The story of Lauren

Chapter Three

Lauren woke up the next morning and yawned. She smiled at the thought of Dillon. She got out of bed and dressed for school then went down stairs to eat her breakfast with her step-mother. “I just realized that school ends soon.” Her step-mother said, handing Lauren the plate of eggs. Lauren almost dropped her glass of orange juice that she was holding and nearly choked on her juice. Her step-mother looked at her in surprise. “Dear lord Lauren, are you alright.” Her step-mother asked. “Yeah…I’m alright.” Lauren lied. She really wasn’t alright…she didn’t want summer to come because she wanted more time with Dillon. “Ok then…I was just asking because you almost nearly choked on your orange juice there.” Her step-mother said. “Well…thank you for your concern Sandy.” Lauren said. “You’re welcome Lauren.” Her step-mother said. “Can you possibly drive me to school, now?” Lauren asked. Her step-mother looked at the clock, then at her. “Darling, it’s only 7:30AM, it’s a late start day…you don’t actually have to be there until 9:00AM.” Her step-mother said with surprise. Lauren sighed. “I know Sandy…I just want to umm, go to the Library and explore it…since I didn’t get too yesterday.” Lauren lied. Her step-mother looked at her shocked. “Your father said that you don’t really like to read.” Her step-mother said. “Well I like to now.” Lauren lied again. “All right…if you insist.” Her step-mother said, shaking her head. “Yes, I insist we must go now!” Lauren nearly shouted. “Dear heaven’s Lauren, don’t shout.” Her step-mother said, looking at her. Lauren covered her mouth. “Sorry Sandy.” Lauren said, looking down. Her step-mother sighed. “No…it’s alright darling, just don’t do it again, please.” Her step-mother said. “Ok, I won’t.” Lauren said. Her step-mother handed Lauren one more glass of orange juice before they left to take Lauren to school. “Thank you Sandy for taking me to school earlier.” Lauren said, trying to hide her excitement. “You’re welcome Lauren…have a nice day at school.” Her step-mother said. “Thanks, bye Sandy.” Lauren said. She got out of the vehicle and walked up the steps then went inside. When she saw Dillon, her heart pounded. “Hey Dillon…how are you?” Lauren asked, smiling. “I’m doing great, how are you?” Dillon asked. “I’m doing wonderful now.” Lauren said. “That’s good to hear.” Dillon said. “Hey listen Dillon…summer starts soon, and I want to keep in touch with you, is there a way where we can still keep in touch?” Lauren asked, biting her lip nervously. Dillon looked into her eyes. “Of course there’s a way.” Dillon said, smiling. Lauren practically jumped into his arms to hug him and Dillon returned the hug. “I’m sorry Dillon.” Lauren said, looking away and blushing. “No, it’s okay, there’s no reason to say sorry Lauren.” Dillon said smiling some more. Lauren giggled. “Do you want my number Dillon?” Lauren asked. “Sure please…I’d love to have your number, so I can always talk to you.” Dillon said. Lauren blushed as she gave him her number. “I’ll call you tonight…if that’s ok with you?” Dillon said. Lauren nodded. “Yes Dillon, its ok with me.” Lauren said. “Great, I’ll call you tonight at 7:00PM.” Dillon said. Cc arrived and saw Lauren and Dillon hanging out. “Lauren, Dillon!!!” Cc called after them. “Oh hey Cc.” Lauren said. “Has Kendra arrived yet?” Cc asked. “Umm I’m not sure…I don’t think she has.” Lauren said. “Oh…ok then.” Cc said. “Yeah, sorry Cc.” Lauren said. “Oh that’s ok Lauren…can I hang out with you and Dillon until Kendra comes?” Cc asked. Lauren looked at Dillon for an answer. Dillon nodded. “Yeah, you can hang out with us Cc…you’re always welcomed to hang with us…after all we are friends!” Lauren said, giggling. “True…very true, thanks Lauren…thanks Dillon.” Cc said. “Anytime Cc.” Dillon said. “Yeah, you’re welcome Cc.” Lauren said. They talked until Kendra got there and when Kendra got there they all greeted her then it was time for the bell to ring. As the day went on, Lauren got anxious for lunch to come so she could see Dillon again. “Tonight’s homework is that you have to study for your math test for tomorrow…any questions.” The math teacher said. The math teacher looked around the room to see if there were any questions. “Ok, you guys are dist-missed to go to lunch.” The math teacher said. Lauren stood up…gathered her things and rushed out the door. Then she walked to Dillon’s class which was Literature and waited for Dillon. “Hey Dillon!!!” Lauren said, smiling. “Hey Lauren.” Dillon said, returning her smile. They walked together to lunch. When they got there lunch, they sat down and waited for Cc and Kendra. “Hey Lauren, hey Dillon.” Cc said. “Hi Cc.” Lauren said. “Hello.” Dillon said. Cc sat down next to Lauren. “I’m so nervous about our math test tomorrow…aren’t you Lauren?” Cc said, taking a bite of her bread. “Yeah, just a little…but if I study I should do great on it.” Lauren said. “True…great point Lauren.” Cc said. “Oh hey, look there’s Kendra!!!” Cc said. “Hi guys.” Kendra said. Kendra sat down next to Cc and started eating her lunch. They went about talking and Lauren wasn’t really listening because she was too busy thinking about Dillon. When lunch was over, they all went back to class. Lauren waited for the day to end and when it did, she rushed out of class and waited for Dillon. “Hey Lauren.” Dillon said. She was surprised to see him waiting by her classroom door…usually it was her waiting by his classroom door. “Hey Dillon.” Lauren smiled. Lauren and Dillon walked to her locker and got her stuff then they walked outside to wait for their parents. Dillon’s parents came first. “Bye Dillon.” Lauren said. “Bye Lauren, see you tomorrow.” Dillon said. When Dillon left, Lauren waited for her parents. It was her dad that came to pick her up this time. “Hey dad…how was work?” Lauren asked, as she got into the vehicle. “It was fine, how was school?” Her father asked, driving. “It was great.” Lauren said, looking out the window. They drove home in silence after that. As the days went by, and as the last few days went by, Lauren was realizing that she was in love with Dillon, and she wanted to tell him that…but she didn’t know how to. “Hey Lauren, there’s this party that were having this weekend…almost the whole school is going to be there, would you like to come?” Kendra asked. “Umm, sure…is Dillon going?” Lauren asked. “Yeah, he is…he got invited just a little bit of go.” Kendra said. “Ok, then I’ll go.” Lauren said. “Perfect, it’s at my house so yeah, I’ll pick you up and we can just tell your parents that it’s just a sleepover.” Kendra said. “Ok, thanks…” Lauren said. “You’re welcome!” Kendra said, smiling.