Suicide Is Not An Option

The Fight Begins

I took my seat next to Chassidy and Justin at our lunch table and waited for Kelsey to come sit down. After a couple minutes she sat down next to Jordan with a plate of food. Bingo. "Kelsey. i need to ask you a question." I said scouting a couple seats down next to her.


"OK, so exactly what happened yesterday between you and Jordan?" I said blinking fast, obviously pissed off still.

"Well, we started texting each other just as friends and we like fell in love, you know?" They fell in love...really? Falling in love in high school? Over text messages? Wow...what has this world come to...

"Yeah, just wanted to know. Thanks" I said scouting back to my seat. Now wheres Cassie? She was sitting at a different table. It was behind us, Aj was sitting there. They were talking about Kelsey i could tell. "Cassie!"

"What?! Oh get over her." She said motioning me to sit next to her.

"OK, so apparently they started texting last night and they 'fell in love'!" I said cupping my face in my hands and laughing.

"I swear. She's dead. I'm going to punch her in her fucking face when the bell rings. I don't care who watches!"

"I would normally stop you from this Cassie but Kelsey has gone to far. I say go for it just don't do anything i wouldn't do OK?"

"Yeah. 5 minutes from now. Kelsey wont have a nose."

Those last 5 minutes took forever. In that time Cassie went over to one of the guys tables and told them about what was going to happen and word spread fast...


Everyone got up at once, except Cassie, she was waiting for her opportunity and i stayed near her but i stood up. Finally, her moment to shine. "Kelsey!" She screamed and at that moment the whole lunch room froze. Kelsey stopped.

"What?" She asked.

"What is your problem? I tried to be a good friend to you but you took it too far this time you're going to get punched today." Right then Mrs. Hier got in the way to try to stop Cassie.

"Cassie, just calm down shes not worth it."

"She isn't worth anything but if i don't do this no one will! Shes going to get punched in her fucking face!" She said trying to push passed Mrs. Hier. Kelsey had this look on her face like yeah right shes not going to lay a finger on me. That pissed me off and i wanted to just hit her myself! Mrs. Hier told Kelsey to go to the office and wait there. "Kelsey! You're lucky Mrs. Hier got in the way or else you wouldn't have a face you BITCH!" Mrs. Hier calmed her down and took her out the other door of the lunch room to the office. Thats the last a lot of people ever saw of her...
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only sad things happen after this...