Bite to Break Skin

Here Comes the Wicked Witch, Which Old Witch? ...

I woke up in my dark room, heavy black curtains drawn to protect me while I slept during the day time, to thumping noises somewhere in the house. I took a pony tail holder off of my wrist and slung my hair into a messy pony tail. I walked over to the door and stuck out my head meekly looking up and down the hallway.
"Damn it Nully,if thats you and Jordan again I'm goin-"
"Shut up! He left a few hours ago dumb bimbo!" she said just as tiredly asI was.
"Yeah thanks!" I said punching her in the stomach - as you can probably see by now, our relationship is mostly based on tough love - and walking down the stairs. There was a blond girl with a look of disgust on her face, standing in the den. Behind her was the head of housing Mrs. Faulkner - my best guy friend, Erick's aunt.
"Hello girls" she said looking a bit disoriented, she probably heard me and Nully.
"This is Rachel, she will be your new roommate, she'll be in Heather's old room" she informed us. Heather was our last roommate, she was cool but she was a lot older then us, and it used to be her that we would wake up to thumping noises. She had graduated the year before at a ripe age of 20, and left.
"Ron its the room on the left" Mrs. Faulkner turned and said to the big guy that was carrying all of Rachel's stuff.
"But Mrs. Faulkner, you said that we could have the house to ourselves until we gradated!" Nully said.
"Now girls, I said that we could see, and that it probably would be okay, but we all decided that it would be best if Rachel stuck with her age group" she told us.
"Then stick her next door with Madison!" I said, Madison was our next door neighbor, and unpleasant addition to living on our own.
"She already has a roommate, and that house is only a two roomer" she told us.
"No, she brags about having it all to her self," I said.
"Well thats not true" she said "now I must leave you guys, I'm sure that you will make good friends and that it won't be as bad as you think" she said as Ron came back down, empty handed.
Once she left it was just me, Nully, and the new girl, Rachel, standing in the den.
"Um well, I'm Effie" I said receiving a scoff.
"And this is Nully," I said ignoring her, but getting once again, a scoff.
"Well who thought up those names, a two year old?" she said venom leaking out of her words.
"Listing you little tramp, you stay out of our way, don't mess with our t.v., and certainly don't take any of our blood," Nully said measuring up to her tone.
"Ha! as I was told, that blood is as much mine, as it is yours, and if I had my way, I wouldn't even need to go near it! And so is everything that isn't in your bedrooms" she said brushing us off and walking into the kitchen.
"Well don't touch the drums-
"or the bass...please?" cut her off, still trying to be nice.
"What in the world would I want with those?" She said picking up a cookie, sniffing - smelling the blood - and taking a huge bite out of it.
"Don't touch those" Nully said protectively.
"Shut up fatty, let her have one," I said elbowing Nully in the stomach.
"If you know what's right for you, you'll listen to her," she said walking up the stairs to her bedroom.
"Man! why can't she have been put with Madison?"Nully asked "they would be perfect for each other, I mean who does she think she is? Marching into our house, taking my cookies, and telling us what to do?" she asked, and she was right, but we weren't in any place to have roommate problems.
"Come on, lets go to Erick's, go get ready," I told her, walking up the stairs and back to my bedroom.
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anyone have any clue on how to get a background for the chapters? or is there already one, and im just going far past insane, since i'm already there???