You Can Tell Me Anything

No ***ing way..

*Kats POV*

I woke up in a cold sweat with no clue where I was. It was dark and warm. I could feel some ones arms around my waist. I screamed because I had no idea what was going on.

"Kat?" A familiar voice whispered.

"Holy shit Tre!?" I said loudly.

"What's going on?" He said

"Oh I have no idea... Where are we?" I asked calming down a little.

"We're on your trampoline... Silly." He said with a laugh "I guess we fell asleep."

Holy shit... It never happened... None of it ever happened... I sat up and pinched myself hard.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking slightly confused.

"Ooh nothing." I said

"All right then... "

He laid back down and shut his eyes. I thought about it and laid down next to him. I didn't go back to sleep though. I just sat there and thought about everything. That couldn't be a dream... It just couldn't. It all seemed too real. I mean sitting with Tre in the tree... His cutting... Him and Billie going to rehab... My and Mike getting that house... The wedding... My being raped... No it just can't be a dream. I decided to put my head down on his chest and just go back to sleep. I'd wake up and all this would be a stupid dream... I'll wake up in the house Mike and I bought... Everything will be ok again.

*Tre POV*

I woke up with Kat's head on my shoulder. First I thought she might have been sweating but it was kinda cool out since it's still so early... She was crying in her sleep. I didn't have the heart to wake her up but it looks like it's gonna rain so I better move her. I left the key to her house on my desk so I guess I'll just take her to my house. I gently lifted her and she instantly wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled it just seemed right. I carried her to my door and walked up the stairs to my room. I laid her back down on the bed. I thought about getting dressed and calling Mike and Billie but I didn't feel like it. Plus it's still like seven in the morning. I gave up on thinking of something better to do and just got in bed with her. She's cold... Really cold. I decided to pull up the blanket and pull her close. I turned and buried her head in my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I guess I never thought about loving her. Like boyfriend/girlfriend loving her. I think I might though. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice her open and eyes. She didn't move her head though. Or her hands from my waist. I just then noticed how intertwined we are. I smiled down at her. I kinda wanted to ask her why she'd been crying like if she'd had a bad dream or something.

"Kat... " I asked not looking at her.

"Yeah Tre?"

"You can tell me anything." I said still not looking at her.

"Ok." She said sounds a little confused.

"You know that right?"

"Yeah... Of course I do."

I finally got up the courage to look down at her witch was a really bad choice cause I could see right down her tank top. She leaned up and kissed me. I smiled and kissed her back. She pulled away and walked back to her house. I called Mike and we all made plans to go out to eat tonight. Maybe life will be worth living... I think I love her..