Troubled Seas


“You’re locking me in here Jack?” Kate asked in mild outrage. Mild because after this evenings events she didn’t find the idea of being out and about in Tortuga that wonderful.

“After I get done yelling at you,” he frowned.

Kate looked around the room and felt her heart sink. Maybe becoming a pirate wasn’t exactly what she wanted after all. The room was a disaster, no other way to put it. The floor boards were filthy and hideously creaky. The walls, once a pristine white, were now dingy and board line yellow. Kate assumed this was a side effect of all the smoke. There was no furniture besides a crack mirror and a dresser with a missing leg. And the bed! The bed-

The single bed. The only bed. The bed made to accommodate two people. The bed she would be sharing with Jack tonight. Kate felt waves of panic washing over her, she was still a decent lady in her heart, it had never occurred to her that this adventure with Jack would change all of that. Steal it all away.

“I can’t sleep here!” She declared rather vehemently.

“What?” Jack puzzled.

“There’s only one bed,” she cried, her face flushing crimson.

“Of course there is love,” Jack said slowly, as Kate was a small child instead of a grown woman.

“You can’t expect me to share my bed with you,” Kate’s voice was hysterical.

“Katie,” Jack’s eyes darkened at this comment. “I’m not sharing that bed with you, I’m going to be sharing a bed with a beautiful wench.”

But Kate caught the hurt tone in his voice. Her eyes flashed to Jack’s, her heart beating wildly. “Don’t do that Jack.”

Jack sighed, exasperated. “I’m not sleeping on the damn floor Kate.”

“Of course not,” she flustered. “You’ll sleep with me Jack.” She felt sick as the words spilled from her perfect mouth.

Jack coughed and then out right laughed. “No precious pet, I shall not be sleeping in that bed with you Katie.”

“Why not?” Kate asked feeling relieved.

“Because I don’t want to be in bed with you Kate, I want to be in bed with a woman who can please me,” Jack stated this as a fact of life, but it cut Kate to the core. She was thankful she didn’t half to tatter her reputation for him, but his words… they were unusually cruel.

Kate’s eyes narrowed with anger, she felt and angry speech building within her, a speech about being able to please a man… She threw herself on the bed and let out a high pitched scream into the mattress. Kate was no hussy but for some reason she wanted to fight to keep Jack in her bed and her bed alone.

“Katie! Talk to me,” Jack pulled her off the bed and into his lap.

Tears of anger and confuses started to drip down her face. “Leave me alone!”

“Katie,” Jack whispered. He smoothed her hair down with his rough hand. “My Katie. Love, you aren’t ready to have me sleep next to you. Your still too pure Love, and I like you that way. So tonight you’re going to be alone in this room because that’s how it should be Katie.” He kissed her head.

Kate wrapped her arms around Jack and clung to him, “But I’m scared Jack! What if that horrible Samuel comes back?”

“Shh now Katie, I’ll be down the hall and if anything happens just scream. You’ve got a real good ear piercing scream about you. Comes in handy in times of need. But about this Samuel,” Jack turned to her and gave her the sternest look he could muster.

“You are not to go anywhere in this town without me at your side, do you understand that?” Kate nodded furiously. “Good. I don’t know what the devil possessed you to run away this afternoon but that shall not happen again. It cannot Katie, or you will end up tossed to Davey Jones Locker.”

“I don’t have much to say about your taste in friends, I’m surely not a good influence on you, but if you want to get away from me, you go to Gibbs and only Gibbs. He’s a trustworthy mate and I know he’ll do right by you.” Jack stated.

“Finally, I’m going back down to the bar and I’m going to get royally drunk and I’m not going to remember a thing in the morning, so sleep well Love,” he kissed Katie’s head again and stood.

“Be careful Jack,” Kate’s tone was testy. “I’m not going to go running all over this town looking for you. I’ll take that precious ship of yours and sail away.”

“I see you’re already keeping by the code,” Jack eyed her warily then smiled. “I’ll make a pirate of you yet Katie!”

On his way out, Jack slammed the door and Kate scurried over to lock it. She was still shaking from this evenings encounter with danger. Noticing a brown bottle on the ground Kate picked it up, unscrewed the cap, and took a sniff. It was awful. And the perfect solution for calming her nerves.

Katie lifted the vial solution to her lips and took a long sip. She coughed and sputtered and spit some of it out. She glared at her broken reflection in the mirror and rueful brought the bottle back to her mouth. If she was going to be Jack’s first hand mate, then she was going to need to learn how to drink and how to drink a lot.