Troubled Seas

The Faithful Bride

Once inside the rowdy bar, Katie’s lungs were bombarded with more smoke than she could have imagined possible. The strong smell of pure alcohol was enough to make her head spin. She had never been in a bar quite like this before.

“I don’t feel right Jack,” Katie’s world was spinning.

“Eh, you’ll get used to it,” Jack brushed off her worries. “This way Katie, see that man in the back? That’s Gibbs! Ah!! Gibbs!”

“Jack? Jack Sparrow what in the hell are you doing here mate?” Gibbs stood up, sloshing ale all over himself and the floor below him.

“I found me a new Lass and I couldn’t wait to show her off!” Jack thrust Katie in front of him, sending her wide skirts billowing.

“No Jack,” she hissed, trying to pull herself back into the safety that seemed to exist when she was in close proximity to Jack.

“Come come Love, Gibbs won’t bite,” Jack chuckled.

“Well take a look at her Jack! You caught yourself quite a lady, are you sure you’re not willing to share?” there was a nasty look in Gibbs eyes that worried Katie tremendously.

“Jack,” Katie whispered again, trying her hardest to lean into his warm strength.

“Control yourself Gibbs,” Jack laughed but there was a harsh tone to it that warned Gibbs he was quickly approaching dangerous territory.

“Fine fine Jack, I’ll leave her to you for now, until she comes crawling to me for better company,” the lewd look hadn’t left Gibbs eyes yet. “So what can I do for you mate?”

“Show him your painting Katie, be a good girl,” he nudged her in the back. “Go on,” he whispered close in her ear.

Kate slowly extended her arm to Gibbs, not comfortable with the situation.

“Where in the world did you get this little piece?” Gibbs asked astounded.

When Katie didn’t respond Jack spoke for her, “The Island of Anew. Her ship crashed out there and she was captured by the natives and given this little token of remembrance.”

“How kind,” Gibbs shook his greasy head in disgust. “Well Lass you just sit down, Jack get us a round of drinks, and I’ll tell you all I know about this symbol.”

Jack let out a rough laugh, “What makes you think I’m willing to buy you a drink when I have no guarantee you have any information that is worth my time?”

“Come on Jack,” Kate begged quietly, tugging with all her might on his sleeve. When he didn’t respond she placed her hand in his dirty one and gave him a swift tug. “Now Jack!”

Caught off guard by the sudden feel of her soft skin against his rough hands, Jack allowed himself to be towed toward the counter of the bar. “What’s wrong Love?”

“I don’t like that man Jack! I don’t trust him at all. Oh please don’t make us go back there and talk to him, anything but that Jack, anything! I don’t care what my symbol means as long as it keeps me far away from him!” Kate pleaded and it was the most helpless Jack had ever seen her.

“Shh Love, no need to get upset. Gibbs is the best man I’ve ever known… unless you count Will Turner, but that’s past now,” Jack waved off his last thought.

“No Jack, I’m begging you! Ask me anything, I’ll do it!”

“I’m too fond of you to take you up on that offer Katie, remember that. And now, with cups over flowing we are going to sit down and speak with Joshamee Gibbs about that interesting design on her wrist,” Jack scolded Kate. “Come,” this time Jack towed Kate with him back to the dark corner of the bar.

“Good man Jack! Or should I say good lady? It seems to me that you’re being led by your nose Jack, not the way I remember you,” Gibbs laughed heartily as his dirty paws snatched an ale from Jack.

“The symbol Gibbs…” Jack prodded.

“Show it to me again Lass.”

Kate once more extended her wrist to Gibbs and held her breath. This would be the most revealing moment of her life.
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I am sooo sorry it took me forever to update, but lately I've been focusing on trying to finish my story Peachtree Street, and getting a head start on Bullet Proof Thoughts. BUT none the less updates are here and I hope you enjoy them =]
