The story of Lauren

Chapter Six

Lauren’s hands started to shake as she was throwing up. Could it be true, was she really pregnant? Lauren started to cry, but she told herself to be strong. “Lauren, are you alright?” Her step-mother asked. “No…I’m not, I’m throwing up.” Lauren said. “All right honey, I’ll take you to the doctor’s…but you’ll be late for your first day back to school, you might have the flu.” Her step-mother said. Lauren ate her breakfast first and then Sandy drove her to the doctor’s. Lauren went inside by herself when the doctor called her. “So why are you in here?” The doctor asked, looking at the papers. “I’m throwing up.” Lauren said. “Ok, well…I’ll take a look.” The doctor said. “Nope, you don’t have the flu…I’ll do a pregnancy test on you.” The doctor said. Lauren gulped. “Ok…” Lauren said. So the doctor did a pregnancy test and it appeared that Lauren was pregnant…just as Cc said. “Miss, I believe you’re pregnant…you’re going to have a baby.” The doctor said. Lauren burst into tears. “It’ll be alright…I’m just going to have to tell your mom.” The doctor said, trying to reassure her. Lauren nodded and the two of them walked out to tell her step-mother. “I believe your daughter is pregnant here.” The doctor said. Her step-mother’s smile turned to a frown. “How can that be, she has never had sex.” Her step-mother said. “Well, she’s pregnant alright…now if you excuse me, I have work to do.” The doctor said, walking away. Lauren’s step-mother looked at Lauren upset. “To the car missy.” Her step-mother said. “How Lauren, how the hell did you get pregnant!?!” Her step-mother yelled. “I was rapped.” Lauren said, bursting into tears. Her step-mother calmed down. “Honey, how come you never told me or your father this.” Her step-mother said. “I don’t know…I was scared.” Lauren said. “Well its ok, don’t be scared…you’re going to be a mother and you’re going to have that baby.” Her step-mother said. Lauren nodded and got out of the vehicle. “Have a nice day.” Her step-mother called after her. Lauren didn’t respond back. She checked into the school office and went to class. Like last year, Cc was in her class and Lauren was happy that she was…only thing was, Steven was in her class too. Lauren took a seat next to Cc. “Why are you late?” Cc wrote a note to Lauren. “I had to go to the doctors…I’m pregnant.” Lauren wrote back. “No way, are you going to tell Steven?” Cc wrote back. “I guess I should.” Lauren wrote back. “I’ll go with you to tell him when you go.” Cc wrote. “Ok, thanks…I’ll talk to you have class.” Lauren wrote. “Ok, bye.” Cc wrote. “Bye.” Lauren wrote. The 5 minutes of class went by fast and it was time for lunch. Cc and Lauren stood up and went to their lockers. “Ok, I have decided that I’m telling him now.” Lauren said. “Ok, let’s go.” Cc said. The two of them walked over to Steven’s locker. Lauren cleared her throat. “Hello pretty lady.” Steven said. “Hello Steven.” Lauren said. “Steven…I have to tell you something.” Lauren said quickly. “What is it?” Steven asked. “Umm…I’m pregnant…and it’s your baby because you’re the one who raped me.” Lauren said. Cc gripped Lauren’s arm and Steven looked at her in shock. “I’m going to be a father of Lauren’s baby!!!” Steven said excitedly. “I’m here for you babe, I’m not leaving your side, ever!” Steven said, hugging her. Lauren actually hugged back. “Thanks Steven.” Lauren said. “You’re welcome pretty lady.” Steven said. Lauren smiled. “So wait, let me get this straight…we’re dating now, right?” Steven asked. Lauren looked away. “I guess I have to let go of Dillon…anyways, he’s a jerk…he made out with Kendra.” Lauren thought to herself before answering him. Lauren nodded. “Yes.” Lauren said. Steven practically jumped for joy. “Yeah, I got Lauren now, and I’m going to treat her wonderful!!!” Steven said. Lauren smiled. “Actually…dating Steven won’t be so terrible after all.” She thought to herself. She stood on her toes and kissed him softly in front of people. She actually liked kissing him and Steven kissed back. They held hands as Cc walked with them to lunch and Cc was so happy for them. She somehow knew that they’d last forever. As the months went by, Lauren became more moody and started to show and each class she went to, Steven was by her side…he didn’t leave her, and that’s exactly what he had said. When the day came to her giving birth, Steven was in the hospital right there beside her, holding her hand…even though it hurt because she was gripping his hand tightly. The baby turned out to be a boy and she named him Jake Tyler Mcguffin. He looked just like Steven actually, and he was tiny. Steven and Lauren loved Jake and her parents and his parents ended up loving the baby too. When she got out of the hospital, Steven moved in with Lauren and her parents…it took some time for them to like Steven…after all he did rape their daughter, but they grew to like him as they watched how he treated, both, Lauren and Jake. When Lauren and Steven went to school, her step-mother watched Jake for them. Yes, even though Lauren had a baby…they both still wanted to finish school. “I’m so happy for the both of you!!!” Cc said. “Thank you Cc.” Lauren said, smiling. “I love you Lauren.” Steven said. “I love you too Steven.” Lauren said. “Jake is so adorable, he looks just like Steven.” Cc said. “I know!!!” Lauren said, holding Steven’s hand. “Thank you Cc, but we know that.” Steven joked. They all laughed. As the school year went by, Steven asked Lauren to marry him and of course, Lauren said yes. They told Cc and Cc was so happy. They had everyone picked out for the wedding, Cc was going to be her maid of honor, Grace (one of her other friends) was going to be the second maid of honor, and Hailey (another one of her friends) was going to be her third made of honor. Then Edward (one of Steven’s friends) was going to be his best man. Then her step-mother was going to be her best maid of honor. They were planning on getting married that summer and they couldn’t wait.