Troubled Seas

Ye Lie!

“As I’m sure Jack has told you, any ink on a lady ensures that they shall be treated no better than pirates and sometimes worse than that. This symbol provides you access to the seediest members of society and bars you from any glimmer of high society.

“But as for the symbol itself… Well this design has a much darker meaning than most. You’re in luck lass because most won’t ever recognize it. But if someone does? Yer in a heap of trouble mate.”

“What do you mean?” Jack growls dangerously. Kate looks at Jack in surprise, his reaction was almost…protective.

“Well Jack, what I mean to be saying is… This here lass has been marked by the tribe for sacrifice. Now that’s a powerful curse to be avoiding and many burdens come with it, if you believe in that sort of thing,” Gibbs explains.

“What kind of things?” Again it’s Jack who asks before Kate has a chance to say a word. She gives Jack a curious look but he refuses to meet her eyes.

“Simple kinds of things Jack. Maybe a leak in the ship, maybe a storm at the wrong time, maybe meat going rotten before it’s time. Little things like that, incidents you can brush off as coincidental when they aren’t at all,” Gibbs voice is edge with secrecy.

Kate watches Jack profile, hoping he won’t notice her small action. Jack’s left hand clenches into a fist. He slowly extends his five digits, but grips his leg strongly. And Kate knows. Knows that what Gibbs has revealed to her is not the whole story behind the tattoo.

Kate feels frightened, instinctively her tiny hand shoots out and grabs on to Jack’s. Kate blushes immediately but Jack doesn’t turn to her and give her a dirty look. Instead Jack stands up, pulling Kate with him.

“I think it’s time to get a room for you Katie, I don’t want you sleeping all day tomorrow when I plan to take you to find a new pair of breeches and such,” but Jack’s voice is devoid of his usual good humor and Kate knows something is very very wrong.

“Yes Cap’n,” Kate agrees meekly. She notices Jack give Gibbs and knowing look before they depart from the table. “I’m scared Jack,” she tugs on his hand, hoping he’ll pay attention to her.

“Not now Lass,” Jack hushes her. “Scarlet! My love,” he grins at a woman with outrageous orange hair and a bright red harlequin dress.

“Jack? Jack Sparrow! What in the devil are ye doin’ here?” Scarlet’s eyes glitter with excitement, but as her attention shifts to Kate, her eyes narrow. “Who are you?”

“This is my sister Kate, down girl Scarlet,” Jack laughs boisterously.

“Oh,” but Scarlet doesn’t look convinced. “Well what can I do ye for Jacky?”

Kate cringes at the nickname, it doesn’t sound like Jack to her at all. “Two things me love, two things. I need a room for a couple of days and I need a night on the town with you,” Jack caresses Scarlet’s left arm. Kate rips her hand from Jack’s grip and takes and angered step away from him.

Jack ignores Kate’s reaction, suddenly obsessed with the way Scarlet’s bosom rises with each breath. “That can be arranged love,” Scarlet’s smile is so wicked Kate knows her innocent mind has no business imaging the implication.

“Come,” Scarlet takes Jack’s hand in hers and tows him after her leaving Kate to fend for herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to mibba user Sookie Stackhouse who makes it so much fun to work on this story!
