Troubled Seas

Divvy Spoils

“What is that?” Samuel’s perfect golden eyebrows furrowed. Kate tried to snatch her wrist away but she wasn’t fast enough for the young man’s faster reflexes.

“It’s nothing Samuel, please let go,” her voice was cooly clam.

“It doesn’t look like nothing to me Kate,” his good graces were quickly fading. “T’would look to me like ye ain’t nearly as refined as the airs ye put on.”

“Let go,” she said more forcefully, “you’re hurting me.”

“I don’t think it matters much what I do with ya, that there symbol guarantees no harm will befall me even if I kill you,” the angel was gone, replaced by a terrifying demon.

“I said let go!” Kate could feel panic flooding through her. She tried to pull away from the man, tried to twist her wrist out of his reach, tried to kick him where it would really hurt, but it was all for null.

“No I don’t think I will ye wench, I think I’ll be taking ye home with me tonight, I’m sure a lass like you has much to teach me when it comes to the bedroom,” he was already dragging her away from the Faithful Bride, away from Jack and even away from Gibbs.

“Help!” Kate screamed, digging her heals into the muddy dirt that claimed to be a road.

A couple of passerby’s glanced at the struggling maiden with the ruggedly attractive man and laughed. Such a scene was not unusually on the roads of Tortuga, in fact it was more common than not.

“Please, don’t do this to me,” Kate lowered herself to pleading, something she strongly abhorred.

“Quiet Kate. I don’t want to hear any other scream from you until the doors are locked and the windows are open,” his laugh was dangerous.

“Excuse me mate?” a tall shape loomed out of the nearest alley.

“Mind your own business you scaly-wag! This one is mine, go find yer own,” Samuel growled.

“But I’m thinking this is my business mate,” the shadows voice wad deadly calm.

“What-“ But Samuel never got to finish his question. Jack reached forth from the shadows and grabbed Samuel by the throat.

“You see mate, this lass is mine, I’ve already claimed her. And I don’t plan on having scum like you touching her with your filthy hands. Now this isn’t personal or anything like that mate, I swear. It’s really just a matter of property and you took the wrong man’s woman,” Jack seethed with rage.

“I-so-rry,” Samuel tried to speak as his throat was being crushed.

“Good. Glad we have an understanding,” Jack threw Samuel from him like a filthy pet. “Come Katie,” Jack’s calloused hand wrapped around her wrist and with a powerful tug Kate was separated from the horrid Samuel.

“Oh Jack!” Kate cried with relief.

“Not a word from you,” he hissed. “We’re going to have a long talk when we get back to The Faithful Bride and after I’ve locked you in the room for the night. No more escapades for you,” his voice was very rough but Kate knew it was from worrying about her and not anger at her.

Kate felt safe and moved her body closer to Jack’s. He looked down at her, his face vexed with curiosity. In the pale light of the fading sun Jack tried to hide the first genuine smile he’d felt in years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to Sookie Stackhouse... because she makes me smile and makes it fun to work on this story =]
