Peachtree Street

And It Feels

I twitch nervously in my dress, pulling at the white fabric. This was all happening so fast. One minute I’m running off to find Jon and tell him I love him and now I’m standing in a chapel across from him! I know I loved Jon but I’m not sure I’m ready for this, I’m not sure at all.

“Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?” the preacher turns to me.

I feel my mouth go dry, my hands are sweating profusely and I have to keep shifting the
flowers from one sticky palm to the other. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I do.”

“And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?”
Jon winks at me.

“I do.”

“By the powers invested in me by the state of Illinois and by Almighty God, I now pronounce you man and wife.”

Jon gives me a big smile, so proud, and so filled with love.

“I’m married!” Michelle screams at the top of her lungs, lunging at Joshie and giving him the kiss of a lifetime. Our friends and family applaud wildly, mixed with some laughs and a few cat calls.

I let out a shaky breath and take hold of Jon’s hand as we walk back down the aisle, trailing after the happy couple. “They certainly look pleased with themselves,” he tells me.

“I should hope so, Michelle’s only been carrying on about this wedding for the past six months non-stop!” Jenni complains from behind us.

“Let the poor girl be,” Britt snaps. “It’s her wedding and it’s her wedding day, she can do whatever the hell she wants.”

“You tell’em babe,” Aiden grabs his girlfriend’s ass.

“I saw that!” Jon hollers, turning around and pointing an accusing finger at his best friend.

“Cut it out!” I hiss, trying to hurry up the disorderly wedding party. “Everyone is staring at us!”

“They should! We are the most important and most famous people in the room now that Josh and Michelle have left,” Aiden puffs out his chest.

Britt smacks her arm into his stomach, “Down boy. As a matter of statistics, Deadly Playmates is defiantly moving into a top position above both Green is Envy and Weekend Warriors, so try to keep your overly inflated egos down until you smush the competition.”

“That’s my girl, always deflating someone’s bubble,” he grumbles.

“You should only be so lucky as to have me deflate your bubble! I’m the one that keeps you in touch with reality, if it was up to you, you would have moved out to California and starved because of lack of managing!”

“I know. I know. I love you,” he kisses her cheek sloppily.

“Hey! No public displays of affection from the peanut gallery ‘kay?” Eric requests, his arm wrapped snugly around Jenni’s waist.

“Why are we wearing white anyway?” Jenni asks, looking down at her beautiful bride’s maid gown.

“It’s not really white, it’s like some super soft tone of yellow, or at least that’s what Michelle tried to convince me,” I laugh.

“Let’s hurry up before the Limo takes off without us and they sell out of booze at the reception!” Jon picks up the pace, practically dragging me out of the church.

Once outside, the rest of our friends pile haphazardly into the sleek stretch limo. Michelle and Joshie stand in front of the church taking pictures with the photographer. Our crowd of family and friends come flying out of the church doors behind us, eager to begin through rice onto the euphoric couple.

“Come here,” Jon whispers in my ear, tugging on my hand gently. I follow him around to the side of the church. The sun is streaming down around us, a big willow tree stands a few feet away, looking ancient and wise. The ground is covered with yellow, pink, and purple daffodils. I take a deep breath, drinking in the sweet smell of the air.

“I love you Jon,” I tell my boyfriend, snuggling against his chest.

“That’s good,” he says nervously.

“So what’s back here that you want to show me?” I ask.

In slow motion I watch as Jon backs away, wiping his hands on his pants, his face pale. He begins to bend one leg under him, the other propping him up. He reaches into the pocket of his tux and pulls out a small box.

“Jasey Rae, will you marry me?”

I feel like I’m going to throw up and that would totally kill the romantic moment.

“I-uhm-uh-well-YES!” I hurl myself on top of him, knocking him to the ground and probably covering his rented tux with grass stains.

“Really?” his voice quivers.

“Really!” I take the box from him and stare at the gorgeous ring.

“Let me put it on you,” he offers. I hand the box back and hold out my left hand.

He slips the delicate ring on to my finger and pulls me back into a tight embrace. “I love you
with all my heart Jasey, I’m going to make sure that I’m always the perfect man for you, no matter what.”

“I love you too Jon. I love you!’ Tears slide down my cheeks. As we are enjoying each other’s company during this special moment, our friends form a circle around us.

“Ow Ow!” Aiden calls.

“That’a boy!” Eric hollers.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Michelle screams, rushing at me and detaching me from my hug with Jon. She squeezes me until I’m positive she’s going to stop my breathing. “I am SO happy for you! Finally!”

“Finally is right!” Josh agrees, helping Jon up from the ground. “We’ve only been waiting for this for the past ten years or so!”

“Finally,” I repeat. “Finally everything in my life is perfect. I couldn’t possibly be happier.” And it’s true.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who has been reading this story from the beginning. It has been one hell of a ride and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you again! Please feel free to check out my other stories =]
