Troubled Seas


Kate woke up groaning, in agony, and wanting to throw up everything in her stomach. She staggered from the bed and reached for the bucket sitting idly at her feet. She wondered momentarily how it had gotten there, but in the next instant she was puking from the bottom of her toes.

When it was all over Kate leaned against the uncomfortable bed and moaned. She would have vowed to never drink again if she thought it was at all practical. Instead Kate lifted herself from the floor and scrambled back into bed. Next to Jack.

Kate crawled over and collapsed on top of him. Jack let out a strangled noise before laughing into the blond hair that was covering his face. “How are you this morning Katie?”

“I want to sleep Jack,” she cried, burrowing her face into his shoulder.

Jack wrapped his arms around Kate, his fingers enjoying the feel of her silk under clothing. He breathed in Kate’s scent and was pleased to find that her normally lemon smell was tainted by the scent of rum. “You had quite a wild night last night didn’t you lass?”

“I don’t remember.” Kate enjoyed the feeling of Jack’s bare chest pressing up against her clothed one. She imagined the way it would feel to let her fingers trace the muscles that rippled beneath his brown skin. Kate flushed immediately and let out a girlish sigh.

“And presently you don’t care if I’m in your bed?” he asked curiously.

“I-I-“ she stuttered. Kate didn’t know why it suddenly didn’t matter to her if Jack was in her bed but she was being to dread the answer. “We didn’t… didn’t do anything improper last night, right?”

“Kate?” Jack sat up. She wrapped her legs around his narrow waist and continued to hold onto him. “You really don’t remember last night?”

“No…”she mumbled, feeling more mortified than she could stand.

Jack laughed and tried to pull Kate back from him so he could look in her face. Kate refused and tightened her grip around him. “Katie look at me Love,” he cooed.

Frowning, Kate moved her face a fraction of an inch so that she could just see the dark scruff that covered Jack’s jaw line. “I don’t think we should discuss this Jack… it wouldn’t be proper.”

“To hell with proper Katie! Late last night I stumbled in here drunker than the devil himself and found you giggling and pouring rum down your pretty throat. I put you in bed but you grabbed on to my leg and wouldn’t let me leave. I had an appointment with a rather fetching lady in red but I thought it might be better if I stayed and took care of you.

“But no Katie, we didn’t do anything that would tarnish you’re angel wings. You curled up beside me and snored the whole night. If I hadn’t passed out, I probably would have been unable to sleep,” Jack joked.

Kate pulled away from Jack and looked at him, sizing him up. Upon wild impulse and wild impulse only, she cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. A kiss that left Captain Jack Sparrow begging for more. But Kate stood up and pushed him back down on the bed.

“I’m not that kind of woman Captain Sparrow and if my memory serves me right, you promised to buy me new clothes today,” quick as that Kate was back to being the woman Jack both feared and fiercely admired…desired…admired.

“I thought you didn’t remember much of anything from yesterday Love,” Jack teased. He watched with fascination as a crimson blush crept up her neck and blossomed in her cheeks.

“I remember what is important, and it is vital that I get out of this dress and into an outfit that will enable me to move more freely,” Kate tried to round up the last of her pride.

“Well Love, I’m thinking you’re already out of your dress and that in those silky under clothes, you can move as freely as you please,” his voice was smoldering.

Kate dropped her gaze to her current state and let out a shameful scream. She grabbed her crumpled pink dress from the floor and pulled it over her head. “I hate you Jack Sparrow, I hate you!”

Jack felt his chest tighten and anger boil in his blood. He stood up from the bed and strode bare-chested over to Kate. He grabbed her roughly by the arm and yanked her around to face him. “You made a pact on the Black Pearl before we got here Kate, don’t ever forget that. You’re mine until the end of time. Mine and mine alone.” Jack grabbed her other arm and pulled her into him.

“One day I’m going to have all of you Kate Bellamu, every last piece of you,” Jack covered Kate’s mouth with a punishing kiss. At first she resisted, but still light headed from rum, Kate succumbed to the kiss and melted in his arms.

The kiss was hot and searing; it left Kate gasping for breath and weak in the knees. She closed her eyes and moved in for another kiss, poised and ready. But instead his hot mouth crushing against hers, Jack threw her from him, “Get dressed Bellamua, it’s time to make a true wench out of you!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhm... so yes this story is going to be a little more 'interesting' than I first planned, I hope that works for everyone... lol
