Status: Working on another story while I fight writers block.

Poison: Origin

Guilt Complex


It was such a beautiful day today. I was fresh out of school, and on my way to Ragnarok. The birds chipped happily in their nests, and the children played in celebration of the school day. I sighed. My parents were still in their second honeymoon, but where bound back in a few days. I had done most of the work I had to for today so I was just one more step closer at catching up. I didn't have any boot camp classes for today, and I was finished with Dr. Redson's homework. So today, I had absolutely nothing to do.

With that in mind, I decided to take Leon to the park. He had dropped out of school a few days ago, since he was prohibited to spend extended periods of time with a mass of people by Dr. Redson. Leon also told me time and time again that until just recently he hardly came into human civilization. "Creatures like us don't need social activities," he had said. He was being moody that day. Come to think of it, he's been acting weirdly since that night of the opera. A day spent out at the park would be a perfect way to keep his mind preoccupied from whatever it was that was bothering him.

I prepared a small meal for me and packed it in a small bag, just in case I got hungry. I tucked away my Company credit card in my back pocket. I even got Dr. Redson's approval to allow Leon outside the Ragnarok walls. All I had to do was go ask Leon if he wanted to come with me. Simple right? Then why was it so nerve wracking to even bring up the subject?

Later that day, were in his room watching television - a common behavior for us now. Leon claimed he needed to stay in touch with all of the rest of the world so he repeatedly watched the History Channel, National Geographic, the Science Channel and the Discovery Channel; much to my irritation. Though I didn't mind watching these channels, they bored me when I watched them for extended periods of time. They only reason why I stayed for so long was because I could nuzzle myself close to him and he didn't even notice! He would be too distracted learning about some scientific theory. Sometimes he would unconsciously wrap an arm around me, and my chest would beat like a drum.

Even if they weren't much fun, and we hardly talked, I loved these moments that I spent with Leon the most. It was just us, alone and I couldn't help but fantasize on continuing where we left off at the opera. I looked up at him. He stared at the television in front of him; his only way of learning. These moments were more than enough. He noticed me looking at him and smiled at me. I returned the gesture. I decided that now would be the best time to ask him to go with me to the park.

"Did you know there's this fountain, where all the wishes made there always come true?" I told him easing him into the idea of the park. He might get excited to see this fountain. I know I was when Emily took me when I first befriended her. I remember wishing to fit in with all these new people. Sure these were just rumors, children's myths long forgotten, but it helped build my confidence a bit.

"I have nothing to wish for anymore," he said holding me close. Just like that he ruined that idea of bringing it up. I had to come with a much better idea to make him go. What else was there at the park that would possibly interest him.

"There's this garden that has these really rare flowers. They're only in bloom for a month a year," I hinted once again. I had actually heard about that garden, and had made plans to go see it. When I heard about it, the flowers were supposed to be in bloom in two weeks. I wondered if we would get a chance to see them.

"And you want to go see them?" he asked tearing his gaze away from the television at last. I nodded. He sighed, but stood up anyway to change. I know he wasn't very social, and it meant a lot to me that he'd want to go to such a public place with me.

Leon quickly came out of the bathroom in a fresh set of clothing. I looked down at what I was wearing. A sweatsuit. I told him to wait while I went to change, but he stopped me with a hug. When I questioned him he responded with this, "The other night's Eliana was beautiful, but I love this Eli much more," he said kissing my forehead.

"Why?" I laughed as he sat down right by me. I thought boys wanted their girls to look as good as possible at all times? I knew he was playing a trick on me. He was leading me to say something he wanted me to say. He did that a lot.

"There's nothing wrong with perfection, I just think it's rather predictable at times." He said dismissively while looking at the television one final time. Then looked at me in the eyes and began to lean in. I closed my eyes expecting a kiss. "It's your flaws that I find endearing." He whispered sincerely in my ear. At the mixture of his warm breath tickling my ear, and his words, I felt a burning beginning to rise on my face.

Embarrassed, I quickly stood up from the couch and stood by the window turned away from him. I fumbled with my fingers as I waited for the blush to fade. I was thinking perverted, thinking of that time at the opera, and how much I wanted him to repeat his actions from that night. I heard him walking towards me. "We, we should get going." I said nervously as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He brushed aside my hair and I could feel his breath on my skin causing goosebumps. "If you say so," He whispered seductively once again in my ear. His actions contradicted his words, but I didn't mind. I could feel my heart begin to race, and my knees buckle with the pleasure of him so close and his breath, so warm on my skin. But I didn't feel his lips brush my neck. I waited for them to do so, but they never did.

"Alright lets go," Leon said suddenly as he pulled himself away from me. I turned to look at him disbelievingly. Leon smiled with satisfaction. That ass had been teasing me! "Or, would you rather stay here?. . " he questioned. Now, if I said yes, it would make me look like some pervert or something. I grunted in annoyance but lead the way either way.

Something strange happened when we arrived at the front doors of Ragnarok. Together we took the first few steps outside the building, but once we fully stepped outside Leon froze. He then looked up at the blue skies before taking a step back into Ragnarok. I took his hand to egg him out, but he remained stiff. He even pulled his hand away from mine. I questioned him. "I can't, it hurts." he said surprised while staring at the place where the shade ended.

Worried, we went straight for Dr. Redson's office. Here she explained to us that since Leon's cells could no longer mutate, certain abilities he once had would now diminish. Resistance to the sun was one of the many abilities that would be lost. Illusions, like the one he had used the first time I met him were also now gone. His strength and speed would be hindered, but not by much. All this because he had agreed to be with me. The only good thing about growing weaker was that gold would no longer have it's deadly effect on him. I wondered if I was really worth all the things he gave up.

Dr. Redson provided Leon with some clothes that were supposed to be 'sun resistant'. When he came out of the bathroom where he had changed, I stared at him. He hardly looked like himself. The clothes he wore were all black and baggy. What looked like a black sweater, clung loosely to his shoulders. The hood of this sweater was above normal in size and could successfully shade all his face when it was pulled over his head. He even had black glove to avoid direct contact with the sun. His clothing looked a lot like he clothing Grim wore.

"You should be fine now," Dr. Redson said. I smiled meekly at Leon. I couldn't help but feel partly responsible for his current state. He had done this for me. "Now you are taking your pill right?" she asked. Leon remained silent for a while before replying with a low 'yes'.

When we arrived at the door once again Leon paused at the door. I took his hand reassuringly and pulled him out. He flinched as though expecting the sun to hurt him, but loosened up shortly after. "How do you feel?" I asked. If things would be too much for him, then we could just stay inside. I really didn't mind.

"Heavy," was all he said. I advised on staying at Ragnarok, and that I didn't need to see the garden, but he told me he was fine. He just felt 'sluggish'. Though worried about him, we went to the park anyway. I made sure to walk in the shade as much as possible for him. I even stood against the sun when we walked.

The sun wasn't much of a problem when we arrived at the park as the trees offered refreshing shade from the sun. There was something going on at the park. A festival of sorts. There were streamers lazily hanging from trees, and that waved softly in the breeze. A huge makeshift pavilion stood broadly next to the garden, in which a gentle saxophone played. Dozen's of people strolled through the garden admiring the blooming flowers.

Curios to know what was going on, I walked to a banner. On it was a woman dancing in an extravagant red dress with flowers in her hair. 'Celebrate the final week of the blooming season' was in small text under the woman. So the flowers were still in bloom. We had just made it. I practically dragged Leon all over the park, so that we could see everything.

We passed the daisies, and the tulips. What I really wanted to see was supposedly ultra rare flower that was only in bloom right now. Unfortunately, there were too many people, so we strolled the garden a bit. The sun began to set, and Leon was safe to remove his hood. Thinking that it was getting late, I told Leon to try and see the rare flowers one more time. It was still full, so we decided to go to the rose bush, since it was so lonely.

For some odd reason, the rose bush had been planted a few ways off away from the rest of the garden. The most likely reason being that other than those rare flowers, this was the main attraction at the garden. On any other time, it would be this area that was now abandoned, that garnered all the attention. I ran up to the roses, and crouched down to examine them closely. Leon stayed back watching me.

Though orchids would always remain my favorite flowers, I couldn't help but admire the serenity of these roses. All alone yet beautiful. The garden lamps cast a hazy glow over the rose's velvety petals, causing me to touch one of the petals. Soft to the touch, I rubbed smooth petal until it came off of it's bud. I watched it gently fall on the soil. It landed right next to another rose. One that had been accidentally torn off the bush. This rose, alone among the lonely, called out to me. It didn't deserve to be alone.

I gently picked up the rose and tore off the leaves and prickly thorns. Now that it was safe, I took it and placed it in my hair; like that woman in the banner. I adjusted it behind my ear, then turned to Leon with a smile. A gentle smile appeared on his lips.

"You like those flowers, don't you Anna," he said. I laughed at his remark. When was it when I asked him to take me to a flower shop? Then I made him take me to a graveyard. It's weird, I still can't remember how exactly that night ended.

"Yeah, they're very pretty," I replied touching the flower in my hair. Beautiful and velvety, I decided I would take it back to Ragnarok.

"So, where's that fountain you were talking about?" Leon said dismissively. I had almost forgot. I took his hand and led him away from this section of the park. I took him through the wooded area that had long since been forgotten. Here, the trees grew taller than in any other part, and the shrubs grew thick. The further we walked, the less visible the lights from the festival grew. Soon we were alone, separated from the rest of the world, but I knew where I was going. I had memorized most of the way when Emily took me.

We finally arrived. The fountain was as grand as I remembered it. Old and worn, it had vines curling around the center piece - which consisted of woman holding the scales of justice and a swan at her feet. A few fireflies flew about the woman, casting off a yellow haze on the marble statue where they flew. A strange green mildew grew in the walls of the fountain, but the water remained a crystal clear color. Almost as though someone had just changed the water. At the very bottom lay hundreds, maybe even thousands of pennies, nickles, and dimes. Wishes that people had with high hopes tossed into the fountain. It remained frozen in time, as though magic itself had been it's only preservation.

I explained to Leon how the whole wishing thing worked. He then proceeded to toss all the change in his pocket into the water. I asked him why he did that and he explain that the more money he tossed, the more chances his wish would come true. I wondered what he had wished for, but didn't press him for an answer. When I told him that you couldn't bribe the wishing fountain he ruefully looked at his money which now lay at the very bottom of the fountain. I reminded him that fishing out the money back would prevent his wish from coming true also.

"Well since I pretty much screwed that one, you should make a wish for me." he said handing me a penny he picked up from the floor. I stared at the penny in my hand. This place might share with me a bit of it's magic with me. If it did, then what should I wish for. I could wish for Leon to respond correctly to all the medication he was given. Or I could wish for us to have a successful relationship. Then, like the final bird flying out of the coop, I knew exactly what to wish for.

I tossed my worthless penny into the fountain. Thinking that perhaps I had made the wrong choice, I quickly leaned over the water to look as the penny sunk to the bottom of the fountain. The flower fell from my hair and gracefully landed on the water's surface. I stared past the rose at the penny. It was too late now, I had made my choice and I couldn't take it back.

Suddenly there was a loud crack that echoed throughout the whole woods. In the water I saw the reflection of vibrant fireworks in the night sky. I stood back up as Leon came up to me. "What'd you wish for?" he asked quizzically.

"You're not supposed to tell, or else it might not come true." I used that old saying as an excuse to prevent telling him what I had wished for. He couldn't know, he might get mad at me. He sighed, sat down on the edge of the fountain and looked up at the illuminated sky. I sat next to him to watch the fire works coming from the festival and tilted my head to rest on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

He couldn't know that my wish had been spent on Ez.

I sighed with boredom as I sat listening to Dr. Redson's detailed discussion on the effects of gold on a vampire. "Molecules in gold interact violently with molecules in vampiric cells. . . " Of course I already knew this. I knew this from experience. "On how dominant these vampiric cells are in the body will depend the reaction." she began to draw a chart on her board. I mindlessly began to redraw it on my computer screen. "A class 1, for example will have a more violent reaction than a class 4. A born vampire will always have a more violent reaction than a bred vampire regardless of class." Suddenly a pop up window appeared on my screen. It looked like definitions.

On the heading of this read the words: Dr. Shadow's Vampire Class List. Then right under it: (revised by Dr. Redson, 2004). I had heard of this list before. The list was revised a few years back. Then how old was the one I had been given at Ouroboros? This one was newer, I could tell Dr. Redson had had her hand in writing it too. While the other had was based more on the characteristics, this list included a more detailed view of the genetic breakdown of each stage of mutation. I never knew that different stages caused different classes.

We were assigned an essay on one of the vampire classes before we were allowed to leave. I already knew what I was going to chose; a bred class 2. I really wanted to go visit Nathan and Elle, I hadn't seen them in such a long time it seemed. I wondered how the whole daughter-father relationship between the two. I hardly had a moment to spare as I had to go and change before I had to head off to the arena. If only I knew then the horrors that awaited for me there.

Terror. Pure unrefined terror flushed through my body when I saw the new course our trainer had set up for us. There was a rope climb, crawling on the hard marble floor, even a pool which I didn't know exactly what we were supposed to do with. The people around me had a similar reaction I did. Over half the people had quit after the first session with our trainer, and only a few persistent would-be hunters remained. Amy was one of the few that stayed, and looked at the new course with a fierce determination. A challenge ready to be overcome.

Our trainer made us run it over and over again after our set exercise. Over the walls, down the barbed wire, then over again. Again and again, our trainer cruelly made us do as she wished. Those who lagged earned a mouthful of profanity from our trainer who watched over us like a hawk searching for a helpless rabbit.

By now, my body was changing. Toned muscle began to replace flabby fat, and my stamina drastically increased. I could run all the way to school without arriving there with a heaving chest and a wheezing breath. Emily noticed it too and jokingly began calling me an Amazonian. I didn't mind it, and took as a compliment. An Amazonian was my picture of a perfect woman. Strong, beautiful, and most importantly independent, having no man that could tie her down. I, of course, didn't have the willpower to get through life alone.

A sharp piercing wail echoed of the halls of the arena; the godsend that signaled the end of our rigorous run through the course. Like so many others, I collapsed on the floor holding my abdomen in pain. Everything was sore, my legs especially, and my chest burned. One of the girls threw up right then and there while another blacked out completely. Our trainer heartlessly slapped her awake.

I had thought that was the end of it, but our trainer still had us go through our weapon's training. Once again I chose a gun over a sword. I watched with a faint hint of relief as a weary Amy took up her sword and began to spar with one of the other girls. I just had to stand here and practice aim while they still had yet another work out. Even though it wasn't as effective in a fight with a vampire as a sword, I could at least defend myself.

I could now shoot a gun with near perfect aim. 8 out of 10, even on moving targets. Our trainer began teaching me where too shoot on a vampire. She explained that while a simple gun would never kill a vampire, shots aimed at the neck and knees would incapacitate one for a good while leaving it open to attack by one of the others in my squad. I wouldn't be on the offense, she told me, I'd be on the defense, protecting others from a distance.

Our trainer then switched me to another gun telling me I had to master as many as I could. She handed me a sub machine gun - a vz. 61she called it - and told me to shoot at the target. Thinking this a simple task, I aimed and pulled the trigger. Immediately my aim went askew due to the messy recoil from the gun. Dozens of bullets poured out of the barrel in the time it took my previous hand gun to fire five rounds. I hit everywhere but the center circle. Our trainer had asked to master this?! I looked at her skeptically. She smiled smugly before going off to torture another poor defenseless girl.

I stared at the gun in my hand. I wasn't defenseless. I could shoot better than most of the girls here. Then I stared at our trainer's turned back. For the first time in my life, I seriously contemplated killing someone.

"Uno!" I shouted when I saw Leon with only one card in his hand. He looked at me oddly before I explained to him that he now had to draw two more cards. For a change we were actually doing something other than watching t.v. I had convinced Leon to play this game after we saw an add. I had to hunt down a set of cards in all the nearby stores. I luckily managed to find a set.

"That's not fair, you cheated." he grumbled with a frown while taking the two cards from the deck. So maybe I was. I refrained from telling him most of the rules until they came up in actual game play. Every game that we played, I would win by means of that deception. Sometimes, I'd let him win, to keep him focused in the next game. Sometimes I'd invent a new rule to keep him from winning. Whats a little deception between us.

"I can't believe your wearing that," Leon said after I put away the cards, noticing I was wearing one his shirts. I had asked him if I could have it a few days ago just after we went to the park. Though Leon wasn't to into the idea, I eventually convinced him to give it to me. It was a simple button up red shirt; the type lumberjacks wear. I wore some white knee-length shorts under it. The shirt fit me large - the hem reaching mid-thigh and the sleeves being longer than my arms - but I didn't mind. It smelled like Leon. Everywhere I went with it, I'd be constantly reminded of him.

This proved true when I took this shirt to school today. Leon wasn't allowed to come anymore, since he was under 'close observation'. Whatever that meant. The time I spent away from him were spent in an anticipation until that final bell rung. With his shirt, however, it was like I had a part of him always with me that wouldn't fade. Emily pestered me about it though. She kept insinuating if I had slept with Leon. I repeatedly told her "No!" but of course, it didn't keep her from wondering. I told her the reasons for wearing his shirt, but she still didn't believe me. According to her, wearing your boyfriend's clothes could only mean that. After a while I just gave up, and put the subject to rest.

Emma was acting weird around me. At first she would make fun of me. Then it became past the point friendly mockery as it elevated to the point of utter insult. She was mad at me for no apparent reason. When I finally confronted her about it, she just laughed and walked away. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. I asked Emily what was wrong with her, she just said she didn't know. Even Emily agreed with me in Emma's out of place oddness. It bothered me all day, until I returned to Ragnarok and Leon preoccupied my mind.

"It reminds me of you," I told Leon hugging his shirt. I'd make peace with Emma later. Right now, I had Leon to make me happy, and he was more than enough.

"Why do you need that when you have me?" he asked insulted at being compared to a shirt. I was a too embarrassed to tell him that I liked because it smelled like him. So I simply kissed him on the lips and he didn't bother me anymore about it.

I turned on the television after Uno became boring. This time I made him watch some Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. While I laughed my ass of at the shows that were being played, Leon just watched with a calm demeanor. I don't think he understood many of the jokes; especially the ones that referenced current events. I changed the channel to something Leon would like. Luckily, I stumbled into Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel and that caught his attention.

The door to Leon's room opened before we both looked to see who it was. Elle sauntered over as though it was her own room. She then proceeded to come up to us without as much a 'hello'. She stopped right in front of us and began forcing herself between me and Leon. Not really wanting to provoke her, I scooted down the couch until Elle had a comfortable spot between us. She then looked up at Leon with a smile and shamelessly said, "Hi Leon"

"Uh, Hello," Leon replied with confusion. He still didn't know of the infatuation Elle had for him. I didn't tell him, just so that I could see his befuddled expressions at Elle's actions. I didn't mind anymore, every single little girl at some point had a crush on someone who was older than them. I remember the obsession I had over Bruce Willis when I was thirteen. He's only incredibly hot now. Of course, he's nothing compared to Leon.

I stood up and playfully wrapped my arm around Elle's neck, pulling her off the couch in the process, and gave her friendly nookie. I then asked, "what do you want?" other than crush on Leon, I thought silently to myself. Even then she never came to his room without permission, so someone must have sent her. She grumbled something about selfishness before she slipped out of my loose hold.

"Bitch ass. I hate it when people do that. Don't you Leon? They mess up your hair, then you have to fix it. But I'm okay, since my hair is always messy. Your hair is almost always messy too, huh Leon?" Elle rambled while rubbing her head before fixing her hair that was in a tangled mess on the top of her head. " If you want, I know someone who can cut, but he's kinda gay, so don't mention it in front of him cause he's kinda still in the closet. He's kind of a man whore too. He gets all his men. . . " Elle paused as if contemplating something in her head. This whole conversation had been directed at Leon only, and she completely ignored me. "On second thought. Don't go, he might steal you away."

I waited to hear whatever she had come here to say. She kept on rambling for a while before I cleared my throat as in indication to Elle to get to the point. She paused then looked at me, "Ez is awake, and he wants to see you . ." she said simply before continuing her dragged out conversation with Leon. I stopped breathing for a moment and froze. He was awake after how long. Almost two weeks. Locking every thought of him in the deepest parts of my mind had come so easy to me. A self defense mechanism to prevent me from coming completely insane.

I really wanted to go see Ez. The last time I saw him, he was so drugged up on morphine and was hardly awake. I looked at Leon wondering if he'd get jealous if I'd left. Would it be appropriate to leave my boyfriend to visit someone else who obviously felt something for me? Leon sighed.

"Just go," Leon grumbled lowly as he waved a dismissive hand in the air. I smiled, he trusted me that much. Even if he wasn't too happy about it. I happily gave Leon a peck on the cheek before leaving him alone with Elle. I really hoped she wouldn't rape him or something. . . She wouldn't do that, she's eleven. . . . Maybe I should wait to go visit Ez. . . . . No. I wanted to go see Ez. If Elle tried something drastic, Leon would just have to defend himself.

Soon I came to the guest room where Ez was staying. It wasn't very far from Leon's room, just a few corridors down. It was here that self doubt finally begin to set in. What if Ez didn't want to see me? He wanted to kill me. That changed a week or so before though. He didn't seem so hateful then. I looked at the door and raised my hand and knocked. Ez would have to see me, because I wanted to see him. A feint "Come in, it's open." came from the other side of the door. Swallowing my doubts, I reached down and opened the door.

Once inside, I was surprised to find the room an identical replica to Leon's. Ez was sitting on the couch in front of the television, but he didn't even look up at me. He was too focused on some papers that were laid out in front of him in the coffee table. He looked so unlike the last time I saw him. His face molded back into that expressionless poker face from that heartbreaking defeated one I had last seen at the hospital ward. "None of these," Ez declared to another man - who held a couple folders in his hands - waving a hand over all the papers. I noticed - when I neared closer to them - that these papers were actually pictures of people.

I went right up to Ez, and sat down in a nearby couch. Ez still didn't look at me as the man laid out another set of pictures with people on them before him. Ez shook his head this time. "What's going on?" I asked. Ez's head only slightly turned in my direction before returning to his pictures. We was ignoring me? Even after he sent Elle to come get me? It was the other man who answered me.

"The Ouroboros security cameras didn't mange to catch anything, so we're relying on images from our databases and comparing them to eyewitness testimonies. There were only two people who managed to get a good look at her." he explained. So there were trying to get Ez to identify the vampire behind the Ouroboros Massacre. Ez had just woken up from an almost two week long coma, and they wanted him to get to work! That was just cruel. "The only two who got a good enough look were Ezekiel here, and Arthur." the man said when I questioned him about it. I was about to complain to get Arthur to do it - he was the squad leader after all - when Ez cut me off.

"There's only me left. Arthur died this morning." Ez said insensitively. Arthur was the man who had raised both Ez and Nathan, since they were small children. He then led them, and trained them into becoming hunters. Arthur sponsored them both. He had been the closest father figure to them. How could Ez be so blunt about it!? "No." Ez said after he had looked over the pictures. I noticed that there were men in some of these pictures. Ez had clearly stated the vampire had been a girl.

"Well, that's all the pictures I have for now. I'll come back later with some more." the man said organizing his folders. With a curt nod in my direction, he took off like some secret agent. He left me alone with Ez though. Finally Ez paid attention to me as he turned towards me.

"Arthur died?" I questioned again. Ez shrugged his shoulders dismissively. Anger towards the person who dismissed the death of the man who raised two fantastic sons coursed through me. "How could you be so heartless?!"

"You're calling me heartless?" he said with a bitter laugh. He heatedly stood up from his seat on the couch. "I've been through hell and back, and you don't even cast me a second glance!" he said angrily. How could he think I didn't care! When I saw him that day, I put aside everything I had planned that day just to be with him. Now, as soon as I heard he was awake, I came to his side. So how dare he even say that I didn't care!

"I was here, as soon as you called for me," I said calmly trying to refrain from shouting. I couldn't say all those things that I thought. Not in front of him. It would only make things much, much worse. Ez slowly walked towards me. I wondered what he thought he was doing when he stopped right in front of me. I began to panic when he began to lean in. What was he doing!? He hatefully knew I was with Leon. Just before his lips made contact with mine, I quickly snapped my head in another direction. His lips landed on my cheek.

Seeing this reaction, Ez stepped back. Why was he doing this? Now I'd have to live knowing that his feelings for me were confirmed. Something beyond just 'like'. I loved Leon, I loved Leon. I loved. . . . Ez?. . . . Why? "That evil thing has nothing offer you, not like I can." he suddenly said while looking at my shirt. Leon was sweet, when I was with him I knew things would be alright, and I loved him sincerely. But Leon offered nothing but a few years of love, before I out grew him. Then I'd be forced to move on, and Leon - whose time stood still - would be forced to move on as well.

It wasn't about what Leon could offer me, I figured out. It was what he did to me. How easily he was able to make me smile, and how quickly he could take me into that high state of utter delight. With Leon, it was love. With Ez, I just don't know. I think I loved him too, but not in the same way. I loved him more than that friendly love I shared with Nathan, and Elle but it wasn't elevated to the level in which I held Leon. I felt myself smile at these thoughts.

"Thinking of him?" Ez snapped distracting me away from thoughts of Leon. Ez, he looked better than ever. His eyes, despite the sorrow, still held that playfulness about them that wouldn't disappear. I found myself wondering what it would be like to have Ez instead of Leon. Ez was so hard to read. Every time I was with him, I felt awkward, and confused. But there were moments, amidst that awkwardness, that I truly enjoyed his company.

"Thinking of you, actually." I said before I could stop myself. Ez slowly began to lean in again, but I didn't turn away or even close my eyes. I hardly felt anything, physically or emotionally, as he gently placed his lips over mine. I remained stiff during the few seconds the kiss. It was hardly comparable to anything, much less one of Leon's kisses. He and I, we would never work. But then, as he pulled away, I swear I felt a small jolt of something. Surprised, I brought my hand up to my lips. They tingled at my touch.

Maybe I was wrong. . .

Seeing this mixed reaction, Ez leaned in again. This time, my eyes closed in eager anticipation. I wanted this, as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him as close to me as possible. It was only here, that I questioned my conduct. What was I doing?! I had Leon. I loved Leon. I did. Then our lips met and every thought of whats his face completely faded from my mind. His lips crashed into mine in a rough and dominating kiss. I tired to keep up with him as best I could. Hardly explainable, I felt a burning desire rush through me. A deep seated lust that could only be satisfied by one thing.

Ez's hands roamed everywhere, over my body, under my shirt, but I didn't mind. Everywhere he touched felt pleasurable, and I wanted to experience all of this new wave of delight. He touched everything as though he wanted to memorize every curve of my body. A long ago wish finally come true. I couldn't get enough of him as I mimicked what he did to me. I ran my hands up his hard chest, my fingers lingered in the crevices of his toned muscle. He flinched away from my touch at first, but soon returned to his previous rhythm. Then he moved away from my lips and began caressing my neck with overwhelming success. I found my breathing began to deepen, and my knees buckle, as an exited moan escaped my lips when he found that special spot.

My surroundings became a dull version of what they used to be. A primeval animal that run on instinct rater than sense replaced what was once me. I wasn't aware of the fact that Ez had began pushing me backwards towards the comfort of his bed. I wasn't aware, or maybe I just didn't care. I was too intoxicated by Ez's very touch; by all the stimulating indulgence he provided me with. So when my back hit the soft silk sheets, I didn't much care. Lost in the thrill of it all, I only now noticed that Ez's shirt was gone, and the buttons of my shirt were nearly all undone.

Suddenly embarrassed at my exposed chest I brought up my arms over it. Or at least tired to. Ez had me held down tightly by my wrists, restricting what I could do entirely. I couldn't even lean up to kiss him back. I could only lay there, while Ez did what ever he pleased with me, and strangely, I found this aspect insufferably arousing. Everything about him, his aggressive kisses, his dominating hands, his heavily breathing bare chest, just everything about him right now, was so different, and attracted me completely to him.

Pressing my wrists tighter against the mattress, Ez began once again to lean towards me. I tired, as best I could, to raise myself up and meet his kiss, but it never came. Instead, Ez once again began to kiss at that special spot just under my ear earning himself yet another satisfied cry on my part. My legs began to entangle themselves around his and I could feel him smile on my skin. He brought together my wrists over my head, and used one hand to hold them both down. This left his other hand free. Though I could easily wriggle out of this new grip, I didn't want to. I wanted to see what Ez would do to me.

Ez brought his lip down lower from my special spot. All I could do was wiggle in excitement under him. Using his spare hand, he pushed down my arching back. He moved down my neck and I bit my lip as he passed another possible soft spot. He didn't stop there as he opened my shirt wider as he went lower. Down the length of my neck, and lower still. All the way I exhaled sweet sighs of utter contentment. He brushed past my collar bone, and stopped just inches above my breasts. My stupid bra was in the way, and I couldn't take it off! I started to fidget my wrists, but Ez seemed to catch on as he slipped his spare hand under me and began fumbling with my bra strap.

"Ah hem," someone cleared their throat. I immediately froze. Like hitting an anvil, all my common sense began to return and my sense of logic and clear thinking began to register themselves back into my mind. I was here, on a bed, half naked, with someone who wasn't Leon.

Ez, very reluctantly, let go of my wrists and climbed off me. I lay there a moment, staring at the white ceiling of Ez's bedroom; to horrified to move after what I had just allowed to happen. I imagined how I must have looked. Disheveled hair, a button up shirt with all the buttons undone and, in the heat of the moment, torn open. Finally, I rolled over on my side to gaze at the person who had stopped us from continuing any further. The man from before had returned with a fresh set of pictures. He had stopped us. If it weren't for him, who knows how far it would have gone.

I looked at Ez, who was talking to the interrogator as I began buttoning up my shirt. His breathing had finally began to calm. He looked so good shirtless. I couldn't blame him for what happened though. I had as much part in it as he did. I had chosen to do this, and that made me a whore. I was so disgusted at myself, and by how out of hand I allowed this to get. As much as I hated how I felt after, I hated even more the desire I had for Ez now. I felt so dirty for liking everything he did to me so much.

A simple kiss, pushed farther than I had ever gone before. Now I wanted to go further, to feel that way again. Realizing this, I quickly jumped off the bed. I had to get away before we were left alone again. I kept my head down in shame as I walked away. Not looking where I walking, I crashed into the man causing all his photographs to crash on the floor. My knees still weak from before, I allowed myself to collapse. The pictures were scattered about the floor.

Though grainy, and hard to make out, two pictures caught my eye. One of them held an oriental figure. Someone I had met only once before. Solace, was in one of these pictures that held the possible suspects of the Ouroboros Massacre. Powerful, and a Sovereign, he was the ideal candidate for the force behind the disaster. Except he wasn't a girl. Ez described her as having long blonde hair, and golden eyes. This brought me to the next familiar face int he pile of scattered picture.

Ez and the man had began picking up the pictures, but I only picked up that one photograph. I knew the girl in this picture. She fit the description Ez had given perfectly. In this picture, taken from a security camera, was the girl I knew as Emma. My friend, who had taken care of me when I first arrived at Olympia, was one of the people who might have been responsible for the pain and suffering brought upon my new friends.

Emma had pale milky skin, fitting in as a born vampire. Walking in the sun meant she had to be a Count or a Sovereign. If Emma was a vampire, she wouldn't hurt anyone. Even if only met her a few months ago, I knew she wasn't the type to kill so mercilessly. Then again, I only did know her for a few months. I couldn't stay and watch as Ez picked Emma from the line up. I think I'm much better off not knowing.

Ez muttered a 'wait' as I exited his room. I ignored him and ran. Too much had just happened in the span of a few minutes. I tired to keep the thought of Emma out of my mind, and it came easier to me as thoughts of what just happened with Ez flooded my mind. Even as I took a shower, I couldn't help but think of him yet again. Then I thought about Leon.

What would he say if he knew what I had done? What would he do? If I were him, I'd probably leave me. At the very thought of the highly increased possibility of him leaving me I felt tears sting at my eyes. Feeling weak, I let myself fall in the shower. The water, that ran so burning hot, wasn't enough to cleanse me of what I had done. No matter how much I scrubbed, I would always know. I was a whore, a slut, and a sinner.

These new thoughts of myself remained as I got dressed. I looked at Leon's shirt. I told him I wanted it so that I could always remember him, even when he wasn't there. So much for that idea. That shirt, it only held the memories of that unforgivable thing. A whore, a slut, and a sinner. I guiltily looked away from the shirt. I couldn't wear that now. I wore something else in it's place. I knew what I had to do. It wouldn't fix things, but it would make them better.

I walked out of my room. My dripping wet hair dripped endlessly on the marble white floor, as if marking a trial of shame. This trail - so ingrained into my mind - I could walk it with my eyes closed. I think that was what I was doing. I was to preoccupied with my thoughts. How could I be so weak? How could I loose all self control so easily? A whore, a slut, and a sinner. No. I had to push these thoughts out of my mind if my plan was going to work.

I stopped right before his door and took a deep breath, completely clearing all thoughts of what had happened. It was the only way this was going to work. Finally, I knocked on his door. I heard movement from inside before Leon answered the door. He never slept, but his hair was in disarray, as though he had been laying down. I couldn't look him in the eye, but I could tell he had smiled when he saw me. "What bri-" I didn't let him finish.

I aggressively forced a kiss on him. I wrapped my arms around him, as I pushed him forward into his empty room. With a kick, I closed his door, then made sure to lock it. There would be no interruptions. Leon was my boyfriend and he should have been the one to see me so exposed. To kiss me so that way. All because I couldn't control my stupid hormones. I had to make things right. This way, I wouldn't have gone farthest with someone who I wasn't going out with.

Soon, Leon's lips left mine. They traveled down my neck with in that same trail that had been followed by Ez. Staring at that sweet spot, then slowly making his way down. I couldn't help feel fire spreading from everywhere he kissed. This fire, spread throughout my body, literally making me heating me up. As compensation, I ran my hands through his hair as I allowed him to move lower. His lips brushed the base of my neck -- just where my neck met my shoulder - and I felt myself tremble. I cried out at his hot touch. I slipped my hands under his shirt and I continued to push him backwards towards his bed. Both, Leon and Ez, where so different. Ez had been so commanding and heated, but Leon, he was sweet and passionate. I couldn't decide whose touches and kisses I loved more.

Just when we reached the edge of the bed, he resisted against me. Pushing back with just enough force to keep himself from falling back. Frustrated, I grabbed the hem of his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Though not as toned as a hardened hunter, Leon had a very nice body. One that I so desperately craved. Taken aback by sudden forwardness, I took this as an opportunity push him backwards. I didn't allow him to get back up. I shamelessly jumped on him. He couldn't stand back up now without knocking my straddling form to the floor. Not that me holding him down could actually stop him if he did want to stop.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked with a hint of worry as he sat up as best he could under me. I ignored him and bent down kissing him. All form of protests vanished after this as he welcomed my kiss. I drifted into that high state of pleasure where sensibility slowly began to diminish. Without sense, I ran my hands all over his chiseled body. I slowly shifted into that animalistic state of desire. He was mine, and I was his. That is the way it should stay. I irritatingly noticed something; Leon ran his hands up and down my back, but his pleasant hands wouldn't travel under my shirt.

Call me a whore. I know it's true. But this was my way of coping with the horrible thing I did. I wanted Leon to kiss over Ez's kisses, as if he could make them go away. It was my way of asking for forgiveness from Leon, even when he didn't know what I had done wrong. My heart racing, and my breathing erratic, I moved away from his lips towards his neck. Not really sure what I was doing, I ran solely on instinct, reminding me how animalisitc we all really are. How quickly control could be lost.

I received an overwhelmingly positive reaction as I heard Leon respond. Encouraged by this, I continued what I was doing. Not that I knew exactly what that was. Then I boldly nipped at his neck, and I think something changed in Leon after that. He lifted my chin up and placed a kiss on my lips. It started out soft, like always, but it progressively turned into something else. So hungry and rough, I think my lips started to burn. Inspired by his abrupt change in demeanor, I decided I'd help him out with my shirt.

I tried to lean back, but Leon's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I had to physically pry them off, and literally yank away my lips from him. I quickly removed my shirt. I waited for his reaction. He stared at me, but not in the way I expected. Something different other than that loving gaze I had grown so used to. I couldn't pin point it, his eyes; they were different. Beautifully yet hauntingly gleaming.

Suddenly, Leon sat up. I tried to keep him down, but my feeble hands did nothing to stop him this time. They just went ignored, pressed against his chest. He grabbed me by the shoulders and effortlessly threw me aside. I could painfully felt the impact ringing through my head. I was now nearer to the center of the bed instead of the edge. Before I could sit up, Leon was on top of me, forcefully holding me down by the arms. He didn't look at me; instead he looked through me and I didn't like it. Unlike with Ez, where I was fully aware that I could have made him stop if I had wanted it, Leon was being scary forceful.

I told him to stop, but my plea went by ignored. He began to lean again, expecting another of his rough kisses I turned away. But he went straight towards my neck. Then I felt them, long, sharp, and scrapping against my skin. Suddenly scared, I tried to fight back but I got a taste of the full strength of a vampire. He didn't even move when I tried to get him off me, it was as though I wasn't even doing anything. I couldn't allow him to drink. If he did, he'd be sent back to the isolation chambers. Leon moved up and down, looking for a spot to dig his fangs in. I don't think the scars from last time had even faded yet. "Leon, stop it." I meekly said on final time, as if it my voice would do anything to stop him.

As if instantaneously realizing what he was doing, he froze. I could feel his hands loosening around my arms. When he gave me enough freedom, I rapidly slipped from under him. He took a moment, as if processing what had just happened, to sit on the edge of the bed. I brought my hand up to my neck to see if he had done any damage. I could feel nothing but smooth skin. Still, I couldn't help but feel scared right now, I couldn't even move. Leon then stood and turned towards me. A look of utter regret and sorrow clouded his face. He put his hand over his mouth, shielding my view from those deadly fangs. "You should go." was all he said as he stood and began walking towards the bathroom.

Confusion replaced fear. He was taking medication to prevent this type of thing. I looked for his pills which lay abandoned and full on his nightstand. Going to the night stand and picking up the pills, I stepped on my deserted shirt. Then I went to Leon. "Why aren't you taking them?! You heard Dr. Redson! If you don't take th-"

"These worthless things don't work!" He bellowed frustrated and slapping them away from my hands. They crashed against a mirror causing it to shatter. "I keep taking them, but I keep coughing them up! I know the consequences. . . "

He'd return to the isolation chambers, now that these experimental pills didn't work. There, they'd have to commence the long process of weening him out of fresh blood with harvested blood. I knew how much Leon hated harvested blood. I didn't want him to go back, I couldn't have him go back now that I just got him back. If he left he'd give me full reign to do as I pleased.

I didn't want him to return. Not after what I did to him. I suddenly remembered wishing I had used the wish from that day on him instead of Ez. I would have such a happier person that way. I wouldn't be the slut that I am now. Then it hit me. I couldn't have him leave at all, I knew if I did, something would go wrong. Something would go horribly, terribly wrong. An idea on how to fix this suddenly popped into my head.

I slowly walked up to him. Every step I took toward him, he took on back; as though I was the one who was going to hurt him. His back hit the wall, and he had nowhere to go. I continued my advance until I was right in front of him. I could have hugged him if I wanted to. I flipped my hair over my shoulder. Looking up at him, I weakly smiled. "Take it," I said sternly. "No one has to know."

Leon looked at me shocked. Like if he wasn't even looking at the same person. Then, with a blink, it vanished. He grabbed me tightly by the arms, without hesitation, he dug his fangs into my neck. I cried out in pain. He didn't even try to pull away like he did in the cabin. Those first few moments, that terrible stinging pain tortured me. I clenched my teeth together to keep from screaming and my fists clenched shut. Then that numbing sensation began to set in, and I could relax. I tried to keep my mind busy, to keep from hearing Leon greedily gulping away.

It's been almost two weeks since he was released from isolation chambers. For two weeks he had taken those pills, only to have his body reject them. That meant he had spent two weeks resisting his natural instinctive behavior. Two weeks of thirst, finally quenched by my blood. The lack of blood eventually got to me as I started to feel weak and lightheaded. I didn't think Leon knew the effect he had on me. When finally pulled away, and let me go thinking that I'd be fine.

I collapsed on the floor. I felt so dizzy, and tired. I could just fall asleep here on the floor. Leon picked me up gently, as though he feared breaking me. Ha, there was no way I could possibly break anymore after that incident with Ez. He placed me on his bed before placing a tender kiss on my forehead. He left for a moment, and returned with bandages. His lips moved as he fixed me up, but I couldn't hear him. I'll have to ask him about it later, right now I had to close my eyes and sleep. Just before I fell asleep, I could feel him lay down next to me.

I didn't care what they said about him. Leon was such a good person, and no matter how 'evil' they say he is, he is still a good heart, incorruptible by any person or thing. He deserved all that I could give him, and much more still. He deserved someone better. Someone who would do all he wanted and more. Someone who lived only for him, and who wouldn't cheat then guiltily come to him.

But I wouldn't let him go.

He was mine, and I loved him. I'd do all I could to keep him with me. Even when he needed me for this type of thing. Now with Ez in the picture, I couldn't let him return to the isolation chambers, because if he did, I knew I'd truly betray him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so mad at mibba right now. First of all, I wasn't allowed to post this other part along with this one, so now, I'm going to have to start a whole new chapter just to add that content.
Second, as I was about to past this said content in another draft, and pressed save, the thing wouldn't load! I guess mibba was undergoing maintenance or something. So anyways, I lost that whole segment, that I'm now going to have to rewrite. At least it was a fun one, so it won't be to hard ^^

So now onto writing this chapter: It was always my intention to make Eli a borderline masochist. hehe, she's a freak. This is my first time writing something like this, so be easy on me okay? Eh, screw it, don't be afraid to be harsh. I'll improve that way.
On another note, the main antagonist will be revealed in either the next chapter, or the one after that and most of the loose ends will be tied by one event. And Eli will be forced to choose between the two.

How is it possible that I have more subscribers than I do comments?