Status: Working on another story while I fight writers block.

Poison: Origin

Lustrous Silver

My eyes suddenly opened. I was in my room. I looked at the time. 7: 16 school would start in 14 minutes. Did I dream all of it? But I was still wearing the same clothes! Did I doze off this morning like I always did in the morning and had such a wild dream? That would mean Leon wasn't real....

But it did happen! It had too! Leon had to be real! I ran over to the calender to see the day. What day was it?! I thought to myself. The calender read October but it was too cold to be October so I switched the page. Forget the day! What month was it!? I hardly used the damned thing!

The semester had just started so it had to be somewhere around January or February. I gave up. I had to get to school! Assuming it was still that day and I had dreamed it all, I ran down the stairs. I'd have to ask my mom the day.

I didn't have time to stop for a quick breakfast. I passed by the kitchen and headed straight to the door. Something felt missing. I went back to the kitchen, my mom was cooking omelets. My sister was nowhere in sight. Nikky should be eating breakfast to go to school, unless. I walked over to the living room. She was in her pajamas watching cartoons.

"Today's Saturday isn't it?" I said to my mom walking back into the kitchen.

"How many times have I told you to mark you calender, that way you wouldn't have days like today!" my mom said. Great, I could have slept in.

"I know mom." I said. My mom flipped an omelet. "I'm going to take a shower."

"But what about your friend?" She said. Friend? I didn't make any plans with Emily or Emma. "He said he had to talk to you and would wait for you outside," Leon! So everything that happened was true! So that meant I was gone for all of yesterday and my mom didn't even care!

"Don't worry your friend told me about how he took you out yesterday and how you fell asleep in his car and carried you in I of course had to help him settle you in." I fell asleep in his car? "Trust me if he hadn't done that I would be killing you right now." I guess I had to thank him for that.

"oh," I said. Come to think of it, I don't remember how that night ended. The last thing I remember was him taking me home from the cemetery after that I only remember feeling warm. I was about to go outside when my mom started one of her fits.

"You should invite him in for breakfast." my mom said placing an omelet on plate.

"I'm not hungry, ma," I said as I headed toward the door. I paused before opening the front door. Imagine if I opened it and he wasn't there. I laughed bitterly; I always had an overactive imagination.

Sighing I pushed it open. There he was leaning on his car in my driveway. He was wearing a loose white shirt with jeans. I thought to myself, how could he not be cold? I pulled my jacket closer and smiled. What I couldn't help it! He just made me smile! He didn't return my smile, though, as I walked over to him. He looked nervous.

"Hey Leon!" I said happily.

"Hello," He said plainly. I was suddenly aware that I was still dressed in yesterday's clothes. I wanted to run back into the house and change but it was too late now. I very slowly walked towards Leon.

I stopped right in front of him, but he didn't do anything. He didn't speak or move. He just stood there like a statue, staring at me. Well a couple inches below my eyes, actually. It was, and I'm not kidding, very awkward for some reason. After a couple seconds I think he noticed he was staring and quickly looked up.

"Right then," he said as he composed himself and opened the car door for me. Here we go again with this crap.

He seemed to remember I didn't like it and went to the driver's seat. I laughed as I rolled my eyes. I climbed into the car with a smile. I happily buckled my seatbelt. When I saw Leon's frown my smile disappeared.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I want to tell you something," He said. He paused as he gripped the steering wheel.

"Well then tell me?" I said simply. He continued to stall.

"But I fear if I do it could have the possibility to change your life." What the hell was he saying! What could be so drastic that just by telling me it could change my life? There's nothing someone could say that could change someone's life, except if it involves death or some kind of lottery win.

"You could stay in this car with me and I will tell you something that will cause you pain and sorrow and challenge everything you thought you knew about evolution. Or you can leave this car right now and live your life carefree and happy and ignorant to the truth." he paused looking straight ahead. "Will you hear me out?"

Okay I'm getting out of this car. I thought. Was he serious? Who goes around saying they have the capability to change your life so easily? As I reached for the door handle, something stopped me. I kinda wanted to hear what he had to say. Part of me felt as though what he said was true.

"Yes," I whispered. I had to hear him out. There was nothing he could say that could make my feelings for him disappear. Even if it was just a crush.

Leon turned on the car and very slowly pulled out of the driveway. He stayed silent until we reached the main street.

"I was born in London, under the name Leon Barzahd," he said. That was it? The secret that 'could have the possibility to change your life'? His birth name?! I thought that was it, until he continued, "In 1891."

Great I finally find a good looking guy that maybe likes me and he turns out to a psychopath! Put that on your tittle!

I felt laughter in the back of my throat. I bit my bottom lip to keep the laughter from coming out. Oh god, this guy was insane!

"You're probably wondering why I've lived so long, right?" he asked once we came to a red light. I quickly nodded without saying a word, afraid that if I did I would laugh. "Well it's because....." he hesitated. "I'm a vampire..." That did it. I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. It was just so funny how crazy he was.

"You don't believe me!" He said slightly irritated. He turned to me annoyed. I laughed harder when I saw his face.

"Of course I do, cause I know so many other vampires like you Leon!" I said sarcastically between laughter.

"I'm not lying!" He said. The light turned green and Leon inched the car away. I laughed harder.

"I'm laughing at a psychopath!" I said ignoring Leon. Seriously, if he was real crazy he could be a killer. I laughed at this. Please, Leon was harmless! "Don't you kill me, Leon!" I mocked him pointing my index fingers at him. He gave me a look. I laughed harder.

"Are really that dense! With all the strange things happening I thought you would have at least been suspicious!" He said angrily. I immediately stopped laughing. Of course I noticed I just sort of, suppressed them. Wait, he couldn't possibly know about my hallucinations!

"There's hasn't been any strange things going on," I muttered crossing my arms defiantly. So I lied, it's not like he would know.

"Let's look back then," he said. From the looks of it we were in one of the worst neighborhoods in town. All the streets were deserted. "What happened after lunch?" he asked. No, he couldn't know! It was a dream! Wasn't it?

"Emma left her glasses but then came back to get them," I lied. I wasn't about to tell him that I maybe dreamed about him.

"Are you sure?" he said prolonging the last sound in sure.

"Yes," I said mimicking his last sentence. The light turned red.

"Let's get back to that later. Now tell me, who did you see across the black top during physical education?" Impossible! He was on the other side of the wall! "Whose breath did you feel in the back of your neck?" But there was no one there! I'm sure of it! "Why is it that you can't remember the ending events of last night?!" He drugged me! I know he did! Who else could he know all this!

That seemed like the logical answer but, Leon didn't seem like the type of person who would hurt me. Least of all drug me! But that was the only answer, unless everything he was saying was true.

"Look," he said motioning to the street. One lonesome walker walked the streets. I gasped. I turned from Leon to the walker. They looked exactly the same! Even the clothes! "He's an illusion. Only stronger vampires like me can create them." The other Leon stopped mid street. He started to become transparent then very slowly vanished. "After they disappear I gain all their memories," he explained. I put my hand over my mouth, how could I be so blind?

"So you're really a..." I trailed off. I couldn't bring myself to say the impossible. Leon didn't even have pale skin!

"Yes," he finished for me. There were so many questions I had to ask, but the first that came to mind came out first.

"How can you walk in the sun without it killing you!" I exclaimed. Isn't the sun like a vampire's kryptonite?

"I wouldn't believe everything you read in books," he said bitterly. He moved the car as the light turned green.

"Then aren't you supposed to glitter or something?" I asked. I read in some crappy book that if the sun doesn't kill vampires it makes them glitter.

"What kind of fruitcake vampire glitters in the sun!" he snapped.

"Well sorry, I'm going with what I know here!" I argued. It's not like he gave some kind of vampire pamphlet!

"Here's some quick facts: Vampires are a human subspecies. Vampires don't necessarily need blood to survive. I can go a month without blood. We aren't addicted to blood's taste, we're addicted to the effect it has on us. Blood the elixir that makes us strong. Without it I wouldn't be able to make the illusion, like I just did. Only a weak vampire can't control it's thirst. Garlic, religious memorabilia, and the sun wont usually harm me." He said quickly. I kinda expected more.

"Thats it?" I asked. So vampires weren't as complex as I thought?

"I said quick facts, didn't I?" he snapped again. He didn't have to get so defensive. I didn't say anything. Partly because I was thinking about his revelation, mostly, though, because if I asked anything he would snap at me again. "I'm sorry I snapped at you,"

"So you can read my mind?" I snapped at him like he did to me. The sun was up higher, so I figured one to two hours had already passed, making it around nine or ten.

"I'm not that strong yet," he said softly. I felt bad for snapping at him, but at least he wasn't snapping at me anymore. We came to another red light by an empty parking lot and an abandoned apartment building on one side of the street and a junkyard on the other. "You see now that I told you what I am, I don't know how my enemies will react..."

"Enemies!" I said alarmed. Now I get what he meant by possibly changing my life. What if these enemies saw me with him and decided to kill me!

"Yes, many. Vampire and human alike," he said. Does this guy have any friends!

"Why did you tell me if you were going to put me in danger!" I yelled. Leon was gambling with my life and for what?! So he could have a friend?! . . . . . . . .

Maybe I should stick by him. Nobody deserves to be lonely forever.

"Put you in potential danger," he said correcting me.

"Because that makes it so much better," I muttered. The light turned green. You know how they say that your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die? Well thats not true.

Everything happend as though time stood still. Cliche, but true. As soon as Leon drove into the intersection a pine green hummer sped into the intersection. I saw Leon unbuckle his seatbelt and jump on me, holding me tightly. I didn't know what he was doing or what was going on.

Suddenly the car shook. The hummer crashed into us from Leon's side. They didn't even try to hit the brakes. They kept the gas pressed until the car hit the junkyard fence with a deafening crack. My head hit real hard against the head rest. My vision fuzzed at this impact. There was glass everywhere. I realized what Leon was doing by jumping on me. He was protecting me.

There was another loud bang from behind causing the glass to move forward. I felt one cut the side of my forehead. The impact caused me to lunge forward. Thankfully Leon was there so the belt didn't painfully cause me to stop. I looked up and there was another green hummer coming from in front of us.

This time the bang slammed me backwards. I banged my head a lot harder than the first time. My vision fuzzed, I managed to look at Leon's worried eyes, before my vision went out fully.


I recovered a short time after. I first smelled that strong scent of gasoline. This was a red flag. Smelling gasoline meant that it could easily be ignited. I slowly opened my eyes. My head burned. I still in the car, but Leon wasn't there. Were did he go! That ass how could he just leave me here!

I looked around. There were three green hummers, each on one side of us - with the junkyard fence on the last side - boxing me in.

I reached down to pull off my seatbelt. I pressed the button but nothing happened. I tugged at it as hard as I could before finally pulling it out. Unluckily, I pulled it too hard causing the metal part of the belt to hit me hard across the head. At this point my head throbbed. I had to get out of this metal bomb! It could explode any second.

I couldn't go out the doors for obvious reasons. I would've gone through the windshield but the hood was covered in glass. I only option was the sunroof. I crawled to the back seat. The window was small, but I knew I could squeeze through.

I laid on my back. Slowly, I pulled my left leg back, then slammed it hard against the small window. There were only small cracks after. I growled. Why did Leon have to get a damned two door car! I slammed my foot over and over until I managed to break it. I covered my head with my arm as small shards fell on me. I got up and with my elbow I cleared out the remaining glass on the sides of the window.

Gently I put my hands on the sides. If my head and chest fit I would be fine. I lifted my self from the car. The trans am was completely destroyed, looking more like a square than a car. The hummers on the other hand were in near perfect condition. When I was out, I slided out through the side that had less glass. When my feet hit the ground, my left ankle burned. I screamed and fell on my knees. My hands scraped the broken glass on the floor. I looked at my ankle.

There was glass in bedded in my flesh. One of the pieces was at least three inches wide. It probably happened when I was breaking out of the car. I didn't notice that someone else had heard my scream.

"Get up!" I heard a harsh voice. There was a guy in front of me. He couldn't be older than twenty five. He was wearing light blue jeans with a white t-shirt. Over his ensemble he wore a black zipped down jacket. On his head he wore a black helmet that covered his whole face, similar to those motorcycle helmets. But I wasn't paying attention to what he was wearing as much as to what he was holding. In his had was a thick scimitar and he was pointing it directly at me.

I didn't pay attention to his order, because 1. I was to distracted by what he was holding, 3. My head burned, and, 2. My ankle hurt like hell. He scowled and picked me up by my hair. The small cut on the side of my head stung as he pulled my hair. I whimpered in pain.

"There's another one over here!" he yelled over his shoulder. When no one came he grunted. He pulled me to my feet, grabbing my arm harshly. He made me walk down the street, well I kinda hopped over because of my ankle. After a couple seconds - it felt like hours to me - he stopped. What I saw scared me.

There were a lot of people like the one holding me. Twenty at least. All of them wore white t-shirts with jeans and dark helmets. The only difference between them all were the jackets they wore. Eight of them wore black jackets - including the one holding me, four of them were dark red jackets, and six had deep blue jackets. Only two had green jackets. One had a halberd while the other had a katana.

What really sacred me though was the fact that they all had some sort of medieval weapon. Worse than that, they were in an all out battle, with Leon. He moved with amazing speed and dodged all their blows.

Whenever he got a chance he would grab one of the helmeted men by the wrist and throw him across the street like a rag doll. The two green jacketed men stood at the edge of the battle. I saw one of the red jacketed men sneak behind him as he grabbed a blue jacketed man my the wrist.

"Leon!" I screamed out it alarm. I looked over at me with fear in his silver eyes. He swung the man behind him and slammed him into the red jacketed man.

The man in green who had the halberd screamed in agony and charged at Leon. The second faltered but followed shortly after. The other men backed off and watched in awe, so did I.

Leon dodged each of their moves, but only barely. The one with the katana seemed to almost scratch Leon but he would move at the last second. The blade would only scratch at Leon's clothes.

Leon reached to grab the halberd man's wrist, like he did to the others. Out of nowhere the katana wielding man came and brought down his sword hard on Leon's arm. Luckily Leon managed to pull back his hand.

I was amazed by the speed these men had with these weapons. In less than a second the faster one, with the katana, would deliver four or five blows. The slower one, with the halberd, struck hard. A couple times the edge of the blade would impale itself on the hard cement. When Leon would go in for the seemingly defenseless man, the second would intervene and fight with Leon, giving the halberd man enough time to pull out his weapon.

This wasn't fair they were teaming up against him! Each one would cover for the other. When there was no covering to do, both of the men would charge together. It was at this time that it seemed it was possible for Leon to lose.

"Marauder, forget about Poison, we've got ourselves another one," I heard my captor say from under his helmet. Clearly nobody within a few feet of could hear his low voice. And what was he talking about 'another one'? The halberd wielding man turned. He then stepped back leaving the katana man to fend for himself. The halberd wielding man, whose name I figured to me Marauder, jogged up to us.

"Where'd you find her?" I heard Marauder. His voice sounded young. I didn't want to say anything. I didn't even know what was going on! I turned to look at him. A face could very faintly be seen though the tinted helmet. Leon looked over in alarm. He tried to run over to me but there were all the guys blocking his path.

"She crawled out of Poison's vehicle," the black jacked guy said professionally. I'm guessing Marauder was his boss? But how, the other guy sounded younger! By now everyone in the area had charged at Leon. All twenty of them.

"She looks pretty weak," Marauder said with skepticism. Weak! Anyone would be feeling a little weak after surviving a car crash involving three hummers pummeling a small car with you being in the small car!

"We can you her in some of the projects!" my captor said trying to convince the other guy. Projects?. . . . What were they talking about! Leon had snatched one the men's weapons and was using it against them. He wasn't as good though.

"Fine, but if this screws me over..." Marauder warned.

"It won't!" the guy behind my said hastily.

"Take her to hummer73." My captor nodded and began to drag me away. They were taking me where! I didn't know what was going on, one thing I did know was that they were taking me away! I wasn't about to let that happen! Leon saw them take me away and fought harder.

I pulled my elbow up quickly then slammed it hard against they guy behind me. He let go of me and dropped his weapon. I had all my weight on the ground, which reminded me of the glass shards in my ankle. I fell on my knees.

I had to get to Leon! At least he could offer me some kind of protection for these crazy people! I only made it couple feet before the same guy who brought me here came up from behind me. Leon had the other green jacked man on the floor. He wasn't giving up though. Even from the floor the guy kept fighting. Maybe Leon could win. Too bad for me he was too busy for me.

On my hands and knees the guy tugged on the side of the collar of my shirt lifting me up slightly. He bent over so that I could see his face coming from behind me.

"You know, I don't think you're worth risking my job for. . . " the spat. He raised his blade to my neck. I was facing the battle. I laughed, how ironic. Leon raised the sword he stole from one of the men over the green jacked man, ready to deliver the killing blow. The last thing I would see would be him killing someone else. I didn't understand though, if he was a vampire why didn't he make an illusion or teleport or something?

Even if he wasn't a vampire, I couldn't deny that I felt something for him. Even if I wasn't sure of what exactly it was. "Leon . . ." I whispered, just to hear his name come out of my mouth, one last time. Leon snapped his head in my direction, his eyes widened.

"NO!" he screamed in agony. Everyone stopped. Leon dropped his stolen weapon to the ground. The green jacked man escaped from under him. Everyone stood still surrounding him. The guy that was over me paused. "Leave her alone! This does not involve her!" Leon yelled, "This fight is ours. . ."

Marauder exchanged glances between me and Leon. Something was happening. I was starting to feel faint, I think it was from the loss of blood.

"Marauder?" I heard the guy say into his helmet.

"Take her anyway, I have an idea," I heard Marauder's voice from inside the guy's helmet. So they were like walkie talkies? The guy put an arm around my neck and continued to drag me away. I put my hands over his arm but forgot I had glass in them digging them deeper making my hands sting. I was tired and in pain so I just let him drag me away, for now.

We came back to another hummer a few yards away from the car crash. He opened one of the back doors and pushed me inside. The soft interior made me want to fall asleep. I didn't even bother to run when he closed the door and walked to the other side.

When he came in I inched as far as I could away from him. I thought about opening the door and running away but I figured my injuries wouldn't let get far. He then took off his helmet and threw it in the back. He had dark brown hair with sad blue eyes. He looked like he was in his mid twenties. His eyes turned to me and glared. Slowly he reached down and pulled some handcuffs from under the seat.

What the hell was he planning on doing with that? As if I was going to let him do anything with those, even if I hardly had any strength. He grabbed one of my hands, I found it harder to fight than I thought it would.

He quickly closed the handcuff over my wrist, then brought my hand up next to the car top. I was confused, until I saw him pass the other end of the handcuff into the handle used to help people get a better grip when getting into the car. Instead he was using it as a tying post!

He reached over for my other hand but I pulled it away. He scowled and roughly grabbed it, not even caring that he was hurting me. He brought my hand up next my other one and clipped it in the other handcuff. When he was done, he slowly put his hands behind his head and rested. I didn't say anything, I was too busy trying to stay awake. My eyelids would slowly close, then I would remember to not fall asleep and snap them open.

Very soon there were bangs of the car doors opening and closing. My eyes snapped open. The guy quickly straightened out. On the two front seats were the two green jacketed men, with Marauder driving. They passed their weapons back to the guy with me, who put them in the back. Then they removed their helmets. I stared in awe.

Both of them were incredibly good looking. The one in the passenger side looked older, early or mid twenties, at the most. He had light brown hair with honey colored eyes. His eyes looked as though they were fixed on something faraway. The one behind the wheel, Marauder, had dark, almost black, brown hair. His eyes were bright blue and looked mischievous. Out of all three of them he looked the youngest and most playful.

"So this is her?" The one on the passenger's seat said. "Desperado," he introduced putting his hand out. I glared at him - did it look like I could shake his hand? My hands hurt because of the glass, now my wrists stung as they made new cuts into my skin. The other guy put them on way too tight. Desperado pulled his hand back. "Right then, lets get going," he said turning Marauder.

Marauder turned on the car and quickly moved down the street. We passed the crash site. The rest of the guys were getting on the other barely damaged hummers. Some of them got on the back with all the weapons and helmets. What happed to Leon? Did they managed to kill. . . . He has to be alive! I felt tears in my eyes.

Why was I crying!? Leon was alive?

Soon we entered a highway. Blood ran down my arm from my hands and wrists. We were going pretty fast in this giant tank. My eyes began to feel heavy. Desperado turned to talk to the guy behind me but paused when he saw me. My eyes were half closed, my head resting to the side, and my arms were hanging limply from the handcuffs.

"Hey Marauder, are you sure she's one of them?" he asked. One of what?

"Yeah, Snake told me," Marauder said not even turning from the road. Snake? So that was my captor's name. All these guys had weird names, so I figured they were using some kind of code or something.

"Marauder, Snake is only a Rank 5, he doesn't know anything yet! Only an idiot would trust someone of such a low rank for something like this!" Desperado said angrily. Rank 5? So they were some kind of soldier?

"She came out of his car!" Snake defended. No thanks to him! He only came only after my hands got all scratched up!

"That doesn't mean anything! She could have been a meal!" Desperado snapped.

"How can you tell?!" Snake said.

Desperado reached for my leg and picked it up, bending it awkwardly. He looked at the wounds on my ankle. After careful studying he pulled a shard of glass out. I cried out in pain and gritted my teeth together. I felt so sleepy. Maybe if I closed my eyes. Just for a little bit.

"See! It doesn't heal!" he said motioning my wound over too Snake. He then gently put it down. "You idiot!" he said as he punched Marauder hard on the side of his face. The car swerved to the side slightly.

"What the hell was that for!" Marauder complained once he got control over the car again.

"Pull over!" Desperado shouted. Marauder grumbled as he pulled over. The rest of the hummers that were following us in a neat line pulled over, just like Marauder had. Desperado climbed out as soon as the car stopped. He came over to my side and opened the door. I practically fell out as he took way my main source of support. The only thing keeping in the car was the handcuffs. My wrists burned. "The keys," he ordered.

Snake quickly handed over the handcuff keys. I felt the pressure on my wrists disappear as my arms fell limply to my sides. I limply fell out of the car. Luckily Leon managed to catch me. I looked waiting to see his silver eyes but was met with amber colored eyes. They looked sad but were warm. I missed the color silver.

"It's alright," he whispered in my ear, but it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear. "We'll take you to the den for safety." They were taking me somewhere? Since when? "The doctors there were recruited from the best hospitals in the country." I head felt fuzzy and everything in my sight was blurry. I closed my eyes, I could hear voices but only very faintly.

"You can sleep now. . ." I opened my eyes to see who had spoken. I met only amber eyes, but for a second there, before I passed out, I saw them turn silver.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think the later chapters of this story get much better.