Status: Working on another story while I fight writers block.

Poison: Origin

Different Eyes

The first time I saw her, I just knew it. The way she snapped back at me. I just knew what I was going to have to do, even before she dented my car. I was going to have to be the one to kill this girl.

I had to go to school first though, so I would have to find that annoying girl later. The last time I was in school, the atom bomb was considered impossible, so I came to every so often to keep in touch, with these humans.

On the plus side it was a very good place to find a meal.

When I saw her there in my first class I nearly burst in maniacal laughter. She spared me the trouble of sniffing her out! I also found it extremely amusing to hear the heartbeats of most the girls speed up, but I already made my choice. I wanted her.

Now I just had to trick her into coming with me into desolate location alone. I'd have to ask her on a date, but to where? This town was hardly interesting. I'd just let her decide her own, eventual downfall.

Once the pathetic human told me of my seat, I sat down looking at my meal. I wondered what she would taste like. I looked over at her and found her gazing back at me. I couldn't help but smile.

I was going to kill her, and she didn't even know it! Isn't that hilarious?!

The girl the teacher paired me off was, how do I put this? She was perfect. Perhaps another time she could be my meal, but until then I would just have to listen to her mindless dabbles words. A human would believe you were listening as long as you gave them a few nods every now and then. They are so naive.

I found myself unable to turn from my prey, the annoying girl. The more I looked at her the more I realized she looked like someone from my very distant past. I couldn't place my finger on who, though. Part of me wanted to find out who she reminded me of. I realized what what was happening. There was suddenly more reason to kill her. She'd be dead before the next sunrise.


The social hierarchy of humans confuses me. In the vampire world, only the strong survive. Here in this school, it seemed only the beautiful had leisure to do as they pleased. They step on those below them and bluntly manipulate them into doing their bidding.

Jenny, or whatever this girl's name was, took it upon herself to show me around the school. She continued to talk and talk, her friends following closely behind. One of them, with dark hair, frightened me. She looked at me like I would look at humans when I was about to feed. I avoided this girl.

Jane had stopped talking. When I looked down she was looking expectantly at me. I smiled, this seemed to please her and she continued her useless rambling. The lower classmen quickly moved out of our way as we passed.

It disgusts me how these humans always find ways to fight and segregate themselves from each other. But I suppose it's their way to destroy each other and I sure as hell aren't going to stop them. It's in their nature to cause wars and misery, but I'll always watch from the sidelines. When the fighting is over, I'll feed off the victors. Thats the way it's been for as long as I could remember.

We came to some lunch tables. I could smell the vanilla of my prey's lotion near. We walked a few more yards when I saw her. She was sitting with two other girls, a redhead and a platinum blonde. There was something very odd about the blonde. She looked at me with a strange glint in her eyes. I turned and moved my gaze to my prey.

She was beautiful, in her own way. Her face was perfectly oval and her eyes were almond shaped. She had a round chin that matched her head shape, with a matching lips and nose. Her chocolate hair was just past her shoulders and was set in slight curls at the ends. She had bangs that almost reached her eyes. Her eyes were a very dark gray that looked similar to steel blue.

Her face was her only remarkable feature. The rest of her body was common. Though she did have slightly longer legs than normal. We walked past her table and I didn't want to turn. Who did she remind me of?

"What was that girl's name?" I asked one of the guys when we walked away. We had arrived at the locker rooms and the girls left to their respective room. This crowd changed in the locker rooms before anyone else, that way they had the room all to their own.

"The blonde? Thats Emma one of the hottest girls here in Olympia," he said gaining a few nods of approval from some of the other guys. I may be a monster, but at least I'm not an animal.

"The dark haired one," I said calmly resisting the urge to kill this guy. The guy, whose name I didn't know, paused in thought.

"Yo, Tommy, you know the chick's name?" He yelled over the lockers. On the other side of the lockers came a response.

"Emily? I think. You are talking about the redhead right?" I felt like killing him too. Why were these guys so incompetent?

"Nah, the other one. The one with dark hair," The guy yelled. I rolled my eyes. They couldn't walk the short distance and talk face to face so they resorted to yelling over the small isles.

"It's starts with an E, because Morgan calls them the Triple E Losers." this Tommy person yelled back. There were a few murmers on the other side before he replied again. "It's Eliana! Jason has a class with her."

"There you go," the guy next to me said turning towards me.

"Eliana," I said to myself, pronouncing each syllable. I liked how that sounded. I had walk away from these imbeciles, if I stayed any longer I would slaughter everyone in this room. I thought about my prey to restrain myself.

She was of decent looks, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was what was inside - centimeters beneath her skin - her blood. What would she taste like? Then that got me to thinking, what if she tasted bad?

Over the years I've got my few shares of bad tasting humans. The bad tasting ones, I couldn't bare to finish, but the other, good tasting ones. Now from those, I greedily took their lives. I didn't want to expect so much of this girl then having her taste disgusting. I smiled wickedly as the school bell rang.
I knew the perfect way to find out how she tasted. Quickly, I walked into one of the stalls in the locker rooms. I concentrated on being on the other stall beside me. A couple seconds later I felt something detach from me. A soul, some would say, but I knew better.

I briskly left the stall and exited the bathroom area. I stayed out of sight next to some of the psychical education equipment. A few seconds later I saw myself exiting the bathroom again.

An Illusion, thats what we called them. No one was really sure what they were but only a strong vampire could do them. I could only manage one, a few vampires I came across my life could do two, and only one I knew could do three. One was enough for me.

Eventually the Illusion would fade and return to me. When that happened I would gain all it's memories. With that in mind I changed for p.e. I hated this class. It was the only one where I had to actually act like a human.

I sat on one of the benches outside waiting for my Illusion to return. Unfortunately the imbeciles just had to come and join me. Jessie wasn't in this class, I found out. Instead I was met with her other friend, the dark haired one - whose name turned out to be Morgan. She kept an annoyingly close distance to me.

The humans around me talked about trivial human things. Annoyed I got up and moved to another bench next to the first one. One by one, they slowly scooted down to the bench I was at. I felt like killing these humans again, but there would be too many witnesses.

There was a sudden weight on my chest. The Illusion was returning. I laughed when I saw the first of the memories.

"What's so funny?" Morgan said, clutching onto my arm. I scoffed and pushed her off.

"Nothing." I spat. Why was she so interested in something that didn't concern her!? Morgan pouted and turned to the other conversation. I'd kill her too, after Eliana and Jackie.


The Illusion was essentially me, and did everything I would have done. I found Eliana's reaction funny. She was clearly panicked, but she didn't run. Any normal person would have run from a threating figure. Unless she didn't think I was threating. . .

No of course she did. I'm a monster! A monster whose ready to kill her! She didn't run because she's stupid. Even animals know not to come near me. Their instincts told them to run. Everyone ran from me, but she didn't.

Why?. . .

That didn't matter. What did matter was how she tasted. From the small sample my Illusion retrieved, I could tell she would be good. When the Illusion breathed in it tasted Eliana's blood, which was pacing under her skin. According to it's memory, when it inhaled it strongly tasted artificial vanilla - her lotion, but faintly I tasted cinnamon. I've never had cinnamon tasting blood before.

One of the humans blew a whistle. My ears stung at the sudden sharp noise. I forgot to block out my hearing, which I normally did outdoors when I wasn't hunting. I asked one of the older humans for my class, and she directed me to the class in the bottom.

Boredom came quickly as I sat on the number given to me by the teacher. Everyone was sitting on their spot when I first smelt her. She smelled like vanilla, but that could easily be done by her shampoo, or lotion. But I already had an idea of what she tasted like.

Now that I had a taste of what she tasted like, I could play now. She looked at me with wide eyes. Probably wondering how I was here when she saw me a few minutes before disappear into thin air. Maybe she was wondering if I could move that fast. How I wish I could read minds. A few more kills and I'm sure I'll be able to.

"What?" I said as if I had done nothing wrong. A few of the idiots around me snickered. To think, I'd have to put up with this for as long as I stayed here. I should just take an internet course.

In the class next to me I heard the elder human scold my Eliana. How dare that feeble he-she of a human insult my Eliana!? I put my anger aside, I couldn't keep on going adding humans to my hit list. The count right now was 13 and counting. I have to concentrate on only one at a time.

We were supposed to run after we had done our exercises. These exercises only further proved how weak humans are. I wasn't in any way challenged by these so called 'exercises'.

The humans took turns releasing their students. Eliana went third, my group went last. I noticed that many started off walking. I scoffed and took off, at a humanly speed. A few humans stared at my speed, wondering how I could go so fast. I laughed inwardly, they'll never know, unless I ever chose them as a meal.

Half way across the field I caught up with her and slowed down to match her speed. I knew she was a runner by what I saw this morning, but what other things did I need to know about her?

Time to find out more about my prey.

"Hello," I said. I smiled as I saw her stumble. She recovered though and I didn't get to play hero.

"Um. . ." she paused. Thats strange, normally girls of these age usually flaunt at my humanly appearances. "Hi," she quickly said. She sure took her time.

"Mind if I run with you?" I said, charmingly smiling at her. For some reason the girls of this time like it when I did. "Judging my what I saw earlier, you run pretty fast," I said trying to make conversation. She stared at me, then continued to look forward, in her thoughts.

Most girls like Jenna, would ramble on about pointless things but Eliana didn't. I was never much of a talker, so trying to win her over would be hard, if she stayed silent.

"Pardon my rudeness I haven't asked for your name," I said smiling broader than before, trying to make her flaunt. I already knew her name, I just wanted her to say something, to 'break the ice' they say.

"Didn't you hear it in Chemistry class?" she said, between breaths. She didn't even look at me when she spoke. So she wasn't going to make things easy.

"Well I know your last name is Crowe, may I have a first?" I said.

"Eliana," she said confirming what I already knew. Maybe those mindless animals did have a purpose.

"Thats a nice name, Eliana Crowe," I said out loud my thoughts when I first heard her name. She picked up her pace. She didn't want to be with me? Oh, this game is going to be fun. I sped up and matched her pace again. "We don't have talk if you want, at the moment," I said; I wanted to make her comfortable. I'll lead her on, into a false sense of security first.

"Sure," she said, still out of breath.

Eventually we were almost done with the course. When we came to the elder humans, Eliana screamed her teacher's name, then the number she sat on. I don't know what it did but I repeated it, replacing her teacher and number with my own.

I effortlessly ran the whole course again. Everything stayed the same except that Eliana shouted for the time. Her teacher gave it to her and we continued.

I don't know why but when I was near her, I felt as though I was home - over a hundred years ago. I didn't even bother to deny it, Eliana made me happy. Too bad I had to kill her. Just because I did though, didn't mean I couldn't enjoy her last days too.

All the other humans had already slowed. We had run lap after lap. Yet, Eliana continued to match my pace. Her steps were getting odd, and her breathing was more ragged. When we came to the bottom of the ramp Eliana tripped. I was ready to catch her but she manged to catcher her balance. Why did she push herself so hard? We finished the lap and came to the teachers again.

"Crowe! This is your best time yet!" one of them said.

"Time!" Eliana said, though it came out more like a gasp.

"Thirteen twelve!" the human responded. I saw a small smile etch it's way into Eliana's features. She was exhausted, and in possible pain but she was happy about it? I'll never be able to understand humans.

As we came to the bottom of the ramp Eliana tripped again, in the same spot. This time she didn't catch herself like before. I used my vampiric speed to catch her in time. Hopefully nobody saw. Eliana stared at the ground, her chest moving up and down rapidly.

"Are you alright?" I said. She looked awful. I gently pulled her up. Seemingly on instinct, I pulled her closer to me. I could feel her warmth on me. It wasn't like my, artificial warmth. Hers was real and made me long for her other than for food.

She should stop now, clearly her steps were not as good as before. I could feel her blood rushing through her veins below my fingers. She turned to look at me. On instinct again, I felt myself pulling in closer to her lips. When she saw me her eyebrows furrowed together in a glare. She shoved herself from our tight embrace and continued running. Who was I to tell her to stop. If all this exhaustion made her happy, then she could go and knock herself out.

I hurried up to her side. Her breathing heaving as she ran. Maybe I shouldn't kill her. . . No! It had to be done. I refuse to feel anything for these humans! They're nothing but livestock! I turned to look at her. I immediately regretted it. There was something about her that made her stand out, her strength to keep going. Just looking at her made me want to spare her. Why!?

I wasn't having a change of heart and becoming 'vegetarian' because looking at the other girl walking nearby I knew I could kill her. I ran up the bleachers. When I looked at Eliana, I just could picture her death, like I did earlier today. As I passed the other slower humans moved out of the way. Could it be because of who she reminded me of?

On top of the stairs I couldn't hear her steps beside me. I felt my heart drop. Where was she and why wasn't she with me!? I looked around but she was nowhere in sight. I ran back the way I came. Just as I was about to go down the stairs, I saw her at the bottom.

Her breaths were a bit steadier than before. I felt whatever was left of my heart break. I really thought she was stronger. Her eyes looked defeated as she stared at the stairs. She looked done, as if she couldn't continue anymore. Her eyes slowly met mine, they quickly flashed with determination. She charged up the stairs.

I stared with awe. Maybe there was more to humans that I didn't understand. I knew they had something I didn't have, something I lost when I became what I am. A soul. Was that the source of her strength? I don't remember what it was like to have one.

When we were done with the running the teachers gave us free time. We were allowed to do as we pleased. I glanced around the escaping crowd for Eliana. I saw her heading towards the other end of the black top. I was about to follow her when the Morgan girl intercepted me.

"Hey Leon!" she said loudly. Her friends were off in the distance glancing curiously in our direction.

"Hello," I said bored. I sidestepped her and followed in Eliana's direction. "Goodbye," I said I left. Morgan didn't let me leave. She grabbed my arm and kept me from leaving. Across the black top I saw Eliana sit leaning on one of the walls on the edge of the black top. Normally, I would have just shoved a girl like her off, but I knew humans didn't do that, so I restrained myself.

"What's the rush?" Morgan said pouting. I glared. She acting like a stupid immature child, like most girls. Immature girls were unattractive to me. They were to annoying, but then again, all humans were. Except Eliana. She was different.

"I want to be with someone else right now," I said. Morgan stared, wide eyed, clutching onto me even harder. "So do you mind?" I said pull my arm out of her tight grasp. Morgan gasped, ready to cry. Her crying intensified as I left.

I hurriedly left her looking at my back. I had a feeling this girl wouldn't leave me alone, so I circled around the locker rooms. Just in case she was following. When I came to the edge of the building I peeked my head to see where Morgan was. She was across the black top talking to her friends. Her crying had been fake, impressive.

To keep from being seen I used my natural speed, to move faster than the human eye. I hid behind the wall that Eliana was. This way Morgan wouldn't find me. The sun was bright.

I remember, when I was a newborn, I couldn't stand it. The sun would burn my skin, so I couldn't go out in it. As time passed - with more blood I drank - I eventually developed an immunity to it. Now I had to keep drinking it to keep this immunity.

There was a small child playing in one of the fenced houses across the street. The whole black top and the fields were fenced in so the students couldn't leave. They were caged in like the animals they were and they didn't seem to mind.

"Hey," I called out to Eliana. She'll come over an we can talk some more. I wanted to find out more about her. What made her the way she was?

"Where are you?" she said, her voice soft and tired. She pushed herself too hard.

"Behind you," I said. I expected to hear her stand and come over but I didn't hear such a thing. Instead I heard an awkward shuffling. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her head pop out from the other side of the wall. She started to open mouthingly stare, but I ignored it, trying not to make things awkward.

Surprisingly she didn't come to my side as I expected her to do. Instead, she quickly sinked back to her side. I felt my heart beat faster. Why wasn't she coming over?! What if she was didn't want to be near me?

"Why don't do come over to this side?" I said trying my best to hide my anxiety. My voice came out as if I was trying to make a joke. I felt like hitting myself over the head with a hammer. She would probably think I was making fun of her. I knew she was still there because I could hear her breathing.

"I, I wanna rest on the shade," I heard her. I let out a silent sigh of relief. She didn't want to come over here because of the sun. Not me!

I felt like jumping for joy but then I realized, it was happening. I was becoming like them. I couldn't that happen. I had to kill her immediately, or else. But I didn't want to kill her! What if I didn't kill her, but fed off someone else. No that still would mean I spared someone. I didn't want to lose all my power, but I had to if I wanted to be with Eliana, which I did. But then if I did stop feeding, I wouldn't even be able to walk Eliana to school!

Why am I thinking so hard about this?! I'll do what comes naturally to me when the time comes and thats that!

"I'm sorry about your car," she said quickly pulling me out of my intense struggle with myself. Great, I was turning bi-polar!

"Thats alright. I it can be fixed easily." I said. "I'll forgive you, if you forgive me for my rudeness from earlier." I need to start over, with no killing plans. That way I won't be mad at her for denting my car. For all I know I might have run over a stupid child. Thats not cheating is it?

"Uh. . ." she paused. "Yeah, it's cool." she said slowly. "But I won't forgive you for almost running me over!" this time she said it quickly.

"I was careless, forgive me?" I said. I wanted to start over with a clean slate. I wanted to clear all the thoughts of her as food. That way when I was alone with her it would be more instinctual what I did. She took a while in responding me.

"Sure," she said quietly. We didn't say anything after. At least now I wasn't thinking of ways to kill her. But just because I wasn't plotting her death didn't mean I couldn't mess with her.

I prepared to create another Illusion. I closed my eyes my eyes. When I opened them again, I was in front of me. The Illusion always had a cocky smile for some reason. I wasn't strong enough to create an Illusion that could have it's own mind. So for now, my Illusion and me shared the same one.

The Illusion sped off to the side near the building. In one swift movement it jumped to the top of the two story building and ran across it. The child across the street saw this display. He dropped the ball and ran inside screaming for his mother. I wasn't going to do anything, a child's opinion didn't mater.

"Leon?" I heard a tinge of fear in her voice. Laughter was bubbling in my throat. I called for the Illusion to return. Slowly I felt it return.

"What is it Eliana?" I struggled through the words. The Illusion was completely back now, so she wouldn't see anything anymore.

"Nothing..." I hardly heard her from the other side. I had my own silent laughing fit. I had so much power compared to them. I was so much stronger, but they at least had the bliss of ignorance.

They at least didn't about the whole other secret vampire underground. They didn't know how often their very existence was at risk. All because of the The Company always managed to push their stupid heads in business that didn't even concern them.

They were always so determined to stop anyone of us, even when we meant no harm. It seems determination is something all humans share, by what I saw today. Eliana was clearly exhausted yet she continued.

"Why do you push yourself so hard?" I asked. Not to her specifically, more to her species. I don't understand why once they chose to do something, they try their hardest to get it. Case in point Eliana trying to finish the laps, and that Morgan girl stalking me.

"I guess it's because I don't like coming in second." She said. Was that the answer I was looking for? People don't like coming in second. Come to think of it Morgan is second to that Janet girl, but that doesn't explain Eliana. Who did she not want to come second to?

"Morgan's coming." My breath caught short. That girl was annoying. I didn't want to face her, she probably wanted me to go with her somewhere. That Morgan girl was harder to shake than I thought.

"Can you not tell that I'm here?" I said hastily. I wasn't afraid of Morgan, I just didn't want to talk to her. Ever.

"Wh-" Eliana started but I could already hear Morgan's steps getting closer.

"Just please, don't," I interrupted. That was very rude of me, but I don't have to abide by their code of ethics. I did, however, wanted to at least be polite around Eliana.

"Eli," I heard Morgan's nauseating voice come from the other side of the wall. Eliana had a nickname?

"It's Eliana to you," Eliana said. So only her close friends called her by a nickname. So what should I call her?

During the course of their conversation, I found my opinion of Morgan change. Before I just thought they were annoying but now I hated Morgan and her friends. How could one person be so cruel towards another?

People confuse me so much.

Morgan is a prime example of my confusion towards people. Why are people so hostile to one person, yet pretend to kind to another? At times like these I wish I could understand people more. They, however, make no effort to try and understand things like me, so why should I bother with them?

Then there was Eliana, or Eli. I wanted to understand them, just so that I could understand her more. So far, the more I question, the more confused I get. I'll never be able to understand them, least of all her. Maybe I should just give up. But just hearing her voice from across the wall gave me reason to try.

The conversation from across the wall was, least to say, interestingly amusing. I could hear, whenever my name was mentioned, someone's heart speed up.

By the end of the whole conversation, I wanted to jump out and seriously hurt those people. Doing so, however, would reveal me for what I really was, and I, of course didn't want that. So I had to restrain myself.... again.

Hopefully Eli would be able to stand up for herself.

"Great, now she'll make my life a living hell," Eli sighed. She did defend herself, somewhat. It was clear that Morgan intimidated her. I couldn't blame her for that one, though. Morgan could make anyone's soul shake in fear. Aren't I lucky that I don't have one?

"Leon?" Eli called. When I heard her voice I grinned. I don't even know why anymore. I wasn't even planning her death anymore!

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. What do I say? I should just quietly slip away so she doesn't think I was ease dropping on her conversation.

"Why did you let them treat you like that?" I said quickly deciding to stay. I laughed at my question. What I really meant to ask was 'How could I let them treat you like that?' I stood by hearing them abuse her. I could have at least spat some comment back.

Why didn't I do anything, anything that didn't involve tearing them to shreds?

"I don't know," she said. Maybe we're more alike than I thought. There was a loud screeching noise. I flinched at the sudden piercing noise entered my ears. Usually I don't have to even think to block out my senses, why now all of the sudden.

A girl's high pitched playful scream ripped through the black top. The kid from across the street was giggling loudly. A car made a thunderous sound as it honked at another car at an intersection not to far away. As I concentrated the sounds slowly dulled away.

I sighed as the sounds returned to a normal hearing decibel. I always did have trouble controlling my senses of hearing and smell but never like this. I crossed my arms and walked across the wall.

I had to leave and find out why my senses were going haywire, but first, I had to at least say goodbye to Eli. Just thinking about her made me happy. I couldn't keep the grin off my face. She was getting up from a sitting position.

"Thank you for not telling Morgan where I was." I said as sincerely as something like me could ever say. I inched towards her, when I was close enough I reached for her hand to shake. I don't it would appropriate if we hugged farewell. As soon as I touched her hand a strong scent of vanilla entered my nose.

Now my sense of smell was acting up! The smell was so strong I could almost taste it. I fought a strong urge to gag. Not only could I smell Eli, I could smell everyone who was on the black top. Someone in particular had a very strong cologne.

I successfully played off the long hold of her hand by bringing it to my lips and kissing it. This close the vanilla stench of her lotion was overwhelming. Just as my lips touched her skin I could smell, very faintly, cinnamon. Just that small weak scent made all the other horrible ones seem like nothing. "I'll see you around,"

Looking up at Eli, her cheeks were slowly turning beet red.

"I, uh.....yeah," I fumbled with her words. I couldn't help but laugh at her nervousness. I don't really get that nowadays, it was. . . .cute. Most girls this age are so ready to throw them selfs at boys, not that thats bad, it's just weird.

The wind began to blow slightly pushing all the scents in my direction. Quickly I turned to leave. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy her company, I would have stayed with her for as long as she wanted, but everyone buys and uses so much lotion, perfume and cologne, I don't think I could take it anymore. My nose burned.

Once I was in the safety of the locker room I was met with more odd smells, most of the people were reapplying their deodorants and cologne. Quickly, I entered one of the bathroom stall. I usually concentrated better when I was on my own. Like the noises before, the scents slowly dulled away.

Everything was better now, as the stinging sensation in my nose faded away. Everything was back to normal now, but two pressing concern still remained. Why can't I control my senses around Eli and why did she seem so familiar?
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A new POV