The story of Lauren

Chapter Five

Lauren woke up the next morning. She looked at her clock and it said 8:30AM. She sighed and rolled over. She laid there in her bed and thought about last night. She couldn’t tell Dillon, she just couldn’t. “God, what am I going to do?” Lauren whispered to herself. She tried to fight back the tears, but she couldn’t help but crying. She started to cry, but her phone interrupted her. She quickly reached for the phone. “Hello?” Lauren said into the receiver…trying to hide her shaking voice. “Lauren?” Dillon said. “Oh…hi Dillon.” Lauren said, sitting up. “Are you alright?” Dillon asked. “Yeah, why?” Lauren asked. “You seem sad and depressed…I don’t know, maybe I’m just worrying myself…I’m just worried about you Lauren, that’s all.” Dillon said. “Thanks Dillon…but I’ll be fine…I think.” Lauren said. “You know, if you need to tell me or talk to me about anything, you can…alright?” Dillon said. “Alright…thanks Dillon.” Lauren said. You’re welcome.” Dillon said. Long pause. Dillon broke the silence. “Hey listen…maybe you and I can go out for ice cream.” Dillon said. “Yeah…sure, that’ll be great.” Lauren said. “Umm, ok…I’ll pick you up; let’s say about 12:00PM.” Dillon said. “Yeah, that’ll work…I’ll be ready.” Lauren said. “Ok, see you at 12:00PM then…I love you Lauren.” Dillon said. “I love you too Dillon…bye.” Lauren said. “Bye…” Dillon said. They both hung up the phone and Lauren decided to get up and take a shower. After she took a shower, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She felt disgusted with herself…she didn’t feel like Lauren anymore. “Why was I so stupid to go outside by myself…I had no idea that the bastard would follow me, why didn’t Dillon hang out with me?” Lauren thought to herself crying. “If Dillon was with me…that would have never happened to me!” Lauren said to herself again. She brushed through her hair, got dressed and brushed her teeth. She sighed and walked down stairs. There was a note on the counter for her…it said “Lauren, we went out on a date for breakfast…won’t be back until 8:00PM…we love you sweetie.” She got some orange juice and some toast and sat down to eat. She didn’t mind being alone until 12:00PM…she wanted to be alone anyways. She watched some TV and waited for Dillon. About 12:00PM, he was there…like he said. Dillon took Lauren to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream. “Thanks for the ice cream Dillon.” Lauren said. “My pleasure.” Dillon said, smiling.
Lauren tried to return the smile. “Umm, would you like to go catch a movie?” Dillon asked. “I guess so…” Lauren said. So they drove to the movies and they went to go see Ghost Rider two. “That was a kick ass movie!” Dillon said. Lauren nodded. “Yeah…it was.” Lauren said. “Do you want to do anything else, or do you want to go home?” Dillon asked. “Umm…I want to go home.” Lauren said. “All right.” Dillon said. So he took her home, said I love you to each other and kissed each other, then Lauren locked herself in her bedroom to cry some more. By the time it was 8:00PM, Lauren was already asleep when her parents came home. “Lauren hasn’t been herself lately…don’t you agree?” Her step-mother said. “No, I haven’t noticed anything Sandy.” Her father said. Sandy shook her head. “It’s been along day…I’m going to bed Tom.” Her step-mother said. Tom was Lauren’s dad’s real name. The next day, Lauren’s step-mother woke her up for church. “Your father had to work again…so it’ll be just you and I going to church today Lauren.” Her step-mother said. “Oh…ok Sandy.” Lauren said. So she got ready and ate breakfast and her and her step-mother drove to church. After church was over, the day went by fast. Monday came and it was the last day of school. Lauren wasn’t very happy to go to school…because then she’d have to face Steven. She sighed and got ready for school. “Are you happy that it’s the last day of school?” Her step-mother asked as she was handing Lauren apple juice. Lauren nodded. “Yeah…I am.” Lauren said, taking a sip of her apple juice. “That’s great…I’m happy too because then you and I can hang out some more.” Her step-mother said. “Yeah, that’ll be real nice…” Lauren said. “Well, we better get you to school Miss Lauren.” Her step-mother said, getting her keys. Lauren grabbed her back-pack and went out the door. “Bye Lauren, have a nice day at school.” Her step-mother said. “Bye Sandy…” Lauren said. Lauren walked up the steps. “Hey pretty lady.” Steven said, checking her out. “Umm…hi…what do you want Steven?” Lauren asked. “I just wanted to say hi.” Steven said. “Oh for the love of God Steven, don’t act like nothing is wrong when you know perfectly well something’s wrong, don’t act like it’s all fine when it’s not!” Lauren said. “Wow, easy tiger…I’m sorry for raping you.” Steven said. “Sorry, ha do you think sorry is going to take back what you did to me!?!” Lauren yelled. “No.” Steven said. “Exactly, you should have thought about that before Steven!” “I enjoyed it.” Steven said, laughing. Lauren rolled her eyes. “You’re such a pig Steven!!!” Lauren yelled. “Oh come on babe, you shouldn’t deny it…you know you liked it too.” Steven said. Lauren looked around. “Where is Dillon?” She thought to herself. “See your not even answering, so you must have liked it too!” Steven said. “Goodbye Steven!” Lauren yelled, stomping down the hall. “Lauren, slow down.” Cc said. “Sorry Cc…” Lauren said. “You think…you almost ran me over with you walking so fast.” Cc said. “Do you think you can stay the night tonight?” Cc asked. “Sure…I guess so.” Lauren said. “It’s not a party…is it?” Lauren quickly asked. “Hell no, it’s just going to be you and I and my brother.” Cc said. “Oh…ok, yeah sure.” Lauren said. “Ok, cool.” Cc said. “I’ll call you after I get home to tell you when I can come pick you up.” Cc said. “Ok, sounds great to me.” Lauren said. As the day went on, she didn’t see Dillon…and she was actually thinking about what Steven said. Did she like it? She wasn’t sure…she was still mad at what Steven did to her. The bell rang and Steven was waiting by her class room door. “Hey babe.” Steven said. Lauren rolled her eyes. “Were not dating Steven!” Lauren said. “So, I just like calling you babe.” Steven said. “Goodbye Steven!” Lauren said. She ran out of the school before he could say anything and waited for her parents. When she saw Steven coming, she quickly put her I pod on before he could come walking over to say something. Finally her step-mother came and she got in the vehicle. She looked out the window and flipped Steven off. “Hey Cc, do you have Lauren’s number?” Steven asked. “Yes, yes I do…why?” Cc said, looking shocked at Steven. “Can I have it?” Steven asked. “Sure…I guess.” Cc said. So she wrote Lauren’s phone number down and gave it to Steven. “Thanks Cc, you’re the best!” Steven said, giving her a friendly hug. “Yeah, ok bye.” Cc said, walking off to her parent’s car. About 4:00PM, Cc called Lauren and asked her if she can come pick her up. Lauren’s phone rang. “Hello?” Lauren said. “Hey Lauren, it’s me, Cc…can I come pick you up now?” Cc asked. “Yeah, sure…come on over.” Lauren said. “Ok great, see you soon!” Cc said. The two of them hung up the phone and Lauren went down stairs. “Have fun Lauren.” Her step-mother said. “Ok, I will…bye Sandy, tell dad I said bye.” Lauren said. “Ok, I will, bye.” Her step-mother said. “Hey Lauren…this is my mom, Bella.” Cc said. “Hi Bella…nice to meet you.” Lauren said. “Hi Lauren, nice to meet you too.” Bella said. Bella drove them home and the two of them sat on the porch swing while Cc’s mother went to go make dinner. “Cc…I have to tell you something.” Lauren said, looking away. “What?” Cc asked. “Well umm, when we were at the party, I went outside and Steven followed me and he raped me…” Lauren said, starting to cry. “Oh Lauren!!!” Cc said, hugging her. Lauren hugged back. “I’m scared Cc…I don’t know what to do.” Lauren said. “Don’t be scared…I’m here for you girl.” Cc said. “Thanks Cc…” Lauren said. “What if he got you pregnant?” Cc asked. Lauren didn’t think of that. “Oh shit!” Lauren said, starting to cry some more. “I’m sorry Lauren…I shouldn’t have said that.” Cc said. “No, no, no…its ok Cc…don’t be sorry.” Lauren said, wiping away her tears. “Ok, but if you are pregnant, are you going to tell Steven?” Cc asked. “I don’t know really…do you think I should?” Lauren said. “Yes, you should…even though he raped you, doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to know.” Cc said. Lauren sighed. “If only Dillon was around!” Lauren said. “Dillon and Kendra were making out, Lauren.” Cc said. “They were?” Lauren asked in shock. “Yeah…I was going to tell you, but I wasn’t sure when would be a great time to tell you Lauren…I’m sorry.” Cc said. Lauren’s eyes filled with tears and Cc hugged Lauren. “Don’t cry Lauren…it seems that Steven has a thing for you.” Cc said, giggling. Lauren sighed. “Yeah, but he raped me!” Lauren said. “I know…but maybe he was just trying to get your attention, I don’t know.” Cc said. “Raping a girl is no way to get a girl’s attention!” Lauren said, raising her voice some what. “I’m sorry Lauren; I shouldn’t have said that, you’re right.” Cc said. “Its ok Cc…I still love you as a friend.” Lauren said. “Yay, I love you too girl…as a friend of course!” Cc said. They both laughed. “Girls, Tyler…time to eat!” Bella called. Tyler was Cc’s 10 year old brother. They all came in the kitchen to eat dinner. “Thank you for dinner Bella.” Lauren said. “Oh you’re very welcome Hun.” Bella said. They all ate in silence and when they were done, Cc and Lauren picked on Tyler for fun, then Lauren and Cc went to Cc’s room. Lauren sat on Cc’s bed. “So um Cc…what happened to your dad?” Lauren asked. Cc looked away. “He died when I was 5 years old.” Cc said, sighing. “Oh…sorry to ask…my mom died not too long ago.” Lauren said. “Its ok…and wow, I’m sorry.” Cc said. “Its ok, everything happens for a reason, right.” Lauren said. “Yeah, I guess so.” Cc said. Cc picked up a pillow. “Pillow fight!!!” Cc said. Lauren giggled and the two girls had a pillow fight. About 3:00AM, they went to bed. Lauren woke up about 8:00AM and saw that Cc was still sleeping. “Cc, wake up.” Lauren said. Cc groaned. “What!?!” Cc said. “Let’s get up.” Lauren said. “Fine.” Cc said. So they got up and went down stairs. Tyler was already up. “Mom says were going swimming.” Tyler said, with his mouth full of food. “That’s gross Tyler, don’t talk with your mouth full of food…and that’s cool, is Lauren coming?” Cc said. “Yeah, I think.” Tyler said. Cc turned to Lauren. “Cool, I hope so!!!” Cc said. “Yeah, me too.” Lauren said. “Mom, is Lauren going swimming with us?” Cc asked when her mom came down stairs. “Sure, if she wants to.” Bella said. “Do you want to Lauren?” Cc asked. “Sure!” Lauren said. “Ok, I have an extra swimming suit for you.” Cc said. So the two of them went upstairs and got ready to go swimming. When they were all ready, they drove to the Rec-Center. Lauren and Cc quickly rushed to the swimming pool area and got in the pool. “Hey Cc, hey pretty lady.” Steven said. Lauren hid behind Cc. “Hello Steven…what can I do for you?” Cc asked. “Nothing, do you mind if I hang out with you and pretty lady there?” Steven asked. “Sure!!!” Cc said, before Lauren could speak. Steven smirked. The whole time they were swimming and playing, Lauren practically ignored Steven…except it was really hard when Steven was checking her out the whole time. Finally it was time to go and Lauren was relieved. After they went swimming, they went to Sonic to get something eat. After that, they took Lauren home. “Thanks for everything Bella.” Lauren said. “You’re welcome.” Bella said. “Bye Cc, I’ll call you later.” Lauren said. “Ok, bye Lauren.” Cc said. “Yeah, bye Lauren.” Tyler said. Lauren went up to her room after she told her step-mother what she did at Cc’s house. She decided to go to bed…she had a long day and wanted to sleep. As the days went by, school got closer and closer. The last night of summer, Steven called her…but Lauren picked up the phone and then hung up, after that he never called for the rest of the night…he figured he’d see her tomorrow and he would just talk to her then. The next morning, Lauren awoke to morning sickness.