Status: Off hiatus! Active, slowly but surely!

Sinister Smile With a Hole in My Heart

"We move along."


"Jill WAKE UP! Drew won't stop crying!" Jack screamed irritated.

Jill tightened the tie around the waist of her robe and made her way to the nursery. She walked into the yellow Winnie the Pooh themed room and turned on the light. The baby's wails turned into whimpers and Jill tiredly picked the baby up.

A sad smile appeared on her face. Jack had told her to wake up but Jill hadn't been able to sleep in days. Drew was a night owl who only got his sleep in the daytime it seemed.

What Jill wasn't expecting was the disappointment she was feeling.
Not about the baby.
She'd known since the first time he'd kicked inside her stomach that this baby would never leave her sight.
But about him.
She would not let herself think his name. It caused too much pain. The weeks prior to the birth were easier. Being so busy with her birthing classes, and decorating the nursery her days were filled with happiness and at night she'd been so exhausted sleep had come easily. But now that Drew was here, she spent all day with him. While Jack was in a class or rehearsal, and her mother at work she'd stayed in the silent house with nothing but her precious baby boy and her thoughts.

Secretly she'd thought he'd call. She knew that he knew about the birth of the baby.
She scolded herself for wishing that he had cared.
He'd made it perfectly clear that he wanted nothing to do with either of them.
She knew that when she decided to keep Drew.
She knew what she was doing when she'd answered the crucial question from her mother.
Fully aware of the repercussions or not she'd answered a name that belonged to a boy beneath the ground.
