You Can Tell Me Anything


*Mikes POV*

Tre just hasn't been himself these past couple of days. We're all really worried about him. It's like he's dead inside. Kat still hasn't woken up. The doctors just told us to get ready for the worst. She's been in a coma for the past 3 days. Tre hasn't eaten sense we got here. Billie's trying to get him to eat right now but it's not real well. The doctors say they're going to force Tre to eat if he doesn't soon. He finally gave in and is going to get a sandwich with Billie now. I think that's a good thing. He could really use a few minutes out of this room. I told them I'd stay here and watch Kat. They said ok and left. We all talk to her. The doctors say she can't hear us but we all know she can. Something in me is saying that she's going to wake up. She has to. Tre WILL die without her. That's the hard part...if he lose Kat we know Tre will be gone forever. I can only imagine what would happen. I don't know if he would start to cut again or not. I really hope not but you never know with Tre. Just then Kats finger began to twitch. I yelled for a nurse and within seconds the room was filled with doctors. I called Tre cell and he said he was already on his way. About 2 seconds later he ran in the door with Billie at his heals. They were gasping for air but their eyes where bright with hope. For the first time in days Tre looked alive again. He pushed threw the doctors, took Kats hand and began to talk to her.

"I love you Kat, please wake up. It's Tre hunny. Please come back. I love you." He said over and over again. Just as the doctors where about to leave Kats eyes flittered open.

"What's going on?" She asked groggily.

One of the doctors explained everything that had happened then they took her away to get a load of tests done and wheeled her away in her bed. As soon as the door closed behind her we all broke down. We didn't want to cry around her because we didn't want her to be scared. After about an hour some doctor came in and told us that they think Kat's going to be fine but they want to keep her over night to make sure she's ok. He also told us not to be frightened if she doesn't want us to touch her. He thinks she has some major mental trauma and might not be the same for a while. We all nodded just over joyed that she's ok. After another hour they wheeled her back into the door and told us that we could all stay the night because she wants us to. We said thank you and the nurses left. We all pulled our chairs up to Kat's bed and Tre tried to take her hand but she winced at his touch. He pulled back quickly and looked ashamed.

"Tre?" She asked weakly.

"Yes sweetheart?" He answered looking hopeful.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." He answered with tears swelling in his eyes. I have to admit I was really worried about him. I'm not anymore though. I'm really worried about Kat. Now she has that look in her eyes. She looks dead inside and it scares me. She was always so full of life and now she's just not. Billie and I said we where going to go get something to eat. Tre looked at us thankfully and Kat just nodded.

*Tres POV*

We sat in silence for a while. I didn't now what to say to her. There was so much I wanted to say but I just didn't know how. I wished she would do something. She's not even crying. I'm crying but she's not. They took all the tubes and everything out of her so she would be more comfortable. They said they needed to make sure that she would be ok on her own. She just laid there.

"Tre?" She asked again.

"Yes baby?" I said.

She didn't even say anything she just broke down.

"Awwwe, shhh come here." I said crying myself as I held my arms open. I helped her slowly climb out of the small bed. She crawled into my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck and bawled into my shoulder. I carefully placed my arms around her waist and held her.

"Tre don't leave me... please don't leave me." She cried

"I won't... I won't... I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." I answered stroking her hair softly.

"It hurts." She whispered "It hurts really bad."

"I know... it'll all be ok soon. I promise we're going to get him."

"Tre why did he do this to me?"

"I don't know baby I just don't know." I whispered into her ear. "Where does it hurt the most?" I asked.

"My stomach." She said softly.

"Well can I see it?" I asked.

She nodded and stood up with my help. I wanted to die when I saw it. Her entire stomach was black and blue. She winced as I touched it lightly with my finger tips. She rolled her shirt back down and crawled into the small bed. I held my hand out to her and she carefully took it. After a few minutes of just sitting there she pulled my hand and motioned for me to come into the bed with her. She moved over to one side and let me crawl in. I wrapped on arm around her neck and one around her waist. She laid her head on my shoulder and began to cry.

"Tre you can leave."

"What!? Why?"

"You don't want me." She said simply. "I'm filthy."

"Shh don't talk like that. You're perfect."

"No I'm not." She whispered.

"Yes baby you are and I love you."

She didn't say anything just rested her head back down on my chest and fell asleep. It wasn't long before Mike and Billie walked back into the door. They quietly closed the door and sat down on the other bed.

"We're bi." They said as they took each others hand and held them tight.

"I know." I said with a smile.

"What!?" They said with their mouths hanging wide open.

"Kat and I saw you that night in the bar." I said sticking my tough out at them.

They laughed and laid down on the bed.

"Tre do you think Kats going to be ok?" Billie asked.

"No." I said simply. They didn't press the matter. The truth is I have no clue if she's going to be ok or not. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.