You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home

Jamie's Message

A few months later, found Landon and Hannah comfortably settled in to their new lives in Beaufort, North Carolina. Somehow, and Hannah still did not know how, Landon had managed to buy back their old house. The one that she had discovered her dream in. The one that Jamie lived in with them before she died. It brought back a lot of happy and sad memories, but it was finally theirs again. Nothing could change that now that they were finally home.

One day after school, Hannah and Bret came home from school and went right up to her room. Landon was still working his shift at the hospital for about another hour, so they knew they had some time to themselves.

They laid down on the bed and held each other. Bret grabbed a book that rested on her nightstand. “What’s this?”

Hannah smiled. “My mom used to keep this…quote book. She gave it to my dad before she died and he returned it to my grandfather not long after she passed. It has a lot of great quotes in there.”

He flipped through it. “You’re only marked halfway through it.” he noticed and she nodded into his shoulder.

“I haven’t brought myself to go to the end.”

He looked down at her. “Why?”

She rested her head on his chest. “Because if I get to the end…it means the end of my mom. And that can never happen.”

He was quiet for a few moments. “But if you don’t go to the end, you’ll never know everything your mom wanted you to.”

Hannah thought about it for a minute. “Will you read it to me?”

He took a deep breath and began reading the soft script of his girlfriend’s late mother. When they got to the end, he paused. She looked up at him. “Bret?”

He stroked her head and continued.

“To my beautiful daughter, Hannah. You really were the miracle your father and I were hoping for. Just remember that no matter where I am I will always be with you. I love you more than anything in the whole world and I know your dad does too. Whenever you are missing me or need me, just look at your father. He knows exactly what you are going through. This book is for you.

With love,


When Bret looked down, Hannah had tear sin her eyes. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her cheek. She sat up slowly and wiped her eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

She walked out of her room and walked down the stairs as she heard the car door slam. When Landon opened the front door he was met with a huge hug from his daughter. He dropped his bag and held her tightly. “Everything okay?”

She nodded into his shoulder. “Thank you.”

He sighed but just let the silence answer for him. After a minute they both broke the hug. She smiled, turning and heading for the stairs. When she was halfway up, she turned and saw Landon staring at her. “I love you.”

She turned and ran up the stairs. “I love you too, baby.”

When she got back up there she grabbed a pen and the journal. In her own neat script, that very closely resembled her mother’s, she scribbled her own quote. Then she turned, and kissed Bret like she never had before.

“You’ll always find your way back home.” -Hannah Carter
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So this story is over. I am very sad. Cried while writing this chapter, too. I am thinking about a sequel but at this point it is not for sure yet. Thank you for reading!