Troubled Seas

She's a Lass

“My brother’s a sailor for the British army and I’ve never seen him in a silly hat,” her voice was like honey, drawing him in when he knew it would only lead him to disaster.

“So what’s the sister of a sailor doing in a nasty hub like this?” Jack fixed her with a challenging stare.

She smiled at that, “Oh I come and go as I please, I’ve got bigger plans than a rundown pub.” She looked out the dingy windows at the brilliantly blue sea, it matched the color of her eyes. “Well I suppose I’ve wasted enough of your time.” She bowed slightly to Jack, “Keep the seas in peril Captain Sparrow.”

Jack stood up rather abruptly, if he hadn’t grabbed onto the edge of the table to keep it from over turning. “What did you call me?” he had to shout in hopes of being heard by the retreating beauty.

She turned to look coyly at Jack, a twinkle in her eyes that grabbed his heart and wouldn’t let go. She fluttered her fingers at him innocently and glided out the heavy front doors.

“Here you go Sir, nice and fresh,” the young girl in red sloshed beer all over the unclean table. “Oops!” She tripped and fell onto Jack forcing him to sit back down on the bench.

Jack tried to allow himself to be distracted by the youth that was so eager for his attentions. Yet, those glowing blue eyes and flowing blonde hair kept popping into his mind’s eye. As the girl attempted to kiss him sloppily on the mouth Jack pulled back and dumped her on the floor. “Sorry lass, I’ve got to be going.” He slammed down a few greasy coins and sauntered out into the fresh sea air.

He looked left then right, his eyes now searching the crowd, not scanning, for the lady who knew his name. He didn’t have to look far, she was sitting on the dock, staring longingly at a seacraft he knew only too well. Jack quickly moved toward her, hoping to catch her before she had the chance to runaway once more.

“It really is the most beautiful ship I’ve ever said,” there was a raw edge to her voice. “I’ve always wanted to roam the oceans blue, but my brother,” she laughed brittlely, “he said the ocean was no place for a maiden like me. ‘Totally improper, I wouldn’t have. You can’t go about trying to drag the family name through the dirt just to fulfill childish fantasies.’”

Jack listened in silent awe. It wasn’t everyday he had a beautiful mysterious lady pour her soul out to him; and never before had he been strangely interested in what she had to say. “I’ve loved that ship for as long as I can remember, I love it more than I love my own mother.” He sat down beside her, his eyes slipped down her rumpled pink skirt and followed her slim legs down to her dainty feet. They were bare and hanging listlessly over the edge of the water, they hovered just about the water’s surface, stretching but not quite reaching the icy depths.

“An honest pirate at best,” she spoke to him but her eyes remained attached to the Black Pearl. “How long did you struggle to regain your vessel?”

“Long enough to never lose it again,” he replied lightly. His hand absent mindedly went to his chest, through his shirt his fingers gently probed at a rather recent scar.