Bite to Break Skin

When Your Heart Stops Beating

I, Effie Soltendieck, am diseased. This disease that I have makes you crave the taste of human blood, and if you try to ignore this craving you will either go insane, or pull out your hair from the agonizing pressure in your throat. They teach you in your first year of school at a "night collage" that your body is first introduced to the "blessing" of the disease at birth, whether you inherited the disease from a relative, or it was still lingering in the air when you were pushed out of your mother, or maybe even the nurse that is cleaning you off just took the temperature of one of us, and didn't even wash his or her hands. The earliest symptoms can start at age 13 1/2. mine started about a year ago, when I was nearing my 15th birthday. My father and I had moved to the outskirts of the city, so that we were close, but not actually in the city. My mother had died at birth, thats what normally happens to the mothers of the diseased anyways, we just didn't know that I was the reason why, well not in those terms anyways. in the beginning I had started to crave crazy things like raw meat, mostly the blood in it. Nobody knew this though, I kept it all a secret, a very good secret. I started to wear several pairs of sunglasses at a time, because i could hardly handle the sun, sometimes i stayed in bed for several days at a time. My friends and family all thought I was trying to be funny, trying to make a fashion statement, or just going through a phase. When I realized what was happening to me, it dawned on me that I had to get out, leave my life behind forever. We had heard about the "night people" in school, or at a teens club. Vampires. but nobody took them seriously. In the next few months after I started going to the "night collage" I will be told by the professors that I made the 100% correct choice, that I wasn't just saving my father, that I was saving myself. I spent a few months on the street, trying to ignore the instinct to hunt, to kill. that didn't work, it made me kill two instead of the needed one. I tried to feed off of animals, once again that made it worse, i will also be told the reason for this, that animal blood is denser, a lot more air pockets in it, so I don't end up getting the proper nutrition that i need. My best friend, Angie, found me once. After a few months on my own, living at abandoned parks, sleeping in the tunnels during the day. I went back to the town that my father and I had lived in, to check up on him. He wasn't there any more, he had moved on with out me, so i had thought. I spent that night down by the creek that Angie and I used to sneak out to during our weekly sleepovers.
As the sun was rising I was looking for a good place to sleep, somewhere well shaded. As I was searching I heard a twig crack, and spun around, with my super humen speed. Angie was standing behind me with a look mixed with horrer and delight on her sheet white face.
"Oh my goodness!" she cried flinging her self forward. I steped back, and held up my hand.
"Effie? Whats wrong? What are you doing? To us? To your father?" that one hit close to home. My father.
"My father?" I spat, "the one that didn't even try to find me? the one that once again, packed up and left?"
"Is that what you think? No, no, no Effie, he was heart broken, we put up posters, we bought air time on the local radio, we were - are- worried about you, I've been coming here everyday to see if you would turn up!" she said flustered her cheeks glowing red with frustration.
"I'm a monster!" I cried falling down to the ground on my knees.
"Tell me" she said coming down to my side and wrapping her arms around me, "what is going on with you?"
"I don't know" I said, sobbing.
"I-i-i sometimes I want to r-rip out the t-throat of the person walking their dog on the s-side walk, and I can't stay out in the sun for l-long or I'll b-b-burn, and I won't have enough energy to go out and h-hunt for another few weeks, and by that time I might be... be... dead!" I told her. We sat there for a few moments, me still sobbing, and Angie just holding on to me in disbelief. When I was finally able to regain my composure.
"You need to leave,go find somewhere, were you fit in, Zach has told me about these...these collage type places, that do there classes at night, just for people like you" she told me animatedly. Zach was her older step-brother, who had gone just like I had, and then it hit me like it had in the past few months, that I was probably hurting Angie the most, first Zach, and then me, her best friend, one of the only people that she could trust.
"You mean monsters like me?" iasked.
"Just go, and look around, sure enough you'll find it, look for Zack!" she said encouraging me.
I took off, running away, anywhere. I had forgotten about Angie's information about this school. I spent the next few months still on the street, until one of my profs. found me and brought me to the night collage, and found me a place to live.
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hope you liked it!