You Can Tell Me Anything

Mikes problem.

*Kat's POV*

Tre and I just sat there for a minute and I couldn't tell if he was going to say something or just sit there. As we sat there I only slightly heard Mike say something about everyone leaving. It's not like I cared...I mean it's my yard. Neither of our families where home. My family had just left a few hours ago to go to beach for a few months and left me home. Mostly cause I wanted to stay but it's not like they wanted me there either. Tre's family was never home. His dad worked out of town and stayed at the beach house his family owned. And his mom was visiting her sister for the summer. That's how we became best friends. We where both home alone all the time and needed someone to hang out with. It's not like we didn't hang out with Mike and Billie Joe cause we did. They just didn't understand as much what it was like to be left alone all the time. I was so lost in my thoughts by this point that I didn't hear Tre talking to me untill he shook my arm.

"Kat are you listening?"

"What...ummm yeah." I instantly felt horrible about not paying attention.

"I was trying to tell you something." It almost killed me when I saw the look in his eyes.

"Tre I'm so sorry."

He seemed to snap out of the sadness he'd fallen into and a wide smile spread across his face.

"Listen I want to tell you something...but not here."


"I don't know...and you're not gonna know either...this is gonna be a Tre Cool surprise!" He looked soo excited that I couldn't help but laugh.

Again he got that hurt look in his eyes and I quickly said, "So when is your 'Tre Cool surprise' gonna take place?"

He just gave me one of those smiles that made me melt. I wanted to kiss him so badly in that moment and tell him how I felt. I stopped myself though, thinking of what it would do to our friendship if he didn't feel the same way. Kat also had her best friend to worry about. She was in love with Tre and had been for a while now. 'God how am I gonna tell Megan than I MIGHT have feelings for Tre? Wait, I don't have feelings for my best guy friends. I don't, I don't, I DON'T!' Tre must have noticed the worried look on my face and moved a little closer to me. I wanted him to stop so bad but i just couldn't make myself say it. I sat there chewing on my bottom lip.

Sometime that night we'd laid down, with Tre's arm around my shoulders, to look at the stars and had fallen asleep. It was a good thing it had been a warm night! My eyes popped out at the sound of a dog barking. It took me a while to realize that I was out side. As I went to get up a felt a pair of arms tighened their hold on me. Scared, I turned fast only to see those beautiful ice blue eyes toe inches away from my face.

"Hey," Tre said, still half asleep. Something about the tone of his voice calmed me

"Hey," I said back trying to sound as normal as I could.

"So what happened?" He asked.

"Ummmmmm I'm not sure I guess we just fell asleep out here." Ooo god there was that smile again. Part of me wanted to hit him for the smug look on his face and the other half wanted to kiss him because he still had his arms wrapped around me. We sat there for a while enjoying each other and the warm early morning sunshine. Mostly becasue we know that when we get up we have to talk about this. We knew that this wasn't something that we could just let go. Finally I sat up pulling Tre with me. We had to get up sometimes and besides we had plans with Billie Joe and Mike later. I didn't want to go didn't want to go but I had to go call my mom and something in my gut was telling me to talk to Megan NOW before I even thought of talking to Tre. I looked over at him. He was just sitting there with his arms still around me...staring at me. I smiled and told that him I had to go and that I'd call him when Mike and Billie Joe decided to show up. He looked a little sad but said ok and watched me slide of the trampoline and run into my house.

*Tre's POV*

Oh my god what did I do? I bet I freaked her out and that's why she seemed so upset last night! It's not like there's anything I can do about it. I guess I'll just talk to Mike later and see if he can talk to her for me...

*Kat's POV*

O man I can't believe I just ran out on him! Wait, what am I doing? He's one of my best friends! It was just a stupid mistake. Maybe I can talk to Mike later and see if he can talk to him for me....

Poor Mike. It looks like he was gonna have a busy day ahead of him!