopped moving the scanner over my stomach.

‘Yeah, I suppose.’ I said and her eyebrows knitted together and she studied my facial features.

‘You don’t seem it.’ She replied, then she wiped a tissue over the bump to get rid of the mess that sat there. ‘I don’t mean to probe, but you seem upset that you’re pregnant. Aren’t you happy?’ She asked me.

‘Well…yes and no. I mean, I wouldn’t get rid of my baby or anything like that, I’m happy this is happening, but with my boyfriend out of town doing work…its just seeming like its not the right time.’ I told her as I pulled my shirt back down.

‘Well, I’m sure your boyfriend will be overjoyed with this news if you haven’t already told him, and I assure you, things will be fine. You’ve got your best friend right there with you. Don’t worry.’ She smiled, reassuring me. She got up and walked to a small looking printer where my scan was sat. She picked it up and put it in a folding card. ‘All yours.’ She beamed as she handed it over to me.

‘Thank you.’ I replied, taking it from her and walking out of the room, Julie at my side.

‘So, you gonna tell him?’ Julie asked, excitement in her tone.

I paused for a second. ‘I have to talk to Gerard.’ I said bluntly, then dashed outside.
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Long time no update with this....I dont write sequels so I've lost some interest in writing this...but dont fear, I cant leave anything unfinished, so it will have an ending.
possibly crappy and short, but I'll try =]