The story of Lauren

Chapter One

Lauren looked at her reflection in the mirror. Long blond hair, blue eyes like the ocean, milky-way skin (almost as white as the moon). Lauren sighed and thought to herself, “summer is in two weeks, I’ll get a tan when I go to Florida to stay with dad.” Her parents got divorced when she was five years old over something rather stupid…ever since then she has been going back and forth. Her mom lived in Texas and her dad lived in Florida. She really didn’t want to leave Texas because that would mean she’d have to leave Chris…Chris was her boyfriend kind of. “Honey, are you ready for school?” Her mother asked. She sighed again. “Yes, I’m ready for school.” Lauren called. “Well then, let’s go…we don’t have all day honey.” Her mother snapped. “Chris and I are just going to walk to school.” Lauren replied. “Okay then, well I have to go to work, I’ll see you after school.” her mother said. “Bye mother.” Lauren called after her mother. She walked down stairs and went outside to wait for Chris when she was sure her mother left. “Hey Lauren, what’s up?” Chris asked as he was walking up to greet her. “Oh hey, nothing much…just was waiting for you.” Lauren said. They walked to school together talking on the way. “Lauren, wait up!” Jessica yelled. Jessica was her best friend…they had been best friends since 1st grade. Lauren sighed and stopped walking to let her friend catch up with her and Chris. “Hey listen you guys…this summer I have to go to Florida to stay with my dad.” Lauren said, breaking the silence. “What, no!” Jessica cried out. Lauren sighed. “I know, I know…I don’t want to go, but my mom is making me.” Lauren said looking away. “I’m going to really miss you Lauren.” Chris said. “Yeah, me too Lauren.” Jessica said after Chris. “I’m going to miss you guys too.” Lauren said. They all hugged each other but stopped when the bell rang. Lauren actually couldn’t wait till the day to end, and when it did…she was so relieved and ran all the way home without saying goodbye to her friends. When she got home, she decided to take a shower and get cleaned up. Then she did her homework and waited for her mom to get home. When she noticed it was 7:00PM, she decided to eat dinner without her. She was too tired to wait around so she went to bed. The next morning, she awoke to the sound of birds chirping. She stretched and yawned. “That’s strange, I don’t hear mom.” She thought to herself. She crawled out of bed to check her mother’s room. The bed was made and she didn’t hear her mom making coffee as usual or didn’t smell the fresh baked muffins she usually smelt. She went down stairs and saw that there was a message. She listened to the message and was shocked. The message had said that her mother had died in a car accident. She dropped the phone and cried. That would mean she’d have to go to Florida to live with her dad…papers said that if anything ever happened to her mom that she’d have to go live with her dad with no questions about it