Status: Active

Poprocks and Coke: If I Can't Have Both, Which Do I Choose?

I'm Pathetic


You walked down the stairs with a smile.

You walked into the living room; Mike and Billie were still there surprisingly.

This time was different when you saw Billie; you felt like you were just approaching a good friend instead of a guy that you liked.

"I thought you guys left," you said while walking into the room and seating yourself on the sofa next to Billie.

"No; only Tre left," Mike said, "he wasn't feeling good, so he left," he shrugged.

Poor Tre must have thought that Billie and I were getting feelings for each other... which was true. However, I like Tre more... I think... yes, yes I do.

"I better get going too," Mike said getting up.

"All right, bye Mike," you smiled.

"Bye," he said.

Mike left.

And now it was only you and Billie. He looked over at you then snatched the converter out of your hand and changed the channel on the TV.

"Hey!" you shout at him, which made Billie smile, "Why are you still here? Don't you have to go too?"

"I thought about it, but then I decided that I want to stay," he smirked at you.

"Fine... but don't rape me," you joked, making him laugh.

"I'll try my best not to," he laughed.

"Good. Now what's on?" you asked, putting your attention on the TV.

"Shit..." he mumbled as he flipped through the channels.

"Well, who doesn't like shit?" you laughed.

"Oh, right, I forgot; shit is good."

"Damn straight."

Why are we talking about shit?

The moment was quiet until Billie pointed out a scar that you had on your leg.

"How did you get that?" he asked pointing to the scar.

"I got that skateboarding," you told him.

"Damn, that must have hurt."

"It did," you smiled at him. You looked over at his arm, noticing a scar on it. You scooted closer to him to get a better view of it, "How did you get that?"

"I got it when I was fifteen. I was at an Operation Ivy concert, and they said that I wasn't aloud in, so they kicked me out. I fell on the sidewalk and I cut it."

"That sucks," you told him while looking at the scar.

"Yea, it really did," he said slowly as if he was side-tract.

You looked up at him; he looked back at you. The both of you were staring into each others eyes.

Oh my god, his beautiful green eyes. No! You're I'm him again... Remember I'm with Tre... in a way.

Billie started to move his head closer to yours - to kiss you. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips to fall on yours.

He got closer, closer, and closer, until...


Great... the phone.

"I'll get that," you told him while getting up to go into the kitchen to answer the phone.

"Hello?" you mumbled into the receiver.

"Hey, Nikki."

It was Tre.

"Hey, Tre," you smiled, already forgetting about Billie.

"What are you doing?"

"Just watching TV."

"Is Mike and Billie still there?"

"Billie's here."

Should I have told him that?

"Oh..." you noticed that his voice dropped, "Well, I got to go do some stuff. Have fun hanging out with Billie - I'm sure you already are. I'll talk to you later."

"Tre, ho-"

You got cut off by the beeping telling you that he hung up.

Fuck! What did I do? It's like we're married...

"Tre's mad that I'm here, isn't he?" Billie asked from behind you.

You turned around to face him; You nodded your head.

"I'm sorry, Nikki."

"It's okay..." you said.

"No it isn't. I shouldn't do this to Tre. He likes you too much," he said. "But I like you too," he said over a whisper.

"Billie, I don't know what to do; I like both of you," you told him.

"But who do you like more?"

Who do I like more?

"I don't know..."

There was a moment of silence.


You looked up at him.

"I think you should be with Tre."

"What made you come to that decision?" you asked.

"Well, Tre and you have known each other a bit longer, and tonight you were supposed to be on a date with him, until I convinced him to let Mike and me come, which was a big mistake."

"Thanks, Billie," you told him.

That doesn't change the fact that I still, kinda, like him...

"All right, so I guess I should leave..." Billie said while walking to the door.

"Bye, Billie," you said.

He turned around to look at you; He looked at you like you're the best thing he'd ever seen.

"Bye," he said a little over a whisper.

He closed the door when he left.

Was this a good idea?

When you were watching Billie leave the driveway, you heard the phone ring.

You go into the kitchen to answer it:

"Hello?" you sighed into the receiver.

"Hey, Nikki..." Tre said with remorse. "I'm sorry for over-acting like that."

"It's okay, Tre," you weakly smiled.

"Yea, well I feel bad for hanging up on you like that. It's just that when you left for the washroom at Gilmans, Billie told me that he liked you. He didn't know that we were on a date, and then I saw the both of you holding hands; It just confused me."

Poor Tre.

"It's okay," you dropped your voice.

"But if you like him, just tell me..."

There was silence over the phone for a second as you thought about it.

"I don't know..." you said a little over a whisper.

There was another moment.

"Do you like me?" he asked; there was a hint of nervousness in his voice.


At least I knew the answer to that.

"Now; do you like Billie?"

You thought about it.


"I don't think we can be together than..." he told you.

You felt your heart skip a beat. So many mixed emotions were going through your head.

"What are you talking about?" you felt like tears were going to blast out of your eyes.

"Well, we can't be together if you have feelings for Billie..."

"But I like you too."

"I like you too; I like you a lot."

"Then can we work this out? I really do like you, Tre."

"But you like Billie too..." he said.

You began to cry over the phone because you were so confused about your feelings.

"I know, Tre. Tre, can you just come over and we can work this out? Please? I'm so confused," you cried to him.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," he said before hanging up the phone.

You hung up and sat on the sofa, waiting for him.

We've only been on one date and I'm already crying over him... I'm pathetic.
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Love Tami Wright-Cool