Status: Working on another story while I fight writers block.

Poison: Origin

Toxic Degeneration


Imagine my disappointment when I was told that I couldn't become a hunter. The preferred recruitment ages were between nine and twelve. I learned that The Company did a lot of recruiting at orphanages. In fact, a few manors fronted as such. They chose kids like Ez and Nathan to grow up knowing nothing but the walls of their assigned manors. People like me, who wanted to join at a later age, had a much more complex system of enlisting. First of all, I needed sponsorship from a senior member. Second, I would have to go through a boot camp like training process. Thirdly, I would have to finish the classes I was taking now. Lastly, I would need my parents consent.; meaning they would have to know what I was doing.

Dr. Redson denied me the recommendation. As I left her class, I heard her mutter something about being 'stupid' and that I would end up like her. I don't see anything wrong with being like her. She's a successful doctor. When I couldn't get what I wanted from Dr. Redson, I turned to someone who might. Amy Tsukino. The talk with her went much more pleasant. She taught me how to get rid of one of the necessities of enrollment. Foraging. It's what she did, her sponsor even advised it. Which brought me to the next thing. A sponsor. The only senior members I had met on a personal level were Arthur, and Dr. Redson. Both of which were out of the question.

Talking with Amy, she told me her sponsor was Lady Lin! As in the master that taught Elle everything she knew. Eventually, when Amy was ready, Lady Lin would teach Amy just like Elle. I wondered what she did to get her recommendation, but she told me she didn't do anything. She had just started taking Dr. Redson's course, then that Lady Lin called her saying she had read over her file and would be her sponsor. Amy took what she could get without questions. Though Amy had someone choose her, I had no such luck. Then when I was just about to lose hope, Dr. Shadow came to me. He told me he would sponsor me - no strings attached. Though weary at first, like Amy, I took what I could get.

With all that done, all I had to do was finish Dr. Redson's class and to sign up for the boot camp thing. Then of course there was regular school. I had started going again and was seriously considering dropping out. The material they were teaching was too confusing for me. I struggled through all my classes, even English. Since I had already foraged before, I repeated this shameful act to sign my parent's signature on my failing tests. Emily was constantly hammering me about where I had been, and she didn't believe me when I told her I had been sick. Emma was absent the whole time I had returned. And when she was around, she acted weird around me. Or normal in her case.

Social life at school changed dramatically. The kind Jamie was replaced by the tyrant Morgan as school ruler. Apparently, Jamie's status as queen bee was lost when it the rumors that she was pregnant proved true. The boys didn't want anything with a pregnant girl, and since she could no longer attract the boys, the girls didn't need her anymore. Instead, they looked to Morgan who denied those she didn't deem worthy such trivial needs such as the good restrooms and the lunch tables. All this, because Jamie didn't want to abort her baby like so many of the other girls did.

Things didn't improve much at home. My dad tried to constantly try to take me and Nikki out for 'fun' trips to the park or the water park. I think he was trying to prove to my mother that he's still a good father and by extension a good husband. Though I hated him at the beginning, slowly I began to forgive my father for what he did to our family. My stubborn mother still wanted nothing to do with him. And so, I lived at Ragnarok, Nikki at my grandma's, my mom at our house, and my father in some cheap motel. Our broken family.

Steadily, my life was returned to my twisted version of normal. I go to school every day, then stay after school to catch up. Then I would spend every moment I could at Ragnarok with Leon - who also was steadily showing progress according to Dr. Redson - though it would be a while before he could actually be let out. That is, only if my father didn't decide to whisk me and my sister away to some fun activity. With only so much spare time, my friend activities were limited to only school, and the secret I had to keep from Emily was gradually made our friendship begin to crumble.

"Whenever a prey is within reach a superior's fangs will retract by the compression of a gum muscle located above the tooth. Much like a cat's claws." Dr. Redson explained while showing a complex diagram of vampire's teeth on her virtual board. She pointed the muscle out in her diagram. I wrote down it's name when I saw Amy doing that. "A trained superior can, in fact control this muscle spasm at will."

This class. I focused most of my attention on it. With it, I could learn more about Leon so it was worth it. I couldn't help but feel sorry for us. Here we were, finally accepted by the very people who were trying to destroy what we had and the only contact we had was through a glass wall. Leon, didn't fare much better. Every time I saw him, he looked so different. Just so miserable. He sulked much of the time and hardly said anything. I talked the most during our visits together; about nothing really. I told him about the first time I lost a tooth, and about when Nikki brought home a stray person. Whenever I would stop, thinking that I was boring him with my stories, I told me to continue - that he wanted to hear more.

"Special components in their saliva contain an anti-coagulant that keeps blood from a bite from clotting. This factor allows the blood to flow freely from a bite." Dr. Redson continued her lesson. I made a mental note of this but then wrote it down when again, I saw Amy writing it down yet again. Sometimes I wondered if I should just simply bring a voice recorder and have all the classes whenever I needed them. "As an added effect; whenever this saliva enters an open wound, it causes momentarily numbness and paralysis that spreads from the bite. Because of this factor, we sometimes use this component in many of our manufactured medications."

After looked at yet another vial of blood we were allowed to leave the class. Like a routine that was slowly integrating itself into my life, I made my way over to the isolation chambers. I didn't get to enter when I did. Leon was getting his medication, and I still couldn't bear to watch. I sat outside on a small bench, which was white like everything else at Ragnarok. The halls were empty near the isolation chambers. Probably because they were near the emergency exit.

It was the place where, during a crisis, would be flocked by people loading and unloading things into the hummers. The garage was just a few doors down. It was because this, that this area had to be clear of people at all times. I was only allowed to wait here as long as I didn't move from my bench. It was weird really. There was no noise coming from anything, it was eerie almost. I constantly tapped my feet together to remind myself that in this world of white there was still sound.

Right now, what I fretted most were these boot camp classes. I had to take them three times a week; Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday. I would start this coming week. That would only just further complicate my already full schedule. Saturdays were spent here at Ragnarok starting early in the morning with Dr. Redson, then I would spend the whole rest of the day with Leon at the same time I would do whatever homework I missed from school. Somehow, I would have to make all this work.

I thought I heard rushing footsteps accompanied by that distinct sound that shopping cart wheels made. As I heard the sound near, I realized I wasn't imagining things. From down the hall came dozens of nurses pushing gurneys and wheelchairs with medical equipment on them. They passed by me without as much as a second glance, then just as quickly as they appeared, they disappeared down the hall by taking a sharp left towards the exit. I stood up from my bench to get a better look. I made no mistake, I know what I saw; especially those looks of utter worry and fear etched on their faces.

"Stop!!" Nathan shouted from behind me. I turned just in time to spot him in a wheelchair and coming at me with alarming speed. I jumped back on the bench to keep him from running me over. My hair failed as he whooshed past me; his arms waving frantically in the air. He finally came to a stop when he collided with the wall all the way down the hall.

"That's what you get for not keeping your promises," Elle beamed coming up next to me. "Hey Eli. Did you know that ass still smokes?" Elle said. I was surprised to be honest. I thought it was her giving him the cigarettes. Maybe I was wrong. Down the hall, Nathan groaned.

Nathan, had probably suffered the most during these past few weeks. Though he was almost completely healed, he was placed in a literal quarantine where his food supply was closely monitored. All this effort in Dr. Redson's part to keep Nathan from smoking. She was a doctor, she explained, she couldn't watch as someone wasted away their lives. It appeared, that even these extreme measures proved ineffective when it came to Nathan and his addictions.

"I thought you were his smuggler?" I asked Elle. She looked up at me before looking down at the floor. Elle was free from her duties, just for a month though. So Elle wore normal clothing now instead of that Chinese garb that Lady Lin always made her wear as a uniform. She took a personal leave since one of her dearest friends was in danger. She couldn't tell anyone about the connection she and Nathan had, or else they might be separated.

"He told me to bring him the junk food from his room, not that nasty stuff." At this she looked over in Nathan's direction. He lay still on his back looking at the ceiling, then occasionally at us. He told Elle to bring him junk food from his own personal stash. At Ouroboros things like alcohol and cigarettes were forbidden. So it wouldn't surprise me if he had used these junk food wrappers as a front to hide his deadly cancer sticks. That would mean Elle had unknowingly personally delivered them to him. "Woah, I feel stupid," Elle said when I had explained this to her.

"Don't worry Elle, he's just surprisingly manipulative," I advised. I really didn't except manipulation to be one of Nathan's traits but I guess that's a trait most addicts share.

"Can someone help me up?!" Nathan shouted from down the hall. He hadn't stood from that hospital bed in over two weeks. It was only obvious his legs wouldn't work as well as they should. "Elenore! You're my daughter, I order you to help me!" he declared once neither Elle or I made a move to help him.

"It doesn't work that way!!" Elle shouted in retaliation. I laughed at this exchange between the two. Nathan wasn't mature enough to be a good father - not like mine - and Elle, well let's just say there isn't another little girl in the world like her. Eventually, of course, Nathan had to help himself onto his wheelchair before wheeling himself in our direction. He came up to us with a frown.

"You guys are bitches." Nathan scowled once he was within clear hearing range. I was a bit taken aback by his words. I don't think I've ever heard him say such degrading words at anyone, and it stung a bit to hear them directed at me. Elle responded by smiling broadly, and for a moment there, I could almost picture her as normal.

"Woah! Someone needs a new nicotine patch," Elle said digging through the back of his wheelchair where a bag was attached. She pulled out a small blue box and pulled out what looked like a squared band aid. She continued to slap it on his cheek. She put the box away and pulled out another. "Here, have some gum too!" she said removing a small and squared white tablet then stuffing it into his mouth. She put away the gum box and started fumbling through other objects in the bag.

Curious, I leaned over the bag and spotted dozens of small boxes. These consisted of patches, gums, sprays, pills, and pretty much every single mode of quitting available provided by Dr. Redson. I opened one of the sprays and stared at the weird nasal spray bottle. "Here try this one!" I said handing Elle - who was in the process of force feeding Nathan some pills - the spray. She smiled deviously before taking it and shoving it up his nose.

"Ah! Stop it!!" Nathan yelled slapping away Elle's hands. Having had our fun, we stepped back. In the end, Nathan had two separate patches on his face, his mouth was filled with a combination of gum and pills, and to finish things off, his nose was bright red. Nathan spat out most of the anti-smoking aids in his mouth. "God, I'm not sure what to be afraid of most; being turned into a vampire or you guys." He stressed peeling the extra nicotine patch off his forehead.

"Oh, be afraid, Nathan." I warned half jokingly. If he was going to keep on smoking, then he could only except abuse. Not that I would do something like this again, as long as I didn't have someone to defend me if things went sour. Nathan was, after all, a trained hunter and could probably kick my ass if he wanted to. He seemed to take the hint as I saw him cringe in his chair. "Be very afraid." Soon, I'd be able to kick his ass too.

"We need you to step aside for a bit," a nurse said to us out of nowhere. His breath was jagged and his chest was heaving. A sprint form wherever he'd come from was the most likely culprit. We all obeyed the scrub wearing nurse and moved to the side, next to my bench. When he saw this, he ran ahead without giving us a reason why. Then the horrible truth came into the white light of Ragnarok. The nurses came back, pushing the gurneys. This time, however, there were people in them.

We stood by the wall, watching the parade of injured people. Some of them had severed limbs, which would be carried by spare nurses in ice buckets. Shouts of agony filled the once silent room. Each gurney was accompanied by a minimum of three nurses. One held the iv bags, the other steered the gurney, while the last carried excess parts. Had I not become used to blood these past few weeks, I would have vomited at the nausea inducing sight. I still felt sick though.

Near the end of the line, time seemed to stop. Everything around seemed to blur except for that one gurney. As it passed right by me, I could do nothing but stare at the familiar dark hair. Surely what I was seeing was nothing but a hallucination. Surely. Just as the gurney passed me, everything returned to normal as the last of the gurneys passed through and turned the corner. Surely a hallucination, nothing more. A trail of blood droplets stained the once pure white floor. The blood of other people. Nothing more, these two words repeated over and over in my head. Nothing more. . .

"Was that -" I didn't stay to hear Nathan finish that sentence. I raced after the trail of blood left behind those poor people. Not that I needed it as a guide to lead to where they the nurses had taken the injured. The hospital. Just as I turned the corner, I slipped on the now slippery floor and fell, coating my knees and hands in blood.

Not wanting the incident to happen again, I carefully walked after the trail of blood. Inch by inch, I took those agonizing steps; I just had to see if I had been imagining things or not. Oh, how I wished I was, I just had to make sure I was. I thought I would be prepared what for what lay just beyond those hospital doors. After all, I had seen the remains of that werewolf in the woods. This event was nothing in bloodshed compared to what lay just beyond those doors.

I first thing I noticed were the groans of pain and misery. So many didn't fit in this hospital. A lot of the hunters were being treated on chairs, while the more severe were placed on the beds. To the left, on the bed where I had been placed just a few weeks prior was someone I that I knew from. A hunter I recognized as the one who sometimes followed Arthur around, his assistant perhaps. A doctor - recognizable by the white lab coat - was digging through his left arm with pliers for embedded glass. By the looks of it, he was up for a long few days after this. A familiar face, but not the one I had been looking for.

On a steel chair, just by the entrance, sat Artemis, Ouroboro's leader. He organized everyone and everything within the manor. No one was allowed entrance or exit into Ouroboros without his permission. He assigned his hunters to squads then told them what to do and what to kill. And there he sat, not a scratch on his face or sweat on his brow. I looked at him, but he didn't seem to see me. He looked expressionlessly at his elite hunters but he didn't seem to see them. All he saw were the very human soldiers he had blindly sent into battle. I numbly turned away from the entrance. I didn't want to see someone like him so defeated.

I walked down deeper into the hospital looking for that familiar face trying not to get in anyone's way. There was an unusual amount of activity in the hospital ward. The hospital staff was fully employed. The usual four nurses and one doctor had become fifteen nurses and four doctors - both Dr. Shadow and Dr. Redson among them. I didn't know Dr. Shadow was a real doctor and that his name was more of a honorific title. Seeing him running from cubicle to cubicle - blood staining his gloved arms all the way up to his elbows - with a scalpel and a needle proved me otherwise. He was the senior doctor, making him, by default, the one in charge. Dr. Redson was off the side in one the first cubicles, preforming some kind of open chest surgery. I couldn't bare to look longer than a few seconds.

The once white marble floor was stained red - combination of everybody's blood. Behind me I heard a piercing squeak. I turned; more on impulse than anything. Dr. Shadow had just slipped on the blood, like I had before. Unlike me, he didn't fall on the floor but merely skidded a few steps before catching himself. "Somebody clean a path!" he yelled over the moans of pain and the shouts of the nurses telling the others what to do. Dr. Shadow didn't wait for anyone to get to it before he left in the direction he was aiming for before it incident. Everyone's hands were full, so no one could do anything about it.

I might as well make myself useful instead of just standing there doing nothing. Maybe cleaning this blood could distract me from the hell I was in. No one noticed me simply standing there and I didn't know where I could find any cleaning supplies. I turned back to look at the exit. Maybe I should just leave and come back when it was calmer. When the tormented were eased of their suffering. What if that familiar face was one of the severe ones and didn't survive the night. I couldn't live with myself knowing I had turned away when I was so close.

Suddenly, through the panic, Artemis finally stood. He walked down the corridor, his face empty, right to where I was. A few of the people acknowledged his presence and turned towards him; particularly his hunters. Artemis stood tall and proud, maybe he was going to tell his hunters to not give up. To fight the death which clung on to some of the Ouroboros hunters so tightly. Instead, he reached for some discarded sheets nearby, bent down on his knees, and began to clean. Artemis - had the Ouroboros hunters, one of the worlds most elite forces, at his disposal who would do obey without question him so long as he ordered it; a king in his own right - and here he was on his knees cleaning off the blood of those who were most loyal to him from the floor.

I had only spoken a few words to him before and didn't really know him. Still, when I watched him I felt something break inside me. At that moment I wanted to cry. It was like the whole ordeal, all the misery, had just hit me full force. The numbness disappeared and was replaced with sorrow and guilt. How could I just stand there and do nothing when so many around me were dying!? I had to do something, anything!

"Eliana?" a familar voice came from my right accompanied by a firm hand on my shoulder. This voice was the only thing that had kept me from breaking down in a few seconds. Medic stood there, a cut on his brow and his leg in a makeshift splinter. Other than that he looked fine, and he showed no indication for pain. Medic, otherwise known as Horace, was the doctor who treated my injuries when I first arrived at Ouroboros.

"What happened?" I asked, but I didn't get an answer. Medic pulled me away from the center of the passage where it was busiest. He lead me a short way near the back where the groans slowly dissolved into muted whispers. Here the curtains to the cubicles were pulled all the way giving whoever was in them privacy.

"Those Ragnarok bastards. They think that I can't do anything, but hell be damned! I won't just sit here talking to him while others need my help." Medic muttered to himself as he stopped before one of the cubicles and pulled back the curtains. I nearly choked on what was on the other side. It wasn't a hallucination after all.

He was here, blood dripping from his head. Ezekiel Barlow was here laying on one of the beds. His once vibrant blue eyes were dulled as though he wanted to sleep. Twisted awkwardly was his arm, which hung limply over the side of his bed. He was hurt more than just physically. Like the rest of the hunters in the medical ward, Ez had that same look of utter defeat and humiliation. By the looks of it - all the hunters from a single manor - something happened at Ouroboros. Something horrible which set those heart wrenching gazes on even the most hardened of hunters like Ez.

"He's suffered a severe concussion. If he sleeps now, he might slip into a coma. I just need you to talk to him and keep him awake for an hour." Medic said hurriedly before departing to go help tend to the wounded, and leaving me alone with Ez. I sat on the chair next to his bed.

Ez refused to look at me, and I could look at him. Guilt washed over me even though I didn't do anything to cause this situation. Despite Medic's commands, I remained silent. How could I talk to him now. I couldn't just casually start a conversation about the weather. There was nothing that could be said that would make things right again between me and him. But a coma didn't sound so good, so I had to at least try.

"Ez, I think -" I started but when I turned towards him a look of horror appeared on my face. I couldn't breathe. It was like the whole world had stopped turning. Ez's head was down, his eyes closed. "Ez!" I shouted afraid. When I did, his head lifted and his eyes lazily opened slightly.

"Just resting my eyes." He whispered. No, he wasn't doing that. He was tired, and more than the weariness in his voice showed that. He looked so tired, I felt cruel for having to keep him awake during such a traumatic moment.

"What happened?" I asked trying to keep him awake and talking. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to know exactly what happened. I didn't want to know how many people I had met were here in the Ragnarok hospital, or how many weren't. Seeing Ez, respond to my question with a contorted face of rage encouraged me to hear what he had to say.

"An intruder entered the mansion late at night and started killing off the superiors at Ouroboros while we slept." He told with renewed energy. "When the alarm was finally raised, everyone was confused as disorder set within the dismantled ranks. Ouroboros reacts to foreign vampire threats by activating D.S. Zero which prevents them form escaping. Of course, this prevents us from leaving too." he laughed bitterly. "For three days, she picked us off one by one. Ouroboros acted her own personal lunch box."

Three days. . .

"Only Artemis knows the code to deactivate the defense system but we couldn't get him safely to the computer with her lurking the halls. So we built a small barricade, where no one was allowed in or out. We could only sit there and wait until she had her fill, while those left behind died. . . " He died down a bit after this and returned to his previous semi conscious state. A vampire had actually survived three days against one The Company's most lucrative hunter training facilities. Scarier yet, was the fact that she easily kill so many trained hunters.

"W-what happened after?" I asked. Now I wanted to know. I wanted to know how they got away, or if they managed to successfully kill her somehow. How else could they have escaped. Other than Leon, I didn't know of any other vampire to be merciful. But I only had Grim and Solace to compare to, both of which seemed hostile. Not to me though. They both hated Leon for some reason. Poor Leon, it seemed he have any friends.

"On the last day, she easily slipped past our small barricade. She didn't kill anyone there, instead she seemed to enjoy our useless attempts to stop her. I remember standing next to Arthur as she approached. Then I felt something hit me here," he said putting his hand up to his chest. "Then nothing." He said confused. He looked at his broken arm as if trying to remember how it happened. "I awoke to the smell of burning flesh. Most of Ouroboros was in flames. Anyone who could stand pulled away the seriously hurt from the wreckage. I couldn't stand, not with the beam over my leg. As Ray and Tyler pulled away the beam, I saw her, on the hill overlooking the manor; not really doing anything, just watching. I warned the others, but when they turned, she was gone! They thought I was crazy, but I know what I saw! How could I forget. . ." He drifted his hand still on his chest. Once again, his eyes began to close.

"What did she look like!?" I asked desperately. He couldn't sleep, not yet. I don't care how long it would take him to get out of the coma risk, but I'd stay by his side as long as it took. He must have been through a lot these past three days. Who knows how many people he knew that vampire killed. Unlike me, Ez was much more popular at Ouroboros, and had many more friends outside our small circle. It must have been horrible to be on one side of a barricade, while your friends are dying on the other.

"How could I forget," he continued as though there had been no interruption whatsoever. "with the moon glowing in the background, and the wind waving that snowy hair like victorious flag. Most of all, I can't forget those eyes; burning like the setting sun." His eyes closed, but he kept talking, so that was good. "She was fast, so incredibly fast. . . ."

"Ez!" I called him, but he didn't stir. I stood up abruptly from the chair. "Ez!" I shouted again, this time putting my hands on his shoulders and shaking him slightly. His head rocked lightly from side to side, but he didn't wake. No, this couldn't be possible!

I ran out Ez's cubicle and made my way back to the busy part of the small hospital. The blood was completely cleaned off the ground by now. I pulled back curtain after curtain looking for Medic to ask what to do next. He needed to tell me what I could do to get Ez back up again. I came across some open chest surgery taking place in one of the cubicles - Dr. Shadow the one preforming it - but I didn't even blink before I turned and ran to the next stall. It's funny, how in the middle of such a big crisis, all those wounded people didn't bother me anymore.

"Ez fell asleep!" I said desperately clutching to Medic's arm when I found him. He was in the middle of giving a hunter some form of injection. The hunter was on the gurney, his teeth gritted in pain and his chest heaving up and down rapidly. Medic ignored me as he proceeded to stick the hunter with the injection. Almost immediately the hunter's breathing settled, his muscles visibly relaxed, and the pain that was once in his eyes vanished.

"It truly is amazing how quickly the effects of morphine act," Medic said looking at the now empty needle. The hunter seemed to be in a daze, numb and cold to everything that was happening around him.

"Ez fell asleep," I repeated calmly. Or at least, calmer than before. Medic looked at me annoyed.

"Well what do you want me to do. I can't wake him now, no one can. It's all on him now." he said with a slight glare. It was foolish of me to think that Medic could help people in comas. If he did, he wouldn't have to rely on Ouroboros for a job. Disappointed, I slowly went back to Ez's cubicle. There was nothing that could be done. Nothing I could do.

I returned, and Ez stayed in the same position as before. His broken arm dangling to the side, while is other hand still on his chest. A nurse came by, and I saw as he snapped back Ez's dislocated shoulder back in it's socket. Shows how much I know, I thought it was broken at first. The nurse looked at me pitifully before leaving. His shirt was burned in places and covered in blood in others. I decided to change him out of it, since he was going to be here a while. . .

I went all the way to the back, were the clean linens were kept and found a shirt and a blanket. I returned to Ez with these. Careful not hurt his once dislocated arm, I removed his shirt. I couldn't help but stare. Not because he was amazingly fit - like most hunters - but because there was a hand shaped bruise on his chest. I put one and two together; the vampire had pushed him, without his helmet he hit his head on the ground and passed out. This was probably the reason for his concussion as well. On top of this bruise was a circular red patch of burned flesh. Under closer observation, I could see the Ouroboros snake burned onto his upper chest. The pendant he always wore as a sign of a hunter had been forever burned into his skin.

A single drop of water landed on his lower abdomen. I hastily cleaned it off, but when I did another landed on the back of my hand. Tears were flowing freely from my eyes, I couldn't even control them. I found that I couldn't look at Ez, it was like everything came rushing at me at a single moment. I crouched to sit down, but my chair was on the opposite side of the bed so I landed on the floor. I brought my hand over my mouth to keep from sobbing, only to find my cheeks already moist. I shut my eyes, wanting to prevent the tears from flowing out. It didn't help. At that moment, I silently wept for Ez and for everyone who had suffered through those three days; for those who were still suffering here, and for those who would no longer suffer again.


For three days, I didn't visit Leon in the isolation chambers. I couldn't leave Ez. I had to be by his side when he woke up. I don't know what it was that made me return each time; loyalty, maybe guilt, I don't know. I just couldn't find it in myself to go elsewhere. Dr. Redson came to on the third day, asking me to go visit Leon because he was getting restless, but I couldn't leave. What if Ez woke up when I was gone!

By the fourth day, I still couldn't leave. I was too embarrassed to tell Leon that I was deserting him for Ez right now. It's not like I was doing anything wrong. 'You'd rather spend time with him rather than me?!' I could just hear Leon telling me these words. It was because of this that I kept myself from going to the isolation chambers each day.

"Bye Emily," I waved when we came to that spot where we always split up. She looked at me as if forgetting that I was walking right beside her.

"Whatever." she said lowly before leaving. Our friendship was deteriorating into nothing. She was mad at me because I wouldn't tell her the truth. She just wouldn't believe the lies I told her. I had to fix things with her, but not now. Now I had to go home for the 'special surprise' my dad had for me and Nikki. I knew this was just going to be one his half thought out plans to win back my mother. I also knew hat my stubborn mother would once again reject him.

As I walked down the street I saw the lingerie store then the toy store and I remembered that distant day. It was the beginning of our relationship, I think. I was so mean to him back then. So much has changed in just a few short weeks. Lives have been permanently altered, and people have changed. For the better I hope.

When I arrived home, I saw my whole family on the front lawn. My dad was standing next his car. He caught a small ball when Nikki threw it in his direction. My mom, was stand on the by the door with her arms crossed while staring at my sister and father having fun. When she saw me, Nikki ran in direction happily.

"Look what grandma taught me!" she said. Nikki leaned back, taking a deep breath, and putting her thumb and index finger in her mouth then blowing out as hard as she could. A sharp piercing noise came from her mouth. Looks like Grandma Aniela finally taught Nikki how to whistle. "Mommy says we can live her again. She's says she's finally made up her mind."

This made me look up at my parents. My mom had an expressionless face and my dad, while smiling, looked sad. This is it. This was was how my family was going to end. I didn't think my mom would give up on my dad so easily. I guess I was wrong. A divorce was probably the most likely result. So this was true love? Was this what was expected if you got married?

"Well, I have to go now." My dad said in false happiness, to keep Nikki from noticing the real severity of the situation. I don't know what my parents were trying to do, they couldn't keep Nikki in the dark for long. Nikki frowned.

"I thought you were here to stay?" Nikki asked. I didn't say anything during this 'family' exchange. One day Nikki would know, she'll notice the empty seat at dinner during the holidays, and be left out of the excitement of father's day at school.

"No, honey, but I'll come over every weekend. And you and Eli get to come over a few times a month too." he tried his hardest to explain our new schedule. A schedule that juggled both of us evenly so that they didn't have to see each other so much. "Besides, you and Eli get to have your surprise now that I'm leaving." He added when he saw Nikki's frowning face. Seeing my father just once every so often was something I had grown accustomed to these past few days. This 'surprise' was something I wanted to see now.

My dad opened the car door, reached in, and pulled out a large box. It was pure white, and had small holes near the top. Odder still, was that the box was moving. Almost immediately I could see what was coming. This obvious box didn't ruin the surprise for Nikki, who almost forcefully took the box from my dad and opened. She gasped deeply as she pulled out a small Husky pup.

"He's mine?!" Nikki said excitedly to my dad who nodded broadly. A dog wasn't something I needed right now. I already had so much stuff to do, I knew the responsibility for this dog was going to fall on me. My mom would have nothing to do with a gift given to her by my dad, and lets face it, Nikki will play with it, but that's pretty much it. "Can I name him?!" Nikki asked my dad with bright eyes.

"No, honey. He already has a name." He said while petting the dog's head, but then looked at my mom before returning to the dog. "He's had a name for 20 years when a newly wed couple decided to have a dog to grow old with their children. 'A Husky' she said. But he decided to forget that promise. . ."

"So what did they name him?" Nikki asked completely oblivious to the fact my dad had just referred to himself and my mother. They talked about getting a dog for Alyssa, this dog was supposed to by her playmate, along with mine, and Nikki's.

"They named him 'Charlie'" My dad said with a laugh as if remembering a funny joke. I looked at my mom; she had a hand over her mouth and her eyes began to tear before she turned and walked into the house. He was doing it! My dad still had a chance at winning back my mother. There was still hope. "Go inside Nikki. I have to take your sister to her friend's house to pick up her stuff." Nikki hugged Charlie tightly, making a groan come from him, before running back into the house and slammed the door shut.

"Eli, I'm going to need your help. . . " he said looked determinedly at the closed door, or rather, what lay beyond it. Game on!


There was, yet another, problem. I told my mom I was staying with Emma's house. But Emma had been missing from school for countless days. Those few days I did see her she avoided me completely. I'm not sure why, not even Emily did that. She at least still talked to me, somewhat. I couldn't just drop by and ask Emma to lie for me now. So I resorted to another dirty trick.

My mom knew I was staying with Emma, but my dad only knew I was staying with a friend. So I gave him the directions towards Emily's house. I didn't know exactly where she lived, but I knew what street she lived in. I remember because we once had a heated debate over whose house was the farthest. Mine was around two miles away, Emma's was about one, and Emily's was about two and a half. We counted the miles using blocks.

Once I got to Emily's street, I had my dad unknowingly cruise around the area to look for Emily. Luck was on my side today, as I saw Emily walking with a grocery bag. I saw her enter a shabby apartment complex. I told my dad, that I wanted to hang out with Emily for a bit and that her father would drive me home with my stuff later. He allowed it. It's weird, I've never lied to my parents, I never stayed up late in parties, I always got good grades, I was the ideal perfect child. That is until I met Leon. He wasn't my first boyfriend. That's for sure. He was different than the rest.

"Is, um, Emily here?" I hesitantly asked the the person who opened the door to the apartment that Emily went into. She had disheveled red hair, red like Emily's, but looked like she was nearing her thirties. Older than she really was. This lady stood by the door looking at me in annoyance, dressed in pajamas - even when it was 3:00 in the afternoon - and holding a bottle of vodka. Could Emily really live in this environment?

"They didn't have vodka anymore, so I brought you some whiskey instead." I heard Emily from inside. I peeked through the small crack the lady had opened and saw Emily putting away empty bottles and replacing them with new ones.

"Hey Emily, your friend's here!" She shouted loudly even though Emily was in the same room. She then stepped back allowing the door to open widely. There was a man, dressed in nothing but shorts laying leisurely on the couch in front of the television. Old alcohol bottles littered the ground around this couch as well.

Emily saw me and froze. Slowly, she put the bottles she had in her hands on the table. She excused herself and came outside, shutting the door behind her. We stood in silence for a while. How does I even start to explain my reasons for coming here now? Especially when our friendship is a bit rocky. Those people couldn't her parents? Emily and them, just didn't match. Still, I had to get out.

"Are they your p-" I started but before I could finish Emily cut in.

"That's my sister, and her boyfriend," Emily snapped quickly. "I've lived with them most of my life." She said. Is this why she didn't want me to come to her house? Her caretakers were alcoholic? That wasn't so bad. Emily laughed bitterly at my silence. "I don't come from nice homes like you and Em. I come from this shit!" She said raising her hands above her head indicating to the run down apartments. It was true, both me and Emma lived in two story upper middle class houses. I guess I just assumed that so did Emily. "My parents didn't want us. So they left us." Angry tears began to spill from her eyes. So under all that sarcasm, and though exterior this was what was left.

"Is that all you're worried about it?" I asked. I miraculously resisted the stinging sensation in my eyes. A long time ago, she didn't even want to mention what lay at her home. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, I figured it wasn't so bad. At least she wouldn't have to suffer through arguing parents, like I did.

"What the hell do you mean is that all?!" she said snapped. Her tough exterior was returning again. There would be no more sensible talking with her after this. "Oh, right perfect Eli doesn't understand. Of course -"

"Perfect! Far from it!" I shouted back. Why was Emily being so mean!? It would be so much easier if I could just tell her about Leon, and the hunters. What could The Company do! They wouldn't kill me, would they? And I'm sure they wouldn't hurt Emily either. "There's just so much that's happening I can hardly keep up! And it frustrates me because I can't tell you! I do not need a fight with you to add to that list!" I put my palms over my forehead, leaned back, and took deep breaths. A calming method my mother had taught me. When I realized what I was doing, I snapped my hands back down. Why did my mother have to be so stubborn!

"Oh, Eli, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Emily softened. I let out a disheartened laugh. At least I was getting through to her. "You shouldn't have been so insensitive to my situation though." She added. I laughed slightly. I guess I could have picked my words so carefully. It must have been hard living with no parents. Even if my parents hated each other, I always knew that they would both love me. Emily didn't have that luxury. "We're best friends, we should be able to tell each other everything. . . "

"Trust me on this one Emily, I really can't you this one." I replied. Someday Emily, I'll tell you everything, just not now. She tried to pry if off me but I distracted her with the drama going on at home. I told her how I caught my father in that motel room with that woman - I left out the bit about how I got there - and the constant mental warfare my parents were currently engaging in.

Eventually though, I told her about Leon and Ez, and Nathan, as well as Elle. I, of course, left out the bit about who they really were. According to my lie, Ez, Nathan and Elle, wanted to kill Leon at first because they came from a 'rival school'. I told her that my absence was the time I spent at a camp were I met them and that eventually Nathan and Elle put the 'rivalry' aside. I told her that Ez couldn't let go of the 'rivalry' and that I didn't know what to do. I told her how much I liked him as a friend and how I still wanted to have him in my life.

This lie proved very effective way of introducing Emily to the others without exposing them for what they really were. The only set back was that Emily now didn't like Ez apparently because she 'hated those Avanti jerks. Especially one who couldn't let go of a grudge.' Yeah, the Olympia High - Avanti High rivalry might not have been so smart of a lie to use. It was too late now though.

At least my friendship with Emily was now secure.


Everybody was in place, ready to jump out on a moment's notice. My father's devious plan.

Recently, my mom took on a job as a sale's clerk at the mall. Not that she really needed it as my father still provided her with everything. I think she took it to serve as a distraction more than anything. I had to be there, to make sure my mom was at her post. My dad had me do it since if she saw him, she might just get mad. I blended in the most in the mall environment. When I told Emily of what my father was planning she said she wanted in. So she took Nikki's place - since she was spending the day with my grandma today.

I peeked through the corner, and sure enough there was my mom behind the counter. It was a nice day out today. They shone brilliantly as if it knew that my dad wanted to repair his marriage today. It was an outdoor mall, so the sun easily cast shadows through the trees that had been planted. Very convenient for us.

Suddenly Emily released Charlie. He followed the small ball that rolled gently across the floor. Charlie faithfully followed the red ball, even as it bumped my mom on the shoe. When she looked down she only saw the ball. As she picked it up, an enthusiastic Charlie jumped up and down at the sight of one of his masters. Confused my mom picked up Charlie as she began to look around for my sister or me. I hid behind a pillar. This whole Charlie served as a distraction for my father who sneaked up behind my mom.

He was dressed in a tuxedo, earning himself stares from the mall goers. He didn't care, to him the only person in the area was the woman a few feet in front of him. In one hand he held a small blue velvet box. My mother turned around just in time to see him open the box.

"When we got married, I couldn't afford an expensive ring. Even now, I don't think they'll ever be a ring that costs as more than the love I have for you. But this will have to do. " I heard him say. He took her hand and began to slide the ring on her finger. My mother pulled her hand away. "I am here, on my knees, asking you to love me again." My father said heartbroken. Suddenly enraged, she shoved Charlie on him.

"You're so full of it," she said angrily. She began to storm away. I came out of my hiding spot right in front of her. My job was to cut out her escape route. It worked, as she saw me and suddenly stopped.

"Just hear him out ma," I pleaded. I really wanted this whole dispute to end already. My mother was being real selfish. Why didn't she think of her children before herself. "Don't you ever think of us?" I asked. Maybe I was a little selfish too for wanting to desperately wanting things to return to normal. Regardless, my mother turned back to my father.

"Jen, I love you more than anything in this world." he said taking her hands in the process after he had walked over to her. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, stifling Charlie in their chests. I wasn't weirded out by this. It was a breakthrough! This time she didn't push him off, or slap him away. There was hope, there was hope. . .

"I'm sorry. I forgive you." my mom said stepping back. "But every time I see you. I also see that woman. I can't be with you anymore." This time she walked away, but I didn't stop her. There was no way, they could be fixed now. My mother's sheer stubbornness had won. Our family would remain broken.

"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line. Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me." My dad suddenly and crudely sang in front of all those people at the mall. My dad always was against these types of things. He never liked attention and preferred to surround himself with his co-workers only, as those who would obey him. The curious stare increased even more, a few even laughed. But it made my mom freeze in place. My dad saw this and sang louder and with more emotion as he began walking towards her. Emily began to clap out a beat for him. A beat to which a few people joined, me being one of them. "If you need me, let me know, gonna be around. If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down, if you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown, honey I'm still free, take a chance on me." My dad wasn't a very good singer, and his voice came out cracked and broken but my mother turned and looked at my father with something else other than that empty gaze.Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie. If you put me to the test, if you let me try. Take a chance on me

That worked. My mom responded by wrapping her arms around him in a passionate kiss. People around us clapped and cheered. Disturbed by this act of public affection, I turned way with a smile. My dad sang a song, and for some reason my mom couldn't resist him? Who was I to question this! They were getting back together and that's all that mattered.

"These lips are mine to kiss and only mine, understand?" My mom ordered seriously. My dad had a cheeky smile, but nodded to this demand. With this action, my mom smiled and kissed him again. Things were finally looking up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mostly a filler chapter. Originally written with another part, but all of it didn't fit on one chapter. I'll give you guys this chapter as I work on the other half, instead of withholding both parts and releasing them at the same time.

The next part is almost done though.