Status: Working on another story while I fight writers block.

Poison: Origin

Social Engagement


"Right now, you are weak! You are pathetic! By the end of this twelve week program I will have you ready to join the hunter ranks." My boot camp instructor said holding out a sword. As it turned out, girls were trained differently than boys. While boys used sheer numbers and power, we were taught to use stealth. "Those hunter boys will not be able to win against one of you alone. They're practically useless without their teams and squads. . . ." She had said when one of us questioned the training differences. Amy was in this class too.

It's funny how things work out. My mom finally forgave my dad. They went away for their second honeymoon. Nikki was still staying at my grandma's. They almost made me live over there too, until I convinced the my mom that spending two weeks with Emma would be a lot more fun. I told my father the same lie, except I told him I was spending it with Emily. Things were finally looking up for me.

"The most efficient way of killing one of those damned creatures is to get it to lose enough blood in one blow with out it regaining any after." She then proceeded to preform complex maneuvers on an imaginary opponent. Our trainer was much more graceful compared to what I had seen in Ez and Nathan, she was much faster too. "However, us girls are much weaker when it comes to our male counter parts, so you will only work with light weight swords, or guns. Later on you will be assembled into cells with your skills complimenting your team members' "

After this very brief introduction we were immediately put to work by doing push ups, crunches and other various exercises. During these exercises, she got up in our faces and shouted derogatory remark at us. She would make us start over if we did anything wrong, or if she just simply deemed us unfit. It was here that I first started to hate that woman. By the time we where done, my sides ached and I felt like I was going to wretch.

We were given weapons shortly after. Not wanting to overstress myself, I chose a gun so that I wouldn't have to practice by waving around a heavy stick. I was handed a paintball gun and was lead to a target range. I was told I couldn't leave until I got six consecutive hits in the center circle.

As I looked at Amy practicing with her wooden sword I wondered if we could change. She was actually fighting the other members; if you could call it that. Most of the trainees waved around their false weapons around trying to hit each other. The purpose of today's exercise was to get acquainted with your weapon. To get a feel of it. I couldn't really do that since my paint ball gun was made of plastic. I sighed and continued my practice. Someday I'd be able to fight alongside Leon against those who stood against him. Using this as renewed inspiration I raised the gun - even when my arms ached and begged for rest - and continued to try and get my consecutive six shots.

I aligned the top of my gun with an imaginary line I made that went horizontally against the target. I fired intending the gun to fire straight, but the recoil caused the gun to fly back nearly hitting me in the face. The paint ball missed the center - and the target for that matter. If this was just a paint gun, I wouldn't be able to control a real gun's recoil. I fired again, this time holding to the gun securely. The paint ball didn't hit the center this time, but I was close.

After four hours of the combined exercise and the weapon practice - I only manged four consecutive shots - we were gathered up for a final time. Just when I thought it would finally be over, that we would be allowed to go home, our trainer came up to us stating one final routine. Hand to hand combat.

"Now I don't expect you to be expert on this quite yet, I just want to asses your abilities so that we will have something to feed off next time." She said. Tired and just wanting to go to my room and lay down, I let out a very audible groan. This noise didn't go unnoticed by our trainer. "Thank you for volunteering Seven" she said. Apparently our numbered names transferred over to this class. Amy was Six, so we were almost always partnered together.

Cursing myself for being so stupid I made my way down the bleachers - where we sat - to the arena. I hardly realized how big it was without all the people doing some form of activity in it. It was large and circular and looked reminiscent to a gladiator's pit with bleachers that began a few feet above the ground and extended all the way near the ceiling. Once again, everything was that blinding pure white of Ragnarok. The floor of the arena was made up of separate circles, each smaller than the other.

I hesitantly made my to where our trainer stood in the innermost circle. Our trainer was an imposing figure of a woman. She was tall and very well muscled, but somehow still slender. On her head was a cropped dark tangle of hair, and she stood tall and unimpressed with everything we did. I think, most frightening about her, was what she wore. A deep green jumpsuit that tucked into heavy combat boots above the ankles. The front zipper was undone to her waist, where she wore white tank under. Around her waist, hung a brown leather belt to hung a small combat knife. There were already rumors that when someone made her mad, she would whip the person with that belt. Overall, she looked like the epitome of a hardcore military instructor; except the female version.

Uninterested, she pointed to a spot on a circle where I guess she wanted me to stand. I did as she told me. I was so tired right now, I just wanted to get this over with and get some rest. "Look at her girls. Weak and worn by the trials I've made for her. Truly pathetic." She insulted me. I did nothing, but look away from her and the stares I got from my fellow huntresses-in-training. I was to tired to retaliate in any way.

Suddenly, there was a loud 'thwak' and I felt a burning on my whole front of my face. I clutched it tightly and massaged to ease the pain. As I did this a felt a hard bump on my hip which sent me stumbling a few steps before falling on the floor. "Never take your eyes way from your enemy. You must always know where they are, and where they are going. A very simple lesson that even the most ignorant will forget." Our trainer advised with a clear insult fired in my direction. It wasn't fair, she didn't even say when we were going to start. Now enraged, I quickly stood up from the floor and brought my hands up close to my face in fists. Our trainer was amused by my actions.

"Humph," she scoffed as she brought her hands up to chest level. Unlike my tight fists, her hands were relaxed. An odd fighting stance, I thought. I've never been in a real fist fight before, and I didn't know what to expect. I imagined our trainer suddenly moving like Jet Li or Jackie Chan, and hoped she wasn't like that. To be honest, I feared hunters because I knew they could beat me down. I knew, though, that I would have to get rid of this fear if I ever planned to fight alongside Leon and the others.

She didn't do anything, but she looked at me unamused and unimpressed. She provoked me, I swear she did. At that moment, I had the chance to cause her pain. The same type of pain she had made all of us endure. I wouldn't let this opportunity pass by as ran up to her and brought my hand back, ready to punch off that stupid smirk off her face. I brought my fist forwards as hard as I could. I wasn't as fast as I thought I was because she easily dodged it by casually stepping aside. I walked forward with the punch a few steps. Before I could turn around, I felt our trainer kick me hard on my lower back. I fell forward this time.

No sooner had I hit the floor, I felt a pressure on my back keeping me from getting back up. My hair was then being pulled up, bring me up with it. However, the pressure on my back kept me from getting up so I was being bent painfully backwards in an awkward angle. As if that weren't enough, I felt cool metal being pressed against my now exposed throat. I kept as still as I could, not wanting to provoke the metal from cutting my flesh.

"Don't ever,ever give your back to your enemy, because it doing so means death!" she yelled before climbing off my back and letting my hair go. I crumpled back on the floor, frustrated tears threatened to spill as she turned away to address the others. She was so mean! And I couldn't do anything about it! Even when I had the opportunity and not get punished for it, I couldn't hurt her!

I got up, this time in pure unrefined rage. I charged at her turned back. I hated her so much! This was my chance to get back at her. My chance to make her suffer. Just as I neared her, she turned around and raised her leg. I practically ran into the kick as it made me stop as though I had hit an anvil. It hit me square in the abdomen. For the third time that day, I fell on the floor. This time, however, it wasn't from the force of a blow, but from the pain that I had helped cause.

"Use your emotions. Don't let them use you." She told me as I lay in pain on the arena floor. Our trainer then stood to address everyone else. "Everyone, this class is over!" Our trainer yelled like she was so good at. "Go to your assigned lockers before you leave. I left you a present." she said as the people began to leave. I stayed on the floor, with my hands clutching tightly to my abdomen, waiting for the pain to subside. Tomorrow, however, there was going to be a nasty bruise.

I don't know how long I stayed there, but I think I've might have fallen asleep at some point. When the pain dissipated I remained there, thinking. Of all that had happened these past few weeks, and what the future would hold. Most of all, I thought about Leon. What would he say if he saw me training to kill his kind; but what he thought wouldn't stop me. I had to do this, I couldn't be the weakest anymore. Even if he didn't like it, I couldn't just sit around while Leon did all the work. I had to do this for me.

I eventually left the arena, and went to the lockers in the hall where our trainer had told everyone to go. The lockers consisted of two rows stacked to top of the other and were made of metal painted over with white. They were standard issue lockers, the same ones they have in schools. Ironically, they didn't have locks on them. I assumed my locker to be 7; a bottom locker. Inside it I found a green jumpsuit, like the one our trainer had worn, and a similar pair of boots. Below of all this was a small note which read; Your new uniform. Wear it next time.

I outstretched the thing, thinking that perhaps I would like it more if I did. It was made of rough fabric and looked like something the Olympia High janitor would wear. There was no possible way I could ever like this thing. It was horrible! As if that wasn't enough punishment, it looked like we would have to come here dressed in it. I was lucky, I lived in Ragnarok. Others like Amy, however, would have walk the streets wearing their uniform. My main concern was if Leon or someone else saw me walking the halls this way. So far, nobody knew what I was doing, and I planed on keeping that way. I know exactly how, I would just have to figure that one out as I went.

I walked towards my room, slowly and painfully. On the way I saw that hallway, the one lead to the isolation chambers. I had to face Leon sometime, I guess there's no use in prolonging it much further. As I walked in that direction, I became haunted by the images I had seen just days earlier. Suddenly, it was like it was happening again. I heard the sound of those gurneys, and people shouting at each other to get things done. I even moved to the side as if waiting for the gurneys to come, but they never did.

Then I was back again, to the Ragnarok hallway that had been scrubbed clean of blood. I stared at the floor. Even with it cleaned, that hallway would be forever tainted with the blood of the wounded. I sat down on my bench to keep these suppressed memories from coming back to the surface. I needed to pull myself together before I faced Leon. I sat down, trying to 'pull myself together' but I knew what I was doing - stalling - when I suddenly heard voices. I realized then, that the door that lead to the isolation chambers was open.

Normally, I wasn't one to pry, but I had to know if they were talking about me. What Leon had to say about my recent actions against him. This way I could make the decisive choice on weather to enter or not. Leaving my new uniform on the bench, I leaned against the wall beside the open door. This way, I could hear perfectly without being seen.

"You know what they're calling it now! The Ouroboros Massacre!" I heard a feminine voice angrily shout as listened intently. "Goddammit you could have prevented it!" Enraged and furious, but I could tell this voice belonged to Dr. Redson. It's been just under a week since the so called Ouroboros Massacre, and people sere still dying. For someone to stand idly aside for three days while everyone else died when he could have stopped everything was inexcusable.

"I won't stand against a sovereign. . . " I heard an unfamiliar voice. It was so gentle and caring, kind of like how Leon spoke to me. It didn't belong to Leon though, since it wasn't through the mic. I wondered, then, to who it belonged.

"Damn you Hector! Why must you always do nothing let things get worse?!" I heard Dr. Redson say angrily. This was a accompanied by the sound of screeching as a chair was suddenly pulled. I flinched at the noise. I had never met an Hector and I felt rude for ease dropping on their conversation and was about to pull away, but then he said something that caught my attention.

"Do you remember when Leon tried to kill you all those years ago?" Hector suddenly said. "Was I worthless then?" Silence from both of them. He knew Leon from before. Now intrigued by the conversation, I stayed to listen some more. It took a while for them to talk again. "Sometimes I wonder if you still remember those days."

"How could I forget. We were so close back then." Dr. Redson said with a hint of nostalgia. She laughed softly as if recalling a distant memory. "You used to take me to see the latest movie, and I'd drag you along for picnics in the park. Even when you didn't like being around other people, you still came with me." Was she talking about dates? I'm pretty sure she's married now, and I know for a fact that she has two sons. She constantly reminds me of their mischief.

Uncomfortable by the conversation, I once again thought about leaving, but they knew something about Leon that I didn't. That was enough reason for me to stay in hopes that they would utter something about him. This time luck was on my side.

"We'd used to do everything together, and that drove Leon crazy. 'She's coming between us!' I remember him saying to you, even in front of me." Dr. Redson deepened her voice in her attempt to imitate Leon. So Dr. Redson knew Leon even before he came here with me? "I used to think it was cute, that is, until he snapped and tried to kill me."

"Then I brought you here, so that they could protect you." Hector paused, then added. "They're doing a much better job than I ever could." He said sadly. So years ago, Leon came between these two. Worse yet, he tried to kill Dr. Redson! I wondered who exactly this Hector was.

"But Leon's changed now. I could tell as soon as I saw him. It's because of Eliana Crowe." Dr. Redson butt in.

"Maybe," he said thoughtfully. Then he let out a short laugh. "After all these years, still whenever I'm around you, I still can't focus. I didn't even sense her eavesdropping by the door until just now."

I froze. I wished he wasn't mad that I was listening, and that Dr. Redson would please forgive me. More than that, I wished Hector wasn't a serious hunter who could beat the hell out of me. Dr. Redson couldn't possibly allow it right? But then, what if she was bad too. . . I wished that I could just disappear. They'd call me the eavesdropper now. I wish I had just stayed on my bench. But what was done is done, there' s no point in moping about it now, I thought as I revealed myself.

I stared wide-eyed at the two people who were currently in the isolation chambers. One of them was Dr. Redson, like I had previously thought. The other, the other was Grim! It wasn't possible! His voice was cold and meaner, it couldn't be the same Hector whose voice sounded kind and gentle. I didn't know Grim for a long time, but I knew enough to know that someone like him was cruel and vile. How could someone like that use such a heart warming voice. So kind, yet sad.

"Looking for Leon?" Dr. Redson asked kindly pretending she didn't know I had heard their whole conversation. Too stunned to do much of anything, I simply nodded my head up and down. "Always looking for him huh, Eli?" she said with a smile. Once again all I could do was nod in agreement. "I discharged him a couple hours ago. He's staying in one of the guest rooms if you want to visit him. He'll have to come back everyday at 4:00 though." Leon was discharged. . .

Oh, no this wasn't good. I mean of course it was good, but now it would be much more difficult to sneak around. Hopefully that would buy enough time to get up in the ranks or something that couldn't be reversed. Leon wasn't stupid, he'd catch on eventually, but until then I'd just have to lie my way through it.

"And by the way," Dr. Redson piped in when she saw me turn to leave. "I gave him some experimental pills that will curve his thirst for fresh blood. Please make sure he takes them," she smiled kindly. Grim simply stood there with that everlasting expressionless face. "It's important during this time to keep him from drinking any fresh blood or else the effect of this medication will be nullified."

"So that's it?" Grim suddenly snapped his once blank expression turned savage. "He gets to have his happy ending now?! He doesn't deserve a happy ending." Grim walked out of the room. I held my breath as he passed by me. I don't really know why, but I half expected him to hit me or something, so it came as a shock when he just went past me without even a simple shoulder shove. Then I remembered; I left my uniform on the bench right outside!

I turned quickly, as I headed for the door I quickly thanked Dr. Redson. She replied with a kindly 'you're welcome' before returning to a computer screen. I raced outside. It was too late. Grim passed by the bench, then looked curiously at the clothing. He then turned in my direction. As if slowly piecing things together, a wry smile began to appear on his lips. It grew and grew until finally he let out a short laugh.

"Oh, this is just too good!" he laughed. What would happen now? Would he tell Leon to make him mad? Probably. What would I even do if Leon told me he didn't want me to do this? I couldn't stop now, I had to do this. These people were my friends, and I couldn't just sit idly by while they got hurt. If Leon threatened to leave me for that, then he'd just have to go. . . "Don't worry, I won't tell." Grim said when he saw my worried face. Surprised by this seemingly noble act of kindness, I looked up at him bewildered. He simply smiled, I could almost say sweetly, before leaving.

"Wait!" I asked stupidly. He was doing me a favor, yet I just had to know why. "What do you get out of this?" Grim stopped in mid step before turning in my direction.

"When he finds out about this, girl, I want to be the one who tells him I knew all along." he said before disappearing down the corridor. I stared at him. So if this got out, he'd be the one adding fuel to the flames. That is, if it ever got out.

That aside, I took my uniform and safely hid it in my room. I fixed myself up a bit by taking a shower and finding more decent clothing before leaving. Glad to leave my shabby room, I went over to where the guest rooms were located. I was now a training member of Ragnarok, so naturally I had been placed in the same sector as all the other in house trainees.

I stopped by at the sector desk to find out what room Leon was in. '203' the computer said when I typed in Leon's name. Here in the guest sector, the hallways were white, but the floor was carpeted with a deep red. The doors were a rich mahogany color that contrasted considerably against the white background. Nathan and Elle resided in this sector. I hadn't really gone to visit them though. I wonder how Elle must be torturing Nathan at the moment.

I came to the room sooner than I had thought. I stood outside for a while thinking what exactly to say. Though I really was excited to see him, I felt bad for avoiding him for so long. I stared up at the golden plate which read '203'. I sighed before taking a hold of the doorknob and opening the door.

Immediately marveled by the grandness of the room I couldn't help but stare in envy. My room was nothing but a small 15 by 15 room with a twin bed, and the walls were a dull golden brown. His, however, was a large room, I couldn't proximate the length, but I could see his room had a balcony. Leon had a beautiful canopy queen sized bed with comfortable looking blankets, while I had a twin and scruffy comforters. I had a strong urge to remove my shoes to feel the soft carpet between my toes to contrast the hardwood floor of my room. His room had a plasma television, while mine had none. In front of the plasma sat a very plushy looking couch and a glass coffee table was placed in front of it. His room looked like the rooms they advertise in the television.

Tempted by the sheets, I went over and threw myself on the bed. The sheets were as comfortable as they looked. I smiled in glee for some reason. This wasn't even my room! But it was Leon's so at least he got to live in luxury for a while. Curious, I pulled out one of the sheets and looked at the bottom right corner. '100% silk' the tag said. I could see The Company spared no expense on it's visitors. If only I could say the same for it's members. That's all just part of the illusion. They get people hyped up about the Company so that they could get new recruits.

"Really now, Eli, the sheets?" I heard him say. His voice so pure and unfiltered than that sad excuse of it through the mic. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, and there he was, standing dripping wet in nothing but a pair of jeans fresh from the shower that was adjoined to his room. Leon. My Leon. I wasted no time as I jumped off his bed and ran up to him and put my arms around him in a tight hug. He was here, with me, it was a happy moment, but then why did I feel like crying?

"I missed you." I whispered into his chest as he put his arms around me, holding me as tightly as I held him. I thought I'd be strong during our time apart, and I was but now, through all that denying, and waiting, I realized how much I actually missed him. How much I had longed to hold him and feel him against me. But I wanted more. . .

"Hey," he said to get my attention. Smiling and overjoyed, I was more to happy to oblige. I looked up at him and was caught by a simple, but sweet kiss placed softly on my lips. "Eh, why are you crying?" he asked pulling tucking my hair behind my ear when he pulled away. I laughed as I rubbed away the tears. I'm such a crybaby.

"I'm just happy, I guess." I answered as I nuzzled myself closer to him. This moment, for so long stalled, had finally become a reality. We were together, and nothing was going to try to separate us again.

"When did this happen?" Leon asked worried as he traced the small scar on the side of my face. I stiffened up. I hadn't even realized it had scared. I guess since I always wore my hair down, covering that part of my face, I didn't even notice it. Not wanting to worry him with my encounter with Solace, I lied to him by telling him the same lie I told Dr. Redson. He seemed to believe it. "Just be careful." he said placing a gentle kiss on the now healed up scar.

This was it, we were together and nothing would stand between us. Finally, we were together, so "what now?" I asked out loud looking up at him. I saw his face brighten as he detached himself from me. I held on longer than needed.

Leon returned to the bathroom and came back to me fumbling through the pockets of his previously worn pair of pants. I disappointingly noticed he had put on a shirt in there too. Leon, then pulled out, what liked like a pair of worn tickets. "I guess we could go watch this," If this was his idea of asking me out on a date, he wasn't very romantic.

I spared a moment from Leon as I glanced down at the tickets at my hand. The words 'Carmen' were printed in large letter across the top with the showtime and address typed in smaller font underneath it. By looking at the address, I realized the theater was located in the classy part of Olympia, so formal attire was a must. It even said so on the ticket.

"Dr. Redson gave them to me for being a 'cooperative patient' " he paused before adding with a laugh. "Not like I had choice. She said I might enjoy it if I brought you along." he said handing me both the tickets. "She also gave me this strange plastic device, and told me to use it freely," he said pulling a credit card from his pocket. Immediately I noticed it as a platinum card, one with the biggest spending limit. Why did he get everything so nice.

I had a company card too, mine was provided by Dr. Shadow. It was his 'duty' as a sponsor to provide me with anything I'd ever want or need. However, mine had a 2000 spending limit. Though that was more than enough, I couldn't help but feel just slightly envious of Leon. I quickly pushed these thoughts aside, they didn't matter. What did matter was that in a few days time me and Leon were going on a date.

I don't really find the musical theater all that fascinating. In fact I find it boring to see people prance about the stage singing songs like some disney film. As long as I could be alone with Leon during that time then it'd be worth it. Come to think of it, we hadn't had a date without it ending normally. This date, would have to be our first real date. This time, I'd actually get to dress nice for Leon.

The day of the date came sooner than I thought. That day, I used the credit card Dr. Shadow had given me much more than the 'emergency' card my dad had given me. I kept most of this private to everyone other than Leon, so I went shopping alone. This wasn't as fun as I thought it would be as there was no one to offer me any feedback on the dresses I was trying on. I tried on a bright green dress and I thought it looked good on me, but when I saw the disapproving looks by one of the clerks and I took it off. What I thought was nice probably looked tacky to others. I wanted to find a dress that would awe Leon.

"Please help me?" I asked desperately to the sales clerk who had frowned on a number of the dresses I had tried on. He was dressed flamboyantly yet still within the store's dress policy. Tall and well kept, he looked like the ideal man a mother would select for her daughter. I held onto the three different dresses as he came over.

"I thought you'd never ask. Marco, by the way." he said once he had come over to the dressing area. He took the dresses from my hand and began to go over them. Immediately, he discarded two - a black one and a yellow one - claiming they didn't look so well with my skin tone. "What is this for? Your prom?" he asked holding out a beautiful blue and brown dress. Was it that time already? When high school girls flock to the dress shops to find a one of a kind dress to wear for that one single night. Too bad I wasn't a senior yet.

"oh, no. Just a fancy date with my boyfriend." I finished with glee. I had a boyfriend! For almost a month now too, yet it didn't seem so official until just recently. I, Eliana Crowe, was going on a date with my boyfriend. I smiled broadly.

"Well someone's in love." as soon as he said that I felt a blush begin to appear on my cheeks. So maybe what he said wasn't a lie. "So where are you going?" he asked as he trailed me while I browsed through the stores wide selection of dresses. Every time I pulled something out, Marco would either nod his head in approval or guide my hand back to the rack.

"We're going to see this show called 'Carmen', my boyfriend got us the tickets." By the end of that sentence I was practically laughing. The main reason being because I had yet again referred to Leon as 'my' boyfriend. If only Marco knew what Leon had to go through to get those tickets, even when he didn't really want them.

"Carmen? You're going to see that!?" he asked surprised. He even stopped walking. "You can't wear any of these to that!" he declared leaving the dresses I was going to try on abandoned on one of the racks. Without warning, he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the junior miss department. "You'll find what you need here," he said as we arrived at the woman's department. I stared intimidatingly at the dresses in this department.

Unlike the dresses in the junior miss department - which were short and cute - the ones from the woman's department were floor long and sultry. They weren't as revealing as the ones in the junior miss department, but I could never wear any of these. They looked like the types of dresses those femme fetal wore in the spy movies.

"This one, I think, will match your figure perfectly." Marco said pulling out a long beautifully red strapless dress. A very remarkable dress but like I said, it wasn't something I could ever wear. "Here, try this one on." he said handing me the dress, then pushing me towards the dressing room. He entered the ladies dressing room without protest from the lady behind the counter how checked who and what went in. Marco practically shoved me into one of the stalls. I guess I had no choice now. I removed my shirt and saw a quickly fading bruise on my stomach. When I touched it, it stung slightly, but nothing too serious. Quickly I slipped on the dress.

Even when I put it on, I hesitated on leaving the security of the changing stall. It fit me perfectly to say the least. The gown hugged my every curve without being extremely tight, which was good, but it also made me feel naked. The reflection in the mirror showed a slit on the front right side, but nothing to bad; it ended just a few inches above my knees. "Are you done yet?" I heard Marco's voice from beyond my personal sanctuary.

"I, uh, yeah. I'm coming out." I warned nervously. I opened the flimsy door and stepped outside. I had to pull up the gown to keep me from stepping on the ends. I shifted uncomfortably in place. I fumbled with my fingers. The tips of my bare feet stuck out of the dress hem when I lifted it. I'd probably have to get my toes done, if I was going to wear some nice shoes. Marco didn't say anything. Probably too noble to say the harsh truth.

"Hun, it's perfect for you. You'll be the envy of every woman there. You just need some heels and some accessories and you'll be set." he said honestly. I smiled at this much needed compliment. So maybe I didn't look so horrible.

Marco took me to the accessories department, where he picked for me a black ribbon choker with matching black gloves. He also suggested a coat so that I didn't feel so exposed. Then we came to what I dreaded most; the shoe department. Now I've worn heels before, I am a girl after all, but the highest I've mastered was just two and a half inches. Anything above that, and I'd have trouble. As if to know my flaw, Marco chose a pair of three and a half inch black heels that were 'built for your outfit!'. Though I wasn't so sure about them, I took them anyway. How many times did I ever get to dress this nice for someone else.

With all this bought, I had to leave to get myself done. As I left the store, I made a mental note to never return to that store. The total had been $462.24 the shoes had cost almost as much as the dress!

I walked just down the road to the salon. As I walked, a primal instinct told me to look over my shoulder. As if to see someone, but when I did there was no one I knew there. Tonight was going to be a good night, so I pushed this paranoia aside.

I got my nails done and painfully learned what waxing felt like. Then it came to the hair. The hairstylist kept asking me over and over again what I wanted it like, but I didn't know. So instead I showed her the dress that I was wearing - which I was carrying around the streets of Olympia.

"Oh, okay!" she said loudly when she saw it. So I sat for nearly forty five minutes while she did my hair. She tugged painfully on my hair, and at times I suppressed a yelp. In the end it was worth it, as I looked at yet another reflection in the mirror. My hair was done up in a messy bun, I loved it. The only problem was that the bite marks could still be very faintly seen. Luckily, I had bought the choker Marco had so much insisted on, back at the other store. This way I could use the choker to hide them.

After my hair, they began to start with my make up. I looked at the clock. We had agreed to meet back at Ragnarok directly at 8:30; the show started at exactly 9:00. The Company would provide us with a ride to the theater, so we chose to meet at the Ragnarok garage so that we could be picked up from there.

We had to dress formally so for men, that only meant a tux for Leon. I couldn't help but picture Leon in a tux. It was like my own personal, and twisted, version of Cinderella. Leon was my prince, and I was being transformed into his princess. I imagined us dancing the night away, just like Cinderella did that night where she pretended to be someone else. I, however, got to be myself during that night, and I'd remain myself when I awoke the next morning.

"Okay, done," the make up artist said interrupting my day dream. She turned my chair so that I could see my reflection, and I was stunned at the person who stared at me back. She was bold, and beautiful with rosy cheeks and bright lips. She didn't look like the feeble girl that I was, she looked dangerous with cold imposing eyes. She. . . she was me!

I thanked the people of the salon after paying, and left to Ragnarok; which was conveniently built in the heart of Olympia. Ragnarok was nothing but a short walk away. Once again, that feeling of being watched tickled the back of my neck. I turned and looked around. Still no one. This wouldn't get in the way!

By the time I got to Ragnarok, I had only thirty minutes to get ready. I quickly changed into my dress, and slipped on the gloves. Carefully, I maneuvered the satin choker so that it covered the bite marks from before. I put on the coat, to fight off pretend cold. Then I waited a few minutes. I delayed putting on the shoes until I finally had to leave through the door.

As I passed the door, I saw someone I didn't know out of the corner of my eye. My gaze snapped in that direction to see a woman standing there in a red gown. It took me a moment to realize that this woman was me. I smiled, it would take me awhile to get used to this. With that final thought, I left my room, ready for the coming night.

I walked down the halls in silence. The only sound heard was the clicking of my heels on the white marble floor. I took cautious steps, careful not to trip. There was a stinging pressure caused by the elevation of the heels on my toes. The only thing that kept me from taking them off was that I'd only have to stand with them for a few minutes while we waited for our ride. Then I'd have to walk to my seat and leave, of course. I thought about returning the shoes after tonight. There would be little to no wear and tear on them. But then if I returned them, I'd have to return the dress because I couldn't wear this dress with any other heels, and I didn't want to do that. I decided to keep them, they were free, after all. Well, free to me.

Then I came to that hallway outside the isolation chambers, that lead to the garage and I saw Leon sitting on my bench. I smiled, he was wearing a tux. He wore it, black on black, as in black suit and black shirt. He looked even better than ever.

When I got close enough, he looked up then looked back down at the pills Dr. Redson had given him. My steps faltered. What if he didn't like the way I looked? No, I wouldn't have self doubts now, after I - well Dr. Shadow to be specific - paid all that money. If Leon didn't like it, then he'd just have to get used to it, this is how I was going. Even if I did dress this way for him. . .

I stopped right in front him, with my hands at my waist. He still didn't look up. I cleared my throat, and he looked up again then did a double take. "Eli?" he asked surprised. Just the reaction I was looking for. Marco was right.

"The one and only," I said happily very well satisfied with the results of today's work. Now Leon, had to tell me how beautiful I was, how I rivaled the moon, or how even the most beautiful flowers shied away from my presence. I waited for anyone of these compliments from him. Instead, however, I got this;

"You. .you look. . . .uhm. . . eh. . . .t -tall," He said standing up from the bench so that we could be at eye level, very much in a nervous state. It wasn't the compliment I was looking for. Still it was good to know that I could make him, Leon, a vampire, nervous. He stood still taller than me, just by a little bit though. If he didn't wear those dress shoes, then we'd be the same height.

"You look tall too Leon," I replied. He chuckled lightly before taking my hand and leading me to the garage, even when I already knew where it was.

I always knew that the garage was just a few ways off of the isolation chambers. What I didn't know was it's size. It was literally identical to those parking structures in hotels. Floor after floor of with cars lining the walls. There were many duplicate cars, like the green hummers I had grown so used to. I also spotted some limos and Hondas near the back. The primary color of all the cars was black, with the hummers being the only exceptions. Just by the entrance there was a small window with a person behind it.

While I marveled at the size of the garage, Leon had gone up to this window. He pulled out a ticket from his pocket and handed it to this person. In exchange, the person behind the window handed him a key with a number attached to it. We were told that the car parked in that numbered space was his for the night. I was slightly irritated that we would have to walk more than I had planned on my heels, but remained silent most of the time in fear that if I did speak I would voice my annoyance.

Finally, we came to the parking space marked a 26. A sleek black four door car stood on the space. Nothing to extravagant, but it would get us to where we needed to go, so it was fine. We got in the car, and Leon drove out us out of the garage. Much of the ride there was spent with casual banter. It was like we were a normal couple, all dressed up on a date, and I liked it.

I learned, much to my horror, that Leon had just taught himself to drive, and only decided to do so a few days before meeting me. So him nearly killing me that day might have been a complete accident on his part. Though he had obviously gotten better since then, I still made sure I was securely fastened to my seat belt. I realized, during our conversation, that I loved these moments I spent with him alone. Like the time we spent at the part, before he got sick and before Grim showed up.

Grim and Dr. Redson had a past together. Going by what I heard, they were a couple, and Leon had tired to break them apart. So Grim brought Dr. Redson here, so that they could protect her. I wondered if that's the same reason why Leon was so compliant to bringing me here. Leon had said he had enemies on both sides, as in hunters and vampires, Solace was proof of that. I pondered if Solace was as strong as the vampire that nearly eradicated Ouroboros. Dr. Redson had said that Grim could've stopped her. I doubted Solace was stronger than the vampire that attacked Ouroboros. By process of deduction, Leon should be able to handle Solace right?

Another thought entered my mind. Grim had called that vampire behind the Ouroboros Massacre, a sovereign. What exactly did that mean? I don't think I'd ever even heard that word before. If it deserved a special tittle then it should be frightening right?

"Leon, what's a sovereign?" I asked when our conversation had been reduced to a short period of silence. I could visibly see Leon tense up slightly and I hoped that I hadn't brought up an uncomfortable subject.

"Where did you hear that word?" he replied lowly. Great, this was something he didn't want to talk about.

"I just heard the term tossed around a bit." I lied, sort of. I only heard it once. Leon sighed.

"To the hunters there are two types of vampires. Those that are born and those that are bred. They are classified by the abilities they have." He explained something that I already knew. He, of course, didn't know that I knew this, because he didn't know about the classes I was taking with Dr. Redson. "But to vampires, they're known as something else. The most respected and most powerful are called Sovereigns. They are the only ones allowed to share their blood with a human. The next class down are called Counts, or Countess respectively. The lowliest of all vampires and the servants of the Sovereigns are called Serfs."

"Which one are you?" I asked. Based on what I already knew, I figured him to be a Count. I wanted to make sure I was right.

"Sovereign, is a tittle reserved only for vampires that are born. And only a select few bred vampires ever even get the honor of being considered a Count." He explained. So he was a Serf? A servant to another, but that's not who I knew him as. He had no Sovereign to rule over him. "You see, born vampires are created to live, while vampires like me, the Serfs, are created to serve."

Only born vampires got to advance to the tittle of being a Sovereign. So that one that attacked Ouroboros was a born vampire like Grim. Then were did Grim fit in this whole vampire social ladder. I asked Leon this, and he replied simply by telling me he was a Count. Count Grim, or rather, Count Hector. That didn't sound so bad, but I liked my Serf Leon better.

Our conversation came to a momentary hiatus when we arrived at the theater. Car after car lined the streets, as people got off their cars. Leon drove for a few blocks, but we couldn't find any parking anywhere. Not wanting to walk a very long distance because of the deadly devices strapped to my feet, I told Leon to just take a valet. I'm sure The Company could cover it.

I held on tightly to the heavy coat around my shoulders as I stepped out of the car. I couldn't feel that sensation of being naked, not with my coat on. Maybe if I kept it on all night, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. The theater, was a large three story building with grand windows on the utmost floor. The building was based on Jacobin architecture, similar to Ouroboros. Looking around, I realized why Marco had led me to these gowns.

All the woman, had beautiful floor length gowns, no doubt real diamonds around their necks, and luxurious fur coats. Standing next to one of these woman, in my cotton blend trench, I felt under dressed. They looked at me and they could tell I didn't belong here. I looked down to advert their demeaning glares. I felt someone grab my hand. Leon had come back from getting the valet ticket. "Come on," Leon said reassuring me by taking my hand. The hateful woman's glares didn't matter anymore. This night was for us, and no one else.

"May I take your coat mam?" An elder man said very slowly. I stayed at the coat desk longer than most of the other woman who casually removed their expensive furs. Without my coat, I wouldn't feel secure. Though Marco had constantly bolstered my confidence at the store, he wasn't here now. I looked at Leon who was talking to an employee trying to find our seats. This night was for us, and I wanted to look my best for him. I didn't spend all that money for nothing, I thought as I removed my coat and handed it to the old man. He handed me a ticket before bowing kindly, then leaving.

I could feel the stares around me intensify. This time however, they weren't all disapproving ones. Some of the older woman stared at me as if angry that their golden years were far beyond them. Others, particularly the men, made me feel uncomfortable. I tired my best to ignore them, as I made my way towards Leon. I hoped his reaction was the one I waited for all day.

"Leon did you find our seats?" I asked casually. He turned away from the suited employee. I nervously grabbed my wrist. He stared. My altered appearance, just for him. He had no reaction, as he came up to me - removing his jacket as he went. He didn't like it. . . .Then I felt him place his jacket over my shoulders. It already smelled like him. Confused, I looked up at him and silently demeaned an explanation.

"They don't deserve to look at you." He whispered softly. So he was jealous? Was this his way of showing he liked how I had dressed? He didn't want those perverted men to look at me. They could never look at me like Leon did. Call me perverted, but I wanted them to fantasize; about me for a change. I shrugged off Leon's jacket, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him in for a kiss.

Shocked at first, Leon was a bit stiff, but eventually loosened up by putting his hands around my waist. There in front of all those people, we shared a steamy kiss. I would have blown off the whole show, and just spent the night with Leon, had the ushers hadn't come to lead us to our seats. I pulled away with a smile. Content, Leon picked up his jacket and offered it to me this time. I tilted my head defiantly and he took back his jacket with a frown.

We arrived to our seats very soon, much to the relief of my aching feet. Apparently the tickets Dr. Redson had provided for us were VIP tickets; meaning we were always tended to first. To top things off, we had our very own private box on the balcony. The walls of these made up of thick curtains on the sides that muffled the sounds of our neighbors. The whole front was left open so that we could enjoy the show. I wondered what type of musical this was, that required everyone to come dressed formally. It was here, that the conversation left off in the car commenced once again.

"Grim is a count right?" I asked Leon who was fumbling with a pair of binoculars that we were provided. He simply nodded as he accidentally snapped one of the straps. He set the binoculars down after that.

So Grim was a count. That meant that in his world, in Leon's world, Grim had some kind of authority. Yet, it was obvious that Grim detested everything and everyone at Ouroboros and at Ragnarok, except for Dr. Redson. She couldn't be the only reason why he was staying there. There just had to be more, Grim could easily make a living outside those walls. Was it because of his deep seated rage towards Leon?

"Leon?" I called to get his attention as he was now removing the lenses off my pair of binoculars. I really hoped they wouldn't charge; those things looked expensive. "If Grim is a count, then why does he stay with the hunters?"

"He's an idiot." He replied simply removing lens cap off the now broken binoculars. I wanted to know more about Leon, Grim, and Dr. Redson, and the bond they all shared. I felt envious of the past Dr. Redson had with Leon. A past I couldn't be a part of.

"Why?" I asked in hopes that he would reveal more than what I had heard today. Though, I knew Leon had changed, I didn't ever want him to be referred as a killer. He was always so gentle with me.

"He fell in love with a human." Leon put down the binoculars. Then added with a laugh. "I guess I'm an idiot too." I held my breath. He, he loved me. . . he loved me! And I know I did too. Why, then, couldn't he just say that!? Why didn't he just say it instead of implying it!? I wanted to hear it, those three words.

"Say it," I demeaned leaning forward towards him in my seat. He leaned aback, his argent eyes wide. When he just stared at me I repeated my demand. This time more forcefully. I looked into his eyes, I wanted him to, "say it."

"I, uh," He hesitated and looked down. Maybe he wasn't going to tell me he loved me. Not directly, at least. I sat back disappointed. "Eli," he said with renewed confidence as he took my hand in his. My heart skipped a bit as he stared at me with love and passion. Then he said them, those fatal words. "I love you."

All I could do was grin like a fool. I knew that what we had was more than just a crush, but now that he said, it just made so official. We were a couple. An actual couple, that went out on dates, and shared intimate moments. Leon laughed at my idiotic face. I opened my mouth to reply with my own words, but at that moment, the orchestra decided to begin, and the lights dimmed. Though I didn't get a chance to tell him I loved him, I think he understood, by the looks I gave him throughout the beginning performance. Our hands remained in close contact at all times.

When I actually looked away from Leon to pay attention to the performance, I found a spare curtain blocking my view. No matter how much I shifted in my seat, I couldn't get a good enough view. The audience cheered at something I couldn't see. "Here," Leon said taking me from around the waist. He pulled up the the arm rest that separated us and he pulled me onto his lap. I marveled at how the stage had been set up. On the center of the stage stood the people, who sang in French; which I took my junior year so I understood it partially.

Exotic and melodic, the sweet music took me away. Across the country, and across the ocean. All the way to Europe, where this language came from. I imagined myself dressed in a beautiful princess gown, and Leon as my prince charming. We danced to this music all through the night. Suddenly, it wasn't the singer who was singing. It was a beautiful unattainable creature, that lured me closer every time it flew a distance away. I had to have this creature of music, and keep it in a cage where I could listen to it as long as I wanted. Then, all of the sudden, the music stopped and my fantasy dissipated with the cheering audience.

As the new song began, I pulled out Leon's binoculars - since he had so crudely broken mine - to get a better look at the stage. The people on stage were dressed in old European clothing, to set the mood for - what I now figured out to be - the opera. There were many girls on stage, accompanied by a few men.

I was wondering which of the girls was supposed to be Carmen, when I felt a warm breath on my nape. It made my arms shiver, and excited the senses. "You shouldn't wear your hair up like this." He whispered into my skin. "You tempts me. . ." Soon after it was accompanied by a pair of soft lips that gently brushed along my skin. Up and down, Leon traced his lips over my skin sending a tickling pleasure flushing through me, and I found myself tilting my head to the side to give him more room.

I remembered Dr. Redson's warning about Leon drinking blood. He would have to return to the isolation chambers if he did. I opened my mouth in protest, but all that came out were muffled moans. This encouraged Leon as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer towards him. I wanted him to stop, not here in front of all these people, I thought. Yet, I wanted him to continue. Though it was humiliating to do this in public, my body's desire conquered mind's embarrassment.

He nipped just under my ear and I took a sharp intake of breath. I clutched tightly to Leon's leg to keep myself from getting any louder. Everywhere he touched, it felt like it was burning. I wanted to feel his bare skin against mine, to feel like my whole body was on fire. So far, this was our most intimate moment, and even if they didn't know it, we shared with all the people here at the opera.

"Quand je vous aimerai?" These words pierced through the deathly silent opera house. As soon as these words were spoken I felt Leon flinch under me. He stopped what he was doing and turned his focus at the stage. I turned to look at him to figure out why exactly he had stopped, but his gaze never moved from the woman on stage. "Ma foi, je ne sais pas," Leon stood abruptly nearly knocking me off. I managed to catch my footing at last the moment before I fell.

"Leon?" I asked alarmed. He had never acted this way before. Sure he had his quirks, but nothing this drastic. He began taking steps backwards headed towards the door to our box. Never once did his stare shift from the stage. Oblivious to what was going on, the woman on stage continued to sing.

"I, I, I think I left something in the car," he said suddenly when his back was against the wall. Before I could ask what was wrong he turned and left, without even looking back. I stared baffled at the closed door, then at the woman who sang on stage. There were still so many things I still didn't know about Leon.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe, hormones kicking in. . .

This was the other half of Toxic Degeneration that didn't fit. I decided that with a few other stuff it could stand alone as a chapter.