Troubled Seas


As Kate watched Jack and Scarlet disappear desperation surged through her. Kate scoured the bar room, looking for the door out of the Faithful Bride but almost everything was hidden by the impenetrable veil of smoke. While trying to retrace her steps back to Gibbs table, Kate bumped into a rugged boy who looked about her age.

“Excuse me Miss, didn’t see ya there,” he bowed out of her way.

“Wait! Can you tell me where I can escape this wretched place?” Kate shouted to the stranger before he had a chance to disappear.

“Why? Is something wrong Miss?” the stranger stepped back to Kate and in the dim lighting of the bar, his face was illuminated. To Kate the rugged boy was an angel. His hair was golden and fell in soft curls about his face. His eyes were gray like a stormy sky and his lips were coral pink.

“Uh-uh,” Kate stuttered, feeling helpless while looking at his beautiful face. “I-I want to get away from all of the smoke.”

“Well of course! A beautiful maiden such as yourself shouldn’t be trapped in a hell hole like this,” his voice was smooth as glass. “Come with me.” The young man directed the way out of the bar.

“Oh thank you! How can I ever thank you,” Kate couldn’t help herself from gushing. She was charmed by the young man who seemed to have much more in common with her than Jack. This gentle man was young, he was refined, and he helped her out of that awful bar.

“Well Miss, that’s quite a tempting offer and I’m not sure it would be proper of me to take advantage of it,” he blushed coyly.

Kate’s heart soared. She had always been told love at first sight was the most romantic way to fall in love, and Kate now believed it must be true. “Why I don’t believe a gentleman like you would ever take advantage of a simple girl like me.”

“I don’t believe you’re simple at all Miss, I believe you know exactly what you are doing to my heart right this second,” he stepped bravely toward her.

A laugh bubbled forth from Kate, “How can I? I don’t even know your name.”

“The name’s Samuel, and yours Miss?”

“Kate,” her dimples shinned as she gave Samuel her brightest smile.

“Now that you have me right where you want me, what else can I do for you Kate?”

“I wouldn’t mind a tour of Tortuga if that’s possible,” she flicked her luscious hair over her shoulder.

“I’d be honored to accompany you around this dangerous place, a place no good lady has any business being,” Samuel was sure to point out.

“Then I guess I must be lost,” Kate laughed.

“I swear you are,” he laughed with her. Samuel extended his right forearm for Kate to hold onto with her dainty wrist.

And that was her only mistake.