Every heart bleeds

i don't know where to begin with this story, except is sad and its hard to even write. its about Charlie, she lost her friend, and its about how Charlie lived after that. hope you enjoy i know its different to my other books as this one is very real and not got vampires etc in it. enjoy! italics are memory's in case you don't get that

i did this for my English coursework, so it will all be on straight away. i haven't got the grade back so it may change a little when i get it back

message me with any reviews and ideas and stuff :cute:

enjoy :hug:
  1. chapter 1
    chapter one, well theirs aren't many chapters so thats the reason this is small
  2. chapter 2
    chapter two, hope you enjoy - italics mean flashbacks if you didnt already know
  3. chapter 3
    Enjoy. message please
  4. chapter 4
  5. chapter 5
    Enjoy. message please!
  6. chapter 6 - THE END
    this is the last chapter sorry guys :sad: hope you enjoyed message please