The story of Lauren

Chapter Four

Lauren sat on her bed that evening thinking about the party that Kendra told her about. “It couldn’t be that bad, I guess…even though I’ve never been to a party before.” Lauren thought to herself. Her mind wondered to Dillon then. “There’s something different about Dillon.” She thought. One thing she knew for sure was that she was in love with him. Her phone interrupted her thoughts when it rang. She glanced at it and let it ring two more times before she decided to pick it up. “Hello?” Lauren said into the receiver. “Is Lauren there?” A male’s voice asked. Lauren’s heart pounded. “This is her.” Lauren said. “Hi Lauren, its Dillon.” Dillon said. Lauren sat up more. “Hey Dillon.” Lauren said. They talked on the phone until her step-mother came in. “Lauren, it’s time for dinner.” Her step-mother said. “Ok Sandy…I’ll be there in a second.” Lauren said. Her step-mother looked at her then walked back down stairs. “Do you have to go?” Dillon asked, sounding disappointed. “Yeah, I’m sorry Dillon…I wish we could talk some more.” Lauren said, playing around with the chord. “I know…but I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Dillon said. “Ok, for sure.” Lauren said. “Lauren?” Dillon asked. “Yes?” Lauren said. “I love you…” Dillon said. Lauren’s heart pounded some more. “I love you too Dillon.” Lauren said. “Bye Lauren.” Dillon said. “Bye Dillon.” Lauren said. After they hung up from each other, Lauren smiled and went down stairs. “It’s about time Lauren.” Her step-mother said, setting down the mashed-potatoes. “Sorry Sandy, I was just talking to Dillon.” Lauren said. “Ok, well your father won’t be joining us…he had to go somewhere for his job.” Her step-mother said, sighing. “Ok…” Lauren said. “Sandy…weren’t you ever lonely when my dad left for some kind of job meeting before I came out here?” Lauren said, taking a bite of some corn. Her step-mother sighed. “I suppose I was Lauren.” Her step-mother said. “Oh…sorry to ask such a question…I was just wanting to know.” Lauren said. “That’s fine, thank you for your concern though…I appreciate it.” Her step-mother said. “You’re welcome.” Lauren said. They ate their rest of their dinner in silence. “Well thank you for dinner Sandy…I’m going to go take a shower then I’m going to bed.” Lauren said. “Ok, night then.” Her step-mother said. “Night Sandy…” Lauren said. Lauren showered and when she was done her phone rang. “Could it be Dillon again?” Lauren thought to herself. The only way to find out was to answer it, right…so she answered it. “Hello?” Lauren said. “Hey Lauren, its Kendra.” Kendra said. Lauren sighed in disappointment. “Hi Kendra.” Lauren said. “I was just calling to tell you that the party starts at 7:00PM but you can come over after school and we can get ready if you’d like to…just like take your stuff to school tomorrow and tell your parents that you’re going home with me.” Kendra said. “Ok, sure thing.” Lauren said. “Well umm, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Kendra said. “Yeah, sure…bye Kendra.” Lauren said. “Bye Lauren.” Kendra said. They hung up the phone and Lauren went to bed. The next morning, Lauren woke up at 6:00AM. She stretched and yawned then crawled out of bed. She picked out her clothes for school, and then packed her stuff like Kendra had said. “Hi Sandy.” Lauren said as she sat down to eat her breakfast. “Hi Lauren, are you planning on running away or what?” Her step-mother asked. Lauren giggled. “Oh no Sandy…I was just going to stay the night at Kendra’s house tonight and she told me to bring my stuff because I’m just going home with her.” Lauren said. “Ok then, I’ll tell your father that he doesn’t need to pick you up from school then.” Her step-mother said. After they were all done with breakfast Sandy drove Lauren to school. “Bye Lauren, have a nice day at school…and have fun at your friend’s house.” Her step-mother said. “Thanks Sandy…I will.” Lauren said, shutting the vehicle’s door. “Lauren, wait up!!!” Kendra shouted. Lauren stopped walking. “Hi Kendra.” Lauren said. “I’m so excited about tonight’s part, aren’t you?” Kendra asked. “Yeah, I am…” Lauren said. Lauren sighed. “Oh, I’m going to go catch up with Dillon…ok Kendra.” Lauren said, standing up to go meet Dillon. “Ok, see you later.” Kendra said. “Dillon!!!” Lauren said. “Hey Lauren.” Dillon said. “So are you going to the party tonight…Kendra and Cc said you were, I’ll only go if you go.” Lauren said. “Yeah, I’m going…if you’re going.” Dillon said. Lauren smiled. “Awesome.” Lauren said. When the bell rang, Dillon walked Lauren to her class and then went to his class. During class, Cc, Kendra, and Lauren were passing notes to each other. At lunch time they talked about the party and talked about other things…then they went back to class and waited for the day to end. Finally the day ended and the three girls rushed out the door. “I’m going to wait for Dillon…ok guys?” Lauren said, shutting her locker. “We’ll go with you.” Kendra said, before Cc could answer. Lauren looked at Cc. “Its fine…we’ll go with you Lauren.” Cc said, looking away. “Ok then…let’s go!!!” Lauren said. The three of them ran to Dillon’s class and waited by the door for him. “Hey Dillon!!!” Lauren said. “Lauren, Cc, Kendra…what a surprise…I knew Lauren was going to be here, but I didn’t expect you two to be here.” Dillon said. The three girls giggled. “Dillon, you’re so funny.” Lauren said. “Why thank you for the compliment.” Dillon teased. “You’re very welcome. Kendra looked jealous at Dillon and Lauren. “Come on Lauren, we don’t have all day to flirt with Dillon!” Kendra snapped. Cc looked at Kendra. “Kendra, don’t be so snappy.” Cc said. “I guess we better start walking out the door…” Lauren said, looking away. Dillon grabbed Lauren’s hand. “Yeah, before Miss Kendra snaps at us again.” Dillon said. “Shut the hell up!” Kendra yelled. “Sorry Kendra…didn’t mean to upset you.” Lauren said. Kendra rolled her eyes. They all walked out of the school in silence and then waited for Dillon and Cc’s parents to come. Cc wasn’t going home with Kendra and Lauren…she said she’d arrive at 6:00PM. Cc’s parents arrived first and they all said bye to her…then waited for Dillon’s parents. Sixteen minutes later, his parents came. “Bye Dillon…see you at the party.” Lauren whispered in his ear. “Bye Lauren…I love you.” Dillon whispered in her ear back. “I love you too Dillon.” Lauren whispered back. Then he kissed her and Lauren’s heart started to pound. Kendra looked at them like she was jealous. Dillon got in the car and Lauren waved. “Come on Lauren, he’s gone…now we can go.” Kendra said, pulling on Lauren’s arm. They walked to Kendra’s house quickly and then they sat the place up for the party. About 6:00, Cc arrived. “Cc!!!” Lauren practically yelled. “Lauren!!!” Cc said. Lauren was glad Cc was here. The two of them hugged then waited outside. About 6:15, Dillon arrived and Lauren was much happier. Soon, the whole school was there. Lauren got tired of the music, so she went outside. “Hey pretty lady.” A male’s voice said. “Who are you?” Lauren asked, turning around. His breath smelt of beer. “I’m Steven.” Steven said. “Oh…I’m going inside now.” Lauren said. “Not so fast.” Steven said, grabbing her arm. “Let go of me…your hurting me.” Lauren said. “No.” Steven said, and then he kissed her roughly. Lauren tried to get away from him, but he was too strong. He ripped off all of her clothes and took off his clothes and raped her. When he was done, he stood up, put his clothes back on and went inside and acted like nothing happened. Lauren quickly grabbed her clothes and got back dressed…then she sat in the grass and cried. “Where was Dillon when I needed him?” Lauren thought to herself. “Lauren?” Dillon asked, walking over to her. “Dillon.” Lauren said, looking up at him, with tears in her eyes. “Are you alright?” Dillon asked, sounding worried. “No, I want to go home Dillon!” Lauren said, her voice shaking a little. “Ok, I’ll walk you home.” Dillon said, offering her his hand. She took it and stood up. He walked her home in silence. Lauren let out a cry. “Lauren, what’s wrong?” Dillon asked. “Nothing, nothing is wrong.” Lauren lied, crying in her hands. Dillon hugged her and she cried in his arms. “I want to go inside…I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lauren said. “Alright…but tomorrow is Saturday.” Dillon said, reminding her. “Yeah…I’ll call you tomorrow and see if you want to hang out…” Lauren said. “Ok, sounds cool.” Dillon said. “Lauren…are you sure you’re alright?” Dillon asked. “Yeah…I’ll be fine…thanks for asking Dillon…I love you.” Lauren said. “I love you too Lauren.” Dillon said. Then he kissed her night and she went inside. “Your home early…I expected you to be home tomorrow.” Her step-mother said. “Yeah…I wanted to come home tonight…I’m going to bed.” Lauren said, walking up the stairs. Sandy looked at her in shock. Lauren crawled in bed and cried herself to sleep.