What's Hidden

When Eleanor Greene and the family of vampires with her arrive in Forks, things suddenly begin to change. New things about Edward's past arise. Jasper has to tell more about his story. And, Carlisle tells of his own encounters with the Masen family as he tried to help Edward and his mother.
Then, more secrets are revealed as Alice sees the Volturi deciding to come to Forks yet again.
What can happen as Eleanor, her family and the Cullens as they fight for their lives- again?
  1. 1. Arival- Eleanor
    "Sometimes we must just face the facts."- Eleanor Anna Masen
  2. 2. Theories- Alice
    "Well then. We will fight that way."- Jasper Whitlock
  3. 3. Ideas- Bella
    "Will you all quiet your thoughts. I'm getting a vampiric headache with all this fighting and nasty thoughts."- Eleanor Greene
  4. 4. Secrets- Valerie
    "This is all an illusion. They are not standing there."- Victor Greene
  5. 5. Past- Edward
    "The past is the past. This is the present. Let's act like it's a gift." - Charles Greene
  6. 6. Truths- Scarlet
    "Truths hurt sometimes. Live with it." - Elizabeth Greene