You Can Tell Me Anything

Is this for real?

*Mikes POV*

I couldn't bealieve it when Kat left. We all freaked when she didn't come home that night. We where just about to call the cops when Mrs. Armstrong called us crying. She told us that Kat had come to visit her. She told us that Kat was ok but she had to go away for a little while. It killed Tre. I've never seen him so depressed. I mean i've seen him pretty bad but never EVER like this. He went back to cutting after about a year. Every now and then Mrs. Armstrong would call to tell us Kat's ok. Billie and I tried to act like we where ok but nothing was ever the same. We tried to cover all our pain with music. Green day got huge and now here we are. It's really to bad that Kat couldn't be with us threw all this. Tre just has this look in his eyes all the time... It's kinda like he just doesn't care. Kinda like he's dead inside. I guess the only reason he hasn't killed himself is that little shinning hope that Kat will come home. I really don't think she will. I mean if not 10 years ago why now? Expect the unexpected I guess.

"MIKE!" Billie screamed into my ear.

"Yeah?" I said being pulled out of my thoughts.

"We have to go on NOW!" Tre screamed.

We ran to the stage and jumped into American Idiot. I was only on stage for about a minute before I noticed this amazingly beautiful woman in the frount of the crowd. She was jumping and screaming. Something was different about her though. I made my way over to Billie and pointed at her. His eyes got reallly wide. We both new it was her. I kept my eye on her for the rest of the show and I know Billie was doing the same. In Are We The Waiting Billie always pulls some girl onto the stage and sings to her. I knew what he was going to do. I only hoped it could work. He pointed at her and grabbed her hand. I could tell she was a little scared but she came up anyways. Billie wrapped his arms around her and whispered something into her ear. It looked like Tre had missed everything that had been going on. I really didn't want him to see either. I mean god knows what's going to happen when they see each other again. She stayed on stage for the rest of the song then ran back stage. I watched as one of our body guards led her down the long hallway. I don't think Billie and I have ever played so fast in our lives. Tre looked a little confused but kept up with us anyway. Finally Billie started Good Riddence and Tre and I ran off stage. Tre said he was gonna stay and watch Billie finsh the song. I said ok and ran... RAN... To our room. Kat was sitting on the couch looking reallly nervous. I hurried over and pulled her into my arms. She smile and began to cry. We just stood there and waited for Billie and Tre to come back. It was only about 5 mintues. We could here them comming down the hall. Billie was trying to make Tre hurry but it wasn't working. Kat started shakeing. I pushed her down onto the couch and told her no matter what.. She's not leaving this time. I watched the door knob slowly turn. Billie jumped in the door and ran over to Kat. The next thing I knew Kat screamed and Tre was on the floor.