Troubled Seas


She lie awake, the moonlight pouring into the room through the square window. Katie rolled over to better see Jack’s face. His mouth was hanging open slightly and he was letting out soft snores.

Katie lifted her hand and began to trace the scars that lined his muscular chest. Jack wasn’t covered in cuts, but he did have several long scars that twisted and curved across his bare chest. Katie wondered if he would ever tell her how he got injured.

She got off the bed, careful not to wake Jack. She gathered her clothes off the floor and put them back on. She blushed remembering the wild night she’d shared with Jack. Shared it with him because this might be her last chance.

Katie tiptoed over to the window and peered out of it. Below Scarlet stood, waving up at her. Katie grabbed her cutlass and pistol and stole down the stairs, hoping no prying eyes would catch her escape.

“Are ye sure ‘bout this Katie?” Scarlet fretted.

“I don’t have a choice,” Katie’s face was like impassive stone.

“I think ye should tell Jack! He would understand and he’d probably help you,” Scarlet raised her voice.

“He already knows, and he’s going to do what he thinks best. It would make no difference if I begged him to see things my way.”

Scarlet sighed, “If yer sure.”

“I am,” Katie bobbed her head.

Scarlet handed her a dirty ripped map, “This’ll get ye around the island.” She handed Katie a second map, this one in even worse disrepair than the first. “And this’ll get ye…anywhere ye
need to go.” Scarlet left the phrase open ended in hopes of dissuading Katie from her quest.

“Thank you Scarlet,” Katie hugged the older woman closely.

“Of course! Anytime Katie, ye know that,” Scarlet whispered in the cool nights air. “Now hurry before Jack wakes up!”

Katie looked up at Jack’s window, she was very scared but also very determined. Katie fled into the cover of night, checking her map every couple of minutes to figure out her position. She needed to be on the other side of the island by day break or there was no hope of her getting off Tortuga.

The ship would stop there for an hour or two before taking off once more. The ship heading past Anew.

Katie figured that if she couldn’t stow away on the ship, she would make herself a useful necessity to the vessel. She had to do anything to get on that ship, it was the only way to try and save herself.

Jack’s behavior had tipped her off last night, Jack never went anywhere without dragging Katie along. And Gibbs, pacing nervously at the back of the tavern, not natural at all. Katie had been sure to press herself close to the wall, but Scarlet had noticed and kindly shown her a hidden back room where Katie’s eavesdropping wouldn’t be detected.

And Kathie had heard everything. Every terrifying word. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight but Katie knew Jack wouldn’t approve of her plan of action, so she had decided it was time for her to try something on her own.

The first whispers of morning came, a warm honey color spilling between the dark trees. Katie ran faster, her heart leaping out of her chest when she caught sight of the ship. She still had a mile or two to go, but Katie was on her way.